SQL query to remove left and right characters in a field - sql

I have a sql field that i need to edit out characters on the left and right.
The table name is: cdr
The field name is: dstchannel
The dstchannel field shows the following data: Local/872#from-internal-6acb,1
I just the need the 872 as output
The field always has the same amount of data, so the 872 will be constaint on its position.
How would I go about writing a sql query for mysql?
If I have another query that I want to include this into, how would I do that?
Thank you

Assuming the number is always 3 characters in length:
SUBSTRING(dstchannel, 7, 3) AS x
FROM cdr
If the length of the number is variable, you'll need to look for the '#'. In T-SQL (SQL Server), you can use CHARINDEX:
SUBSTRING(dstchannel, 7, CHARINDEX('#', dstchannel, 7) - 7) AS x
FROM cdr

If the delimiters are always '/' and '#':
select substring(dstchannel,
locate('/', dstchannel) + 1,
locate('#', dstchannel) - locate('/', dstchannel) - 1);


Date is not displaying correct with substr & like query

I am trying to get this out out,
but i am experiencing that the substr i am using is incorrect ,
For an example , all my columns are displaying
some of which has more character so in order for me to get the exact date in the column is inconsistent if i am using subsring
some will return 20191230
but some will return _2020123
How do we tackle this problem ?
i am trying to display only data , this is using sql language or hue ,
when i input my script in ,
select SUBSTR(input_file_name, LENGTH(input_file_name) - 44, 9) from th_ingestion_status limit 100
i feel my script for Like and substr statement is incorrect
I you want the first sequence of 8 digits surrounded by underscores, use regexp_extract():
select regexp_extract(filename, '_([0-9]{8})_', 1)
If you need this after the last /, then:
select regexp_extract(filename, '_([0-9]{8})_[^/]*$', 1)
Please use below query, also please mention the database you are using, so that can provide relevant query
substr(column_name, instr(column_name, '_', 1, 2) +1, 6)
Oracle Test Case:
select 'hdfs://asdasda/asdas/fdsfdsfd/received_files/asdasd_20191231_11122333_123456789_CO.dat', substr('hdfs://asdasda/asdas/fdsfdsfd/received_files/asdasd_20191231_11122333_123456789_CO.dat', instr('hdfs://asdasda/asdas/fdsfdsfd/received_files/asdasd_20191231_11122333_123456789_CO.dat', '_', 1, 2) +1, 6)
from dual;

SQL QUERY to bring last letter in a string to first letter position using SQL Server

I have a column called Supervisor from a table JobData in a SQL Server database. In this Supervisor column the records are of the format below.
I want to convert these records to lower case and bring the last letter to first letter. For example, DANNYL should be changed to the format ldanny and this format should be applied to all the remaining records.
Can anyone help me out with a SQL query for this?
You can use the following solution using LEFT and RIGHT to get the parts of the name. By using LOWER you can convert the upper case characters to lower case:
SELECT LOWER(RIGHT(Supervisor, 1) + LEFT(Supervisor, LEN(Supervisor) - 1))
FROM JobData
WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(Supervisor)) <> ''
-- or using ABS on the length - 1 so the WHERE isn't needed.
SELECT LOWER(RIGHT(Supervisor, 1) + LEFT(Supervisor, ABS(LEN(Supervisor) - 1)))
FROM JobData
Since it looks like the column Supervisor contains empty values you can also use the following solution without calculation and not failing on the empty values:
SELECT LOWER(RIGHT(Supervisor, 1) + REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE(Supervisor), 2, LEN(Supervisor))))
FROM JobData
... and another possibility using STUFF:
SELECT LOWER(LEFT(STUFF(Supervisor, 1, 0, RIGHT(Supervisor, 1)), LEN(Supervisor)))
FROM JobData
demo on dbfiddle.uk
there is probably a better way do to that , but here is my proposition.
SELECT lower(left(right('DANYL',1)+'DANYL',len('DANYL')))
Using SUBSTRING you can get the expected result:
SELECT LOWER(CONCAT(SUBSTRING(Supervisor, LEN(Supervisor), 1), SUBSTRING(Supervisor, 0, LEN(Supervisor))))
FROM JobData
Demo with the given sample data:
DECLARE #JobData TABLE (Supervisor VARCHAR(100));
INSERT INTO #JobData (Supervisor) VALUES
SELECT LOWER(CONCAT(SUBSTRING(Supervisor, LEN(Supervisor), 1), SUBSTRING(Supervisor, 0, LEN(Supervisor)))) AS Supervisor
FROM #JobData
Like this? :
LOWER(CONCAT(SUBSTRING([Supervisor], LEN([Supervisor]), 1),SUBSTRING([Supervisor], 1, ABS(LEN([Supervisor])-1))))

How can I extract part of a string with different lengths and insert it into a table?

