linq to sql -> join - sql

SQL query:
SELECT ArticleCategories.Title AS Category, Articles.Title, Articles.[Content], Articles.Date
FROM ArticleCategories INNER JOIN
Articles ON ArticleCategories.CategoryID = Articles.CategoryID
Object repository:
public class ArticleDisplay
public int CategoryID;
public string CategoryTitle;
public int ArticleID;
public string ArticleTitle;
//public string ArticleDate;
public string ArticleContent;
public class ArticleRepository
private DB db = new DB();
// Query Methods
public IQueryable<ArticleDisplay> FindAllArticles()
var result = from category in db.ArticleCategories
join article in db.Articles on category.CategoryID equals article.CategoryID
select new
CategoryID = category.CategoryID,
CategoryTitle = category.Title,
ArticleID = article.ArticleID,
ArticleTitle = article.Title,
//ArticleDate = article.Date,
ArticleContent = article.Content
return result;
And finally, I get this error:
Error 1 Cannot implicitly convert type
An explicit conversion exists (are you
missing a cast?) C:\Documents and
Settings\ilija\My Documents\Visual
2008\Projects\CMS\CMS\Models\ArticleRepository.cs 29 20 CMS
Any idea what did I do wrong?

Your method has a return type of IQueryable<Article>, but your LINQ query is not returning articles. Instead it's trying to return an anonymous type made up of properties from both category and article. You could create a class to hold this combination of properties and change the method signature to use that class.

As Adam said, if you're not wanting to return the full article class then you'll need to return your own class.
public IQueryable<ArticleDisplay> FindAllArticles()
var result = from category in db.ArticleCategories
join article in db.Articles on category.CategoryID equals article.CategoryID
select new ArticleDisplay() //specify your new class
CategoryID = category.CategoryID,
CategoryTitle = category.Title,
return result;
Your updated code still returns an anonymous class....


Execute SQL-LIKE with List attribute

I have this method on my Dao class:
public List<E> search(String key, Object value) {
EntityManager entityManager = getEntityManager();
List result = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT a FROM "+clazz.getSimpleName()+" a WHERE a."+key+" LIKE '"+value+"%'").getResultList();
return result;
the sql works fine when the attribute is #Column or a #OneToOne`, but when it's something like that:
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
private List<Titulo> nome;
where the class Titulo has this attributes:
private Integer id;
private String idioma;
private String conteudo;
causes this error:
message: left and right hand sides of a binary logic operator were incompatible [java.util.List(org.loja.model.categoria.Categoria.nome) : string]; nested exception is org.hibernate.TypeMismatchException: left and right hand sides of a binary logic operator were incompatible [java.util.List(org.loja.model.categoria.Categoria.nome) : string]
How I can change the method to make work for both types of attributes?
I manage to solve this issue with the approach below, using java reflection to detect the type of the field trying to be queried, and using a proper sql command. Don't know how efficient this can be; if anyone have a better solution to this, feel free to add another answer with it.
public List<E> search(String key, Object value) throws NoSuchFieldException {
EntityManager entityManager = getEntityManager();
List result;
Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField(key);
ParameterizedType listType = (ParameterizedType) field.getGenericType();
Class<?> classElement = (Class<?>) listType.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
String nome = classElement.getSimpleName();
Field field2[] = classElement.getDeclaredFields();
String attr = field2[field2.length - 1].getName();
if(field != null) {
if(field2 != null) {
result = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT a FROM "+clazz.getSimpleName()+" a, "+nome+" b WHERE b."+attr+" LIKE '"+value+"%'").getResultList();
} else {
result = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT a FROM "+clazz.getSimpleName()+" a, "+nome+" b WHERE b LIKE '"+value+"%'").getResultList();
} else {
result = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT a FROM "+clazz.getSimpleName()+" a WHERE a."+key+" LIKE '"+value+"%'").getResultList();
return result;
I got one issue with the code above: in the first query (of the three in the if/else), it's always returned all the elements of the table, almost if the LIKE was being ignored.

ServiceStack.ORMLite: Custom query to custom Poco with Sql.In selections?

I'm attempting to use ServiceStack.OrmLite to grab some values (so I can cache them to run some processing against them).
I need to grab a combination of three values, and I have a custom SQL statement that will yield them (does the joins, etc.)
Because this will be a large list of combinations, I'd like to pass in some lists of values and use Sql.In to filter to only the results that have those values.
I need to check whether an invoice is unique to a firm and another value (called ClaimLawsuitID here).
so have my poco:
public class FirmIDClaimLawsuitIDInvoiceNumberCombination
public string FirmID { get; set; }
public string ClaimLawsuitID { get; set; }
public string InvoiceNumber { get; set; }
and I have my SQL statement:
select tblDefenseInvoice.FirmID, tblDefInvClaimantDetail.ClaimLawsuitID, tblDefInvClaimantDetail.invoiceNumber
from tblDefenseInvoice
inner join tblDefInvClaimantDetail
on(tblDefenseInvoice.DefenseInvoiceID = tblDefInvClaimantDetail.DefenseInvoiceID)
I would like to run the following:
public List<FirmIDClaimLawsuitIDInvoiceNumberCombination> GetFirmIDClaimLawsuitIDInvoiceNumberCombinationsForExistingItems(IEnumerable<int> firmIds, IEnumerable<long> claimLawsuitIDs, IEnumerable<string> invoiceNumbers)
var sql = #"select tblDefenseInvoice.FirmID, tblDefInvClaimantDetail.ClaimLawsuitID, tblDefInvClaimantDetail.invoiceNumber
from tblDefenