ldap query for group members - ldap

I'm trying to make an LDAP query, to get a list from all my groups/members. I can't figure out how can i do this. All my tries were unsuccesfull.
My "AD tree": mydomain.local/Mybusiness/Distribution Groups/ here are my groups
I tried with somethin' like this:
(memberOf=CN=Distribution Groups,OU=Mybusiness,DC=mydomain.local,DC=com)
I appreciate if somebody could help me to write an ldap query, which gives a list with my groups and the members of this groups.

The query should be:
(&(objectCategory=user)(memberOf=CN=Distribution Groups,OU=Mybusiness,DC=mydomain.local,DC=com))
You missed & and ()

Active Directory does not store the group membership on user objects. It only stores the Member list on the group. The tools show the group membership on user objects by doing queries for it.
How about:
(You forgot the (& ) bit in your example in the question as well).

The good way to get all the members from a group is to, make the DN of the group as the searchDN and pass the "member" as attribute to get in the search function. All of the members of the group can now be found by going through the attribute values returned by the search.
The filter can be made generic like (objectclass=*).


LDAP query to get the list of users which are matching the group pattern

I am trying to query the groups from Ldap starting with groupname-* and all users part of these groups.
Group filter condition is: (CN=groupname-*).
User filter condition is: (memberof=cn=groupname*,OU=Application,OU=Groupings,DC=xx,DC=com))
This is returning all groups matching the pattern. However I'm not able to get the users details.Works only when I specify the complete group name in user filter. Is there any way to get all users matching the group pattern.
It appears you are querying AD. When searching for memberOf, only complete values are supported, not wildcards.
So your best bet is to query the groups and read their member attribute in order to get a list of user DNs.

how to get groups of a user in ldap by members with attribute value

My question is very similar to how to get groups of a user in ldap but I want to be able to search a group whose member has attribute foo with value bar
ie, from the previous question instead of doing (&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member=cn=root,ou=django,dc=openldap))
I want to do something like
but it seems only the full DN can be used for such query. Is there another way to find groups for user matching a pattern?
Since memberOf is available to you, you can search for the users instead of the groups:
(You might have to change the objectClass depending on what it is for users. I'm used to Active Directory, not OpenLDAP.)
Then you can read the memberOf attribute of the users you find.
Update: If you just want to find members of that group with that attribute then you can do it in one query by using memberOf in the query, and looking for the DN of the group:

How to list users which belongs to specific group in ldap without backlink enabled

What is the search filter to list users belong to specific group like "engineering" in a ldap server which don't have backlink enabled.
For example, if backlink enabled i can use following filter,
Wanted to know corresponding search query without using memberOf attribute.
Try your filter as:
using a base of
and a scope of subtree
Returning attribute "member"
Or even more efficient:
With a base of
and a scope of base
Returning attribute "member"
The main question is: How are the users linked to groups?
One way is by specifying the users as attributes in the group. That can be done either via the uniqueMember- or the memberUid-Attribute. To find the users of a certain group you will have to use two queries. One query will retrieve the DNs or UIDs of the users of a group by fetching the uniqueMember or memberUid attribute of the group in question depending on your setup. Then you can retrieve the users by either using (&(objectclass=person)(uid=<uid>)) or (&(objectclass=person)(dn=<dn>)).
The other way is by storing the grous as attributes in the user, which you described above.
Hope that helps.

What does gidNumber in phpLDAPadmin mean?

I am new to openLDAP.
When I create a new user (generic user), there is a field GID number.
Can somebody explain what this field means?
Does this number needs to be unique? I can select between my posixGroups.
I have the same posixgroups in each country (OU): users, admin, linux.
When I have the list of posixGroups in the GIDnumber, there I cannot see which group from which ou I need to select? How can I solve this?
When you select a posixsgroup for a new user. When I go to that selected group, how can I see that the new user is a member of that group?
With the gidNumber-attribute you can set the primary group of a user. That group will be used for instance when the user creates a file in a unix-like filesystem in that the file will belong to that group. And it doesn't need to be unique.
As you created the same group names under different subtrees there is no easy way to differentiate between those equally named groups. Easiest solution would be to rename those groups to include a hint to the subtree. But to be honest Personally I'd see whether it is necessary to have the same group in different subtrees and try to consilidate that to only three groups.

LDAP query to retrieve list of department or company

Can anyone help me with this ?
What I am trying to do is retrieve a distinct list of company from the AD using LDAP query.
I wrote a query which returns all the company names, with duplicate values.
What I am trying to achieve is to get a list of distinct companies from AD.
My query for this is as given below.
DistinguishedName used is "ou=Users,o=rackspace"
And I am trying to filter it using the filter
Filter = "(company=*)"
Will you help me to get the list as I need it.
Sorry, but LDAP in its filter definitions does not support a 'distinct' function.
Your filter will only return object who have a company value populated, but it will return duplicates.
You will have to use something else, whether that is something coded, or even a simple Excel spreadsheet to get the distinct values.