Authentication Providers 'greyed out' in sharepoint 2010 (enable anonymous access) - authentication

I am trying to config a sharepoint 2010 site for anonymous access. The tutorials I am following are:
And a few youtube videos.
I am stuck fast in a certain point. When I am told in Central Admin to click "Site Actions > Site Settings > Application Management > Manage Applications > SharePoint - 80" I do this. My next step is to click "Authentication Providers".
In my system this option is 'Greyed out' and not selectable. I also try to click "Anonymous Policy". The options in this section are also not selectable.
Is there further config needed? Can anyone suggest a possible solution? or link an article with the solution? The mix videos leave this config out.
Thanks in advance

Here is the solution:
I went a different way and basically opened every option related to security / perms / anon.
I ended up from central administration clicking "Security > Specify Authentication Provider > Default"
I was then able to allow anon access. The correct options have appeared to the site collection administrator.

In case you're using Windows 8 ensure that the browser you're using for the update is running in admin mode.
Otherwise just open another instance by "Run as administrator".
Good luck!

Try using Internet Explorer.
I had the same problem when using Firefox 3.6.8, but not in IE 8.
Also don't forget to open Internet Explorer with elevated administrator privileges.

I logged on as the local administrator on the box and the button was enabled, but when I tried to save, it error'ed out.
I created a new web application, and successfully made it anon, and was then able to make the original one anon too - no more error.

The quickest thing to verify: when opening up Central Administration in IE, ensure that you run it 'as administrator'
If you do, then no items like the authentication provider options on the ribbon will be disabled.


Git authentication not opening VSCode as "other user"

To set the scene: I work in a highly restricted SOE. I can only sign in as a standard user, but have administrative access through "Run as other user" or "Run as administrator".
When trying to setup GitHub access, VSCode running as administrator opens an authentication window in a browser that then wants to re-open VSCode. The issue is, reopening VSCode in this manner only opens as the standard user, not running as administrator. This happens connected to the internet through the work network, and via hotspot.
I am NOT permitted to sign-in directly as administrator.
My colleague has told me there used to be a way to sign in by copying and pasting a token directly into VSCode, but this appears to no longer be an option.
Is there another way to authenticate GitHub with VSCode, other than the web-based sign-in?
I was able to work around this some time ago by getting a Personal Access Token working.
The environment I'm forced to work in made even this difficult, but got there eventually.

Bixby Developer Studio keeps asking me to login

When I first launched Bixby Developer Studio, it greeted me with a startup screen with a Login button. I clicked on it and it opened a login page in my browser. I logged in that page using my Samsung developer account. The login was successful and a pop-up appeared asking me if I will allow the page to launch Developer Studio (which was already open at that point). I allowed it, but nothing happened; Developer Studio was still showing the startup screen.
I restarted the application but it again showed me that startup screen with the login button. If I click on the login button, it will just take me again to the login page in the browser. And then nothing would happen if I login again.
I'd suggest verifying if your browser is configured to accept cookies. If that information is verified and the problem still exists, there might be additional information in the ide.log file that can provide more insight
To get that information, follow these steps:
Note the time when you begin the next steps.
Go through the login process until you hit the point of failure.
From the IDE menu, click on Help -> Create Diagnostics Report. This
will popup a dialog that will point you to the location of the
diagnostics report, by default this location is
Unzip the diagnostics report and look at the ide.log file for any
errors at the time of login.
Feel free to post the errors here or if you prefer, you can open a ticket with Bixby Support too.
There are a couple of points you could work on here -
In this case, I suggest you to keep the browser open in the background while clicking on the login button. I was facing the same issue and somehow it worked for me like this. This has been an issue on a Windows machine. On a Mac this problem is not faced till now.
You could restart the Bixby studio itself for logging in again.
Also, I suggest removing the browser cookies as told by shahnawaz above.
Do let us know if this still persists !
Thank you all for your suggestions. For some reason, it just started working right after I received dozens of Windows updates (it's been a few days since I logged in to my Windows account as I have been using Linux; I rarely use my Windows account now and I wish Bixby Studio was available in Linux too). So, I actually haven't tried any of your suggestions yet. Thanks again, anyways!

