How much money an e-commerce is making [closed] - e-commerce

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I am very curious to find out how much money an e-commerce company is making.
Is there a way or ways to find this out (apart from ?

It is going to depend on if the company is public or private. Obviously with public companies, their earnings/profits are published each quarter. There are also many other metrics which show how well a public company is doing (ie. stocks, dividends). This information is available from a number of places. Private companies are a bit different, as they really don't need to tell you much. One can usually infer how well they are doing to a certain degree, however this has no guarantee of being accurate.
Disclaimer: I'm a developer, not an econ or business major :)

Not sure if this is a stackoverflow question but if they are publicly traded they have to submit forms to the sec and provide them to you upon request so you can go that route. If not then you might just be out of luck.


What is better in Google Cloud? Projects or Instance of vm for every customers? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm a web developer and mobile applications. I have several clients which I manage in a hosting service with whm panel. Now I want to start using Google Cloud. My question is whether it is better to create a project for each client or to create a single project with a lot of space and there to store all the pages and databases. Please help me with this because I do not know what is the best practice
From my experience,
If your customer pays a fixed price for hosting it does not matter.
If you charge "pay as you go" then a separate project is the only way you can know how much exactly to charge.
Like Ken says, it is very difficult to predict your needs with so little information. One point to keep in mind: if you ever plan to turn over ownership of the project to the client, then having a separate project for each client will make life so much easier.

To what extent can buying/selling shares be computerised? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Out of interest, how far can buying and selling shares be made automatic? How far do you think it can go? And what would you need to do it?
Very far.
There are real computers performing fully automated trades as we type.
I'd take a look at some trading APIs provided by E*TRADE or something similar. You can use virtually any language to call the API and execute trades, get quotes, and generate strategic algorithms.
However, a fair warning, unless you are a large corporation with lots of money to burn you need to be careful as a homegrown algorithmic trading system can be very dangerous.
I believe something like 70% of all trades on the market today are placed by computer systems automatically and not by people. It makes it harder for smaller individuals to compete because we simply don't have the financial resources to purchase the power and speed we need to compete.
Jeffrey Pry

How can I enable anonymous posting in OSQA? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am wondering about how to enable anonymous posting of question and answer in a OSQA website, like does. If OSQA does not support this feature yet, can you please give me a short brief on how can I implement a such feature like that?
Currently users, that are not authenticated cannot ask questions, post comments and answers. Actually the whole concept of Q&A community is based on user authorization. Just try to imagine a "community" where the one who asks is unknown (or call him a guest, if you like), and the ones who answer and comment are also unknown users.
Personally I don't think that the registration process is painful. Actually it's maximally simplified and users can get registered in less than a minute. Anyway, will be glad to hear how you think it can be improved.

Is pac-man still protected by copyright? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I am planning to write and distribute a pac-man like game. So I would like to know if It is still protected by copyright.
Can I use the word pacman in the title? What are the limits that I will have?
PS. I can conclude from the first answers that I can't use the name and may be a very similar art work. If I keep that in mind, will I have any trouble. And I don't want to do something unethical, is it unethical to write a pac-man like game? I see tons of them on the internet.
It's a matter of trademarks, not copyright. Trademarks don't run out, though they must be continually used. I'm pretty sure Pacman would be considered to be in use, as it's a very well-known brand.
So you'll have to use a different name.
A visit to Namco will show you they are still actively promoting it by porting it to new platforms, as well as continuing to develop it as a franchise.
So the answer is: No. No. Also, no.
I think no??? since this is game we are seeing since childhood so , you cannot use its name. And its the most popular game in world, just like mario, tetris etc. So better dont use names that exists from decades instead use some other similiar type names, if you want.

Is a captcha enough to enforce multiple failed login attempts? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Before I go crazy and try to script a way to lock folks out of their accounts on multiple failed attempts, is a captcha ideal? I've seen several sites that do this, but wasn't sure how effective it would be. Granted, if a human is indeed trying to "hack" into someone else's account, I would think blocking access for a few minnutes would be much better than having them input some random obscure characters.
CAPTCHAs are a common solution. They're rarely ideal.
One suggestion: Offer x chances (say 3) at which point you lock the account and then require some sort of email validation to unlock.
Otherwise, I think giving 1 or 2 freebie chances is fine and then switching over to a CAPTCHA'd login is acceptable.
If you aren't having spambot problems, CAPTCHA's are rarely a good solution. They are just annoying. I agree with DA's email verification idea.