I uploaded some data from excel sheet to a table in sql , I would like to use part of the string that I inserted into the column PPRName and insert into another table [Verify].
The data in the column when inserted looks like this:
August 2018 [ NW: Construction MTP021 - Building and Civil Construction: Masonry NQF 3 ]
I want to insert this part of the string :
NW: Construction MTP021 - Building and Civil Construction: Masonry NQF 3
into another table [Verify] for every PPR Name in the PPRName column. The names of the PPRs vary in length but all come in same format.
I would also like to extract the August 2018 and cast it as a date and insert into my table [Verify].
I am not sure how to use Charindex and Substrings to achieve this.
i tried this but no data was returned
select SUBSTRING([PPR_Caption],charindex('[',[PPR_Caption]),charindex([PPR_Caption],']'))
FROM [dbo].[PPRS]
You incorrectly use the 2nd CHARINDEX and you incorrectly use the SUBSTRING commands.
SELECT SUBSTRING(PPR_Caption, CHARINDEX("[", PPR_Caption) + 1, CHARINDEX("]", PPR_Caption) - CHARINDEX("[", PPR_Caption) - 1)
SUBSTRING uses a start and a lenght, not the start and end point. To get the length use your end point and substract the start point (and correct the 1 position offset with -1).
In your 2nd CHARINDEX you switched the string to search in and the string to look for.
String operations like this are cumbersome in SQL Server.
Try this:
select replace(v2.str_rest, ' ]', '') as name, cast(str_start as date) as dte
from (values ('August 2018 [ NW: Construction MTP021 - Building and Civil Construction: Masonry NQF 3 ]')
) v(str) cross apply
(values (stuff(v.str, 1, charindex('[', str) + 1, ''), substring(v.str, 1, charindex('[', str) -1))
) v2(str_rest, str_start);
SQL Server is pretty good about guessing formats for converting dates, so it will actually convert the date without the day of the month.

get last _ position values in sql server

Hi I have one doubt in sql server .
how to get first position to right side specific character position.
table : empfiles
I want output like below:
I tried like below :
select SUBSTRING(filename,1,CHARINDEX('2',filename) - 1) as filename from empfiles
above query is not given expected result please tell me how to write query to achive this task in sql server .
If last position has always numeric values then you can use patindex():
select *, substring(filename, 1, patindex('%[0-9]%', filename)-2) as NewFile
from empfiles e;
If you want to get characters after than _ to right sight of string then you can use combo to reverse() and substring()
select *,
reverse(substring(reverse(filename),charindex('_', reverse(filename))+1, len(filename)))
from empfiles e;
Another way is to use reverse in combination with STUFF.
create table f(filename nvarchar(100));
insert into f values
from f
Try This
SELECT [filename],
SUBSTRING([filename],0,PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',[filename])-1) AS ExpectedResult
FROM #Data
filename ExpectedResult
ab_re_uk_u_20101001 ab_re_uk_u
ax_by_us_19991001 ax_by_us
abc_20181002 abc
Well, obviously the last position value is a date, and the format is YYYYMMDD so its 8 characters, plus, added by underscore character, so that makes its 9 character.
Assumed by the above statement applied, the following logic of the query should work
SELECT SUBSTRING(ColumnText, 1, LEN(ColumnText) - 9)
Which means, only display characters from character position 1, to character position LEN - 9, which LEN is the length of characters, and 9 is the last 9 digit of number to be removed
Try with this ..
select [filename],SUBSTRING([filename],1,PATINDEX('%_[0-9]%',[filename])-1) from empfiles
Individual Select records
SELECT SUBSTRING('ab_re_uk_u_20101001',1,PATINDEX('%_[0-9]%','ab_re_uk_u_20101001')-1)
SELECT SUBSTRING('ax_by_us_19991001',1,PATINDEX('%_[0-9]%','ax_by_us_19991001')-1)
SELECT SUBSTRING('abc_20181002',1,PATINDEX('%_[0-9]%','abc_20181002')-1)

Select Where Like regular expression

I need to create a SQL Query.
This query need to select from a table where a column contains regular expression.
For example, I have those values:
TABLE test (name)
I want to select all the data who have "HRT" after 1 char (value 1, 2 and 3 - Values who looks like "-HRT---") but not those who might have "HRT" after 1 char (value 5).
So I'm not sure how to do it because a simple
FROM test
will return value 1, 2, 3 and 5.
Sorry if I'm not really clear with what I want/need.
You can also change the pattern. Instead of using % which means zero-or-more anything, you can use _ which means exactly one.
SELECT * FROM test WHERE name like '_HRT%';
You can use substring.
SELECT * FROM test WHERE substring(name from 2 for 3) = 'HRT'
Are the names always 7 letters? Do:
SELECT substring (2, 4, field) from sometable
That will just select the 2-4th characters and then you can use like "%HRT"