EXECUTE permission denied subtext_GetBlogStats after fresh install - subtext

I have just installed a fresh instance of SubText via the Web installer, I can open the new site up, login to the http:///HostAdmin no problem, but when I login to http:///Admin I get the error:
The EXECUTE permission was denied on
the object 'subtext_GetBlogStats',
database 'subtext', schema 'dbo'.
I could just open the database up to allow the user to have all permissions, but that's kinda crappy, I could add the permission to the single stored procedure, but then I don't know what other permissions might not be set right.
What database permissions should have been set for a correct subtext installation?
I'm not exactly sure if this should be asked here, on serverfault.com or on webapps.stackexchange.com, so sorry if it's in the wrong place.

I'm Simone, member of the subtext team.
I know this problem happens from time to time.
The SQL Script that grants permission to the SPs is correct, and in fact most of the times the permissions are set correctly.
Setting the permissions to that SP will fix your problem.
Let me know if you have any other problem


Trying to add image in SQL Server

I am trying add a photo in the SQL Management Studio 2018. But it tells to use bulk load statement. On the Stackoverflow I saw some steps that may help me. It was recommended to go to the login->security->properties and activate 'bulkadmin'. This operation failed saying that it is not enough permission.
If you are trying to grant the bulkadmin Server Role to a Login, the login you are using to make this change will need to either have CONTROL permissions on the Login, or the ALTER ANY LOGIN permission on the SQL Server itself.
The easiest solution if possible would be for your own Login to be granted the sysadmin Server Role by another Login with the necessary permissions to do this.
More information about Server-Level Roles from Microsoft here.

Error in Connection Testing in Mule Database connector

I am trying to connect mysql database with mulesoft database connector, but it is giving error while I do test Connection. I am not able to figure out what is wrong I am doing. Could you please put me in right direction?
Please ask for more information you need from me.
The problem you are facing is not because of Mule component.There may be several other reasons at MySQL side.
As you can see that your credentials are processed by MySQL however denied.This suggests that the problem may not be directly
related with credentials because if credentials were wrong the error would have been different then denied.
When credentials are denied, the problem is mostly related with:
Permission issue - Solution >> Grant permission to use "db_name" from "Localhost"
Your connection string looks fine but sometimes string encoding result this error
Some installed components are interfering with MySql -> Check the components installation
LOCALHOST and "machine name" aren't the same to MySQL.
I'd check from the command line that you can connect to localhost:
mysql --user=<user_name> --password db_name
Enter password: your_password
If it fails, connect and run this with the appropriate permissions:
create user db_name#localhost identified by 'db_name';
grant select on <user_name>.* to db_name#localhost;
Never mind :) I found the solution although did not find what the problem was only suspecting that the root was not having any schema privileges ( as shown by MySQL Workbench GUI).
Earlier I was using command line with which I am not well versed; after struggling a little I downloaded MySQL workbench and added one more user with all administrative and schema privileges and used that to connect with Database connector and God Damn!! it's working.

SQL Server Reporting Services - permission always denied

Right, when I logged in using a domain account for my database on the SQL Server Reporting Services, it worked absolutely fine, however on another machine I have entered the wrong password by accident and now it will not let me log in again. I've tried clearing the internet cache, stored passwords etc... and still no luck. So currently I am locked out of the report server on a machine.
Is there a way to make it forget so I can login from scratch?
Cheers for any help
The permissions granted for user 'domain\username' are insufficient
for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)
I know they are not insufficient as I use my account on another machine no issues.
Try a different browser first. If that doesn't work, try clearing the stored passwords off your system.
You can refer this.
the login and password works, that's not the issue. please open internet explorer as an administrator (right-click, run as administrator), open http://localhost/Reports/ and check under "site settings" on the top right corner that the permissions are set correctly.

Sql Server grant permission for sp_grantdbaccess on a newly restored DB

I am unable to grant access to a newly restored database using sp_grantdbaccess. I am trying to do this via dynamic sql like below.
DECLARE #grant_access nvarchar(500)
SET #grant_access = 'EXEC ' + #new_db_name + '.dbo.sp_grantdbaccess ''IIS APPPOOL\myApp'''
EXEC sp_executesql #grant_access
I get the below error back trying to run this from a sproc. Any ideas on how I can grant permission for the app to call sp_grantdbaccess etc? I guess I am needing permission to give permission...
Error restore_backup restore_new_configDBThe server principal "IIS
APPPOOL\myApp" is not able to access the database "new_db_name" under
the current security context
Based on the error message it looks like you are trying to grant access to IIS APPPOOL\myApp using the security context IIS APPPOOL\myApp, but IIS APPPOOL\myApp doesn't have the access rights to the db to grant access rights to itself. I think this is akin to me trying to grant myself access to my neighbors house, but I don't have any authority to do so.
Depending on what type of security policies you are working under, I would either run the app pool under an account that has the greater privileges through integrated auth (but this might negate your need to grant privileges), or execute these SQL statements using a local SQL account with the necessary privileges to the database. In these cases, it would be like asking my neighbor (elevated access) to let me (IIS APPPOOL\myApp) in.
If you think it should work because IIS APPPOOL\myApp had access to the DB prior to being backed up, could this be a problem with IIS APPPOOL\myApp being an orphaned user? See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms175475.aspx But with this case, you still might run into the above scenario trying to fix the orphaned user.

oracle sql developer- ora-12514 error

im using oracle sql developer to make my database, but now i stopped to work.
it wrote this:
An error was encountered performing the requested operation:
Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12514,
TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect
Vendor code 12514
i also tried to make new connection but it didnt help
pls help me,i dont know what to do, i need this to do my homework
when i tried to change connection it wrote this:
An error was encountered performing the requested operation:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
01031. 00000 - "insufficient privileges"
*Cause: An attempt was made to change the current username or password
without the appropriate privilege. This error also occurs if
attempting to install a database without the necessary operating
system privileges.
When Trusted Oracle is configure in DBMS MAC, this error may occur
if the user was granted the necessary privilege at a higher label
than the current login.
*Action: Ask the database administrator to perform the operation or grant
the required privileges.
For Trusted Oracle users getting this error although granted the
the appropriate privilege at a higher label, ask the database
administrator to regrant the privilege at the appropriate label. Vendor code 1031
Please check the services are running:
OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener and OracleServiceORCL.
You're going to have to do some troubleshooting; Here are a couple of suggestions:
ORA-12514 Tips
ORA-12514 TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
How to resolve error: ORA-12514
The service name ,you are using should be in sid column and not in service name entry box.
For example, the service name provided for you is overflow,you have to mention it in
Sid : overflow
Service : leave blank
Test the connection
Go to Services
check whether the "ORACLEServiceORCL" is running or not.
if not running then right-click on it and click start.
Your problem may solve this.
Happy coding :D
This worked for me- Close your SQL Developer and launch again.
I had the same issue after restarting my PC and could not access my local database. This fixed it.
Go to Run > services.msc > Services (Local) > OracleService
Right-click on OracleService > Properties > Log On
Make sure Local System Account is checked then press OK.
Stop the OracleService and restart it. It should be working now.
Mine was working fine till last night but this morning I found the said problem. I checked OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener and OracleServiceORCL was running and in "Started" status but still issue was there.
Just restarting both the services solved my issue. I suggest just try this once to save your time before exploring other solutions.