How to delay user login until RunOnce is completed? [Win XP] - authentication

Currently I have an application that runs at startup when a user log's in to the account (administrative), as well as something under HKLM...\Run which is also executed - but I need to run something once and BEFORE both these things are executed.
My solution was to use HKLM...\RunOnce which is executed before the HKLM...\Run but the task can take 30-45 seconds which gives enough time for the user Startup to be executed and launch the application prematurely.
I thought of maybe including a SLEEP but RunOnce doesn't block the user account load... Then I considered the group policies but they do not have a RunOnce equivalent that I can use... Also I am not sure if Group Policy is run at the right time (never used it before).
Is there anyway to make my RunOnce delay the account startup of my application, or a better place where I can execute it before both HKLM...\Run and user Startup? Or any recommended alternatives?
Any ideas or help would be much appreciated...

Do you actually need to delay user login or you just need to delay the secondary applications? Assuming the latter you can use a Mutex to synchronize the separate processes. The first can declare and acquire a named mutex. The later processes can block wait on the mutex.



I need to have a specific process(method) run once a day at a given time and was wondering if this can be done using the timer control.
As has been stated, if your process isn't already running, then use Task Scheduler to handle this for you.
However, if you have some background service or something already running, then use a timer, and have it check the system time. Timers are not necessarily accurate, and after a day's worth of running, I would expect them to be way off.
Set up a timer with an interval of 3000ms or so, and when that interval hits, then check the system time to see if it is time for your method to run.
You should create a program that does that process, then exits.
You should then schedule the program using Windows Task Scheduler.

Run long-running sproc (that doesn't need to return) from ASP.NET page

I would like to know how you would run a stored procedure from a page and just "let it finish" even if the page is closed. It doesn't need to return any data.
A database-centric option would be:
Create a table that will contain a list (or queue) of long-running jobs to be performed.
Have the application add an entry to the queue if, when, and as desired. That's all it does; once logged and entered, no web session or state data need be maintained.
Have a SQL Agent job configured to check every 1, 2, 5, whatever minutes to see if there are any jobs to run.
If there are as-yet unstarted items, mark the most recent one as started, and start it.
When it's completed, mark it as completed, or just delete it
Check if there are any other items to run. If there are, repeat; if not, exit the job.
Depending on capacity, you could have several (differently named) copies of this job running, concurrently processing items from the list.
(I've used this method for very long-running methods. It's more an admin-type trick, but it may be appropriate for your situation.)
Prepare the command first, then queue it in the threadpool. Just make sure the thread does not depend on any HTTP Context or any other http intrinsic object. If your request finishes before the thread; the context might be gone.
See Asynchronous procedure execution. This is the only method that guarantees the execution even if the ASP process crashes. It also self tuning and can handle spikes of load, requests are queued up and processed as resources become available.
The gist of the solution is leveraging the SQL Server Activation concept, which allows you to run a stored procedure in a background thread in SQL Server without a client connection.
Solutions based on SqlClient asynch methods or on CLR thread pool are unreliable, the calls are lost as the ASP process is recycled, and besides they build up in-memory queues of requests that actually trigger a process recycle due to memory consumption.
Solutions based on tables and Agent jobs are better, as they are reliable, but they lack the self tuning of Activation based solutions.

Design for VB.NET scheduler application

I wish to develop an application in VB.NET to provide to following functionality and hope you can give me some pointers on which direction to take.
I need some kind of “server” type component which sits in the background monitoring request from users and performing various task. (this component can be install locally or centrally)
The users submit an instruction to the “server” to perform a certain task at a designated date and time. (or perform the task straight away)
The “server” would perform the task at the desired date and time and inform the user the result of the task.
I have thought of using a central database to which the user writes the instructions. The “server” could read from the database to obtain the instructions, and write the result back to the database.
I want a fast reaction to the instructions, so the “server” must poll the database every few seconds; I fear this may be detrimental to performance. Also how do I get the server to perform the task at the desired time?
Again checking all outstanding tasks against the current time is not very efficient, so I thought about utilising the Windows Scheduler, but I am not sure of the best way of integrating this functionality.
I would be grateful for any ideas, pointers or suggestions.
Have you looked at It's a scheduling framework which might be useful to you.
We have a similar system where we work, utilising a webservice to accept requests, run them when required, and notify callers with the results if necessary.
In our case the callers were other applications and not people.
The web service consisted of the following methods: (rough version, not exact)
int AddJob(string jobType, string input, datetime startTime) // schedules job and sets timer to call StartJobs when needed, and then returns job id
void GetResults(int jobId, out string status, out string output) // gets results (status="queued / running / completed / failed")
void StartJobs() //called via a timer as needed to kick off scheduled jobs
We also built in checks to limit how many jobs of could run simultaneously, and whether they could retry if they failed, and emails admins if any jobs fail the last attempt.
Our version is much more comprehensive than this, with the jobs actually being webservices themselves, supporting simultaneous running, built-in workflow so jobs can wait on others, but maybe it will give you some ideas. It's not a trivial project, but was fun to implement!

Windows Scheduler OR SQL Server Job for sending out digest e-mails

Will be sending out e-mails from an application on a scheduled basis.
I have an EmailController in my ASP.NET MVC application with action methods, one for each kind of notification/e-mail, that will need to be called at different times during the week.
Question: Is Windows Scheduler (running on a Server 2008 box) any better or worse than scheduling this via a SQL Server job? And why?
IMHO having scheduler call into the controller and execute the action methods to fire off notifications worked out best. My process (for better of for worst) is as such:
Put the code to call the controller/action in a .vbs file. The action method requires a "security code" that must match a value in the web.config or else it will not execute (my thinking is that this will lessen the chance of some folk hitting the action method with there browser and running the send notification code when it shouldn't be run).
Create a scheduled task in Scheduler to call that file on a regular basis.
In my database, log all notification executions and include an attribute that defines the frequency in which different notification types should go out. This, again, is to lessen the chance of someone sending out notifications when they shouldn't.
Anyhow, this works. The only problem I had was hitting vis https. That didn't work as I believe the task was being challenged to provide some credentials (which it couldn't as it was being run programmatically). Changing it to http worked and imo doesn't create any kind of security risk.
Thoughts? Better way to implement this? I'd love to hear anything anyone has to offer.
I prefer sending emails with a SQL server job. As we already had several jobs running on our SQL server it made sense to stick with this one approach. If we had gone down the scheduled task route we would then of had 2 different task scheduling systems which adds needless complexity. With all scheduled tasks occurring through one system its easy to track and maintain them.

Select to recycle worker processes after a specific period of inactivity

Can anyone confirm that this statement "Select to recycle worker processes after a specific period of inactivity" in this Microsoft help file is wrong and should in fact not have the "of inactivity" at the end of it?
Yes, that seems wrong. As far as I'm aware, this option just recycles the processes regardless of whether they are idle or not.
This article seems to confirm that too.
The statement you quoted is correct. It's a way to allow you to free up resources that aren't being used.
When it is necessary to conserve
system resources by terminating unused
worker processes, you can configure a
worker process to gracefully close
after a specified period of time. You
can use this feature to better manage
the resources when the processing load
is heavy, when identified applications
consistently fall into an idle state,
or when new processing space is not
available. You can also start
additional worker processes to replace
a worker process that is finished.