First Time Trying to Edit a SharePoint File

This is my first time trying to edit a sharepoint file. It is used as a list of links in an iframe on a web site on another server. But this has nothing to do with the problem. I have been asked to modify the list of links and I just want to get to it and do it. But however one does this, it does not seem very intuative to me.
Let me tell you the steps I have taken and how things go wrong and maybe I can get some advice. The sharepoint file is on a server that I log into remotely. I run the "Sharepoint 2010 Central Administration". On the page that comes up, I click on "Manage web applications" under "Application Management".
From there, I see the page I want to edit. But when I click on the name of the item (which appears in red text) the area is hilighted but nothing happens. In the ribbon menu at the top of the page there is a drop down entitled "Site Actions" but there is no option there to "edit". Please advice.
I was given a username and password to "log in" because I was told I need that. The idea was that maybe I need a special admin account to see the missing menu options to edit a page. But at first I could not use it to log on to the server where the sharepoint system is. Then I found that I could try to use it to log onto the "Sharepoint 2010 Central Administration" program. But this did not work.
Then I tried to see if there was anything I could so from the desktop computer. I found "Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010"
I tried this and it looked promising"
But then eventhough I could see the file name, I could not edit the file:
I went back to the server and tried a few other things. I tried to switch my account in the Central Adminstration to this special account that someone suggested had more privledges but it did not work. The error said "Error: Access Denied". I tried putting the web page in the address bar and that just brought up the page without any way of editing it.
Please advise.
Central Administration is not meant for content editting. That is the core of SharePoint with all kind of configuration options.
You have to create a web application for content editting and create a site collection there. In that site collection you can edit the page, add webparts, etc. In your case you can try a Publishing Portal template for your site collection and add a content editor webpart. In that content editor webpart you can put HTML for your iframe.

Error Trying to Save from Excel to Sharepoint Library

I am trying to save an Excel 2010 file to a Sahrepoint 2010 document library but keep getting the error:
"You can't open this location using this program. Please try a different location"
Googling this suggests enabling "Desktop Experience" on the server which I have done. All Excel services are activated.
Has anyone come across this and been able to resolve successfully? I am wondering if this is more security related but the security set-up looks fine.
Any suggestions?
I think that there are potentially a couple of things that could solve this problem depending on your set-up.
You are right that a lot of internet advice is to enable desktop experience, but if you are not running on the server or if you have already done this then one of the suggestions below could help.
This is only for dev environments however.
If you are running on the server and trying to use your app as admin then configuring IE ESC to turn off enhanced security for Admins should help
If you are running off server and have the issue and do not want to turn off IE ESC (on the server) for users then you need to enable a mechanism to allow auto-logon, either through integrated security (i.e. you are part of the domain), accessing through an anon web-site port on your SharePoint app (set-up anon web access in SharePoint) or set up and store a WebDav link and use that as the open/save URL.
My (unconfirmed) theory is that there is some auto-login going on in the background that hinders a streamlined office integration. Most of the time, SharePoint will be set up with Kerberos (not NTLM) or be in anon mode so enabling desktop experience if running on the server will be the best first step to try.
Hope this helps.
The problem is that the full path to the file is too long.
I had this problem with a PowerPoint presentation. The full path to the file was over 275 characters. When I shortened the file name to bring the full path under 250 characters, I was able to open the file normally.

Integrated Windows Authentication showing wrong loggedin user

I have an 2.0 application running on IIS 6.0. I am using Integrated Windows Authentication. Some users have two network accounts, a personal account and an administrative account. The problem I am facing is that sometimes when they are logged in on the client side using their personal accounts, the logged in user appears at the server side as the admin account. I am retrieving the logged in user network id using System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name.
I suspect that their admin credentials are being cached somewhere and passed instead.
I had exactly this same problem. The web site was seeing me authenticate as my admin account even though I was logged in as my personal account.
It turns out that in Windows you can associate specific user names and passwords with particular sites. Once that is done, the integrated authentication through IE (and Chrome!) always uses those credentials. And, to make things easy, there is no obvious way to get to those settings through Internet Explorer's settings or options.
To fix your issue on Windows XP:
Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, User Accounts.
Click the Advanced tab.
Click Manage Passwords.
Find the entry in the list the corresponds to the site(s) where you're seeing this behavior. Remove it.
Credit where credit is due: This answer was taken almost word-for-word from an unnamed "Junior Member" at ObjectMix.
For Windows 7, use "Control Panel/Credential Manager" (also available via "Control Panel/User Accounts/Manage Your Credentials"). This lists all cached credentials, and lets you easily delete the ones which are causing problems.
When you use Remote Desktop to connect to a server and save your login credentials, it doesn't only save them for remote desktop, it also uses them for connecting through IE and, apparently, Chrome.
This is an old issue, and still valid. I just found if you save credentials while using mstsc (Remote Desktop), and try to use Integrated Windows Auth against any site that is CNAMEd to that server, it will use the saved credentials. Those will be the ones you need to delete.
My PC is locked down at work and IT have removed Credential Manager from the menu in Control Panel.
I was able to get around this by running cmdkey /list from the command line. In the list of "Currently stored credentials" I located the offending hostname and ran cmdkey /delete:[hostname] (no sq. brackets and replace hostname with your host), which fixed the issue for me.
According to this site, rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr will bring up the dialog to do this as well.
Some background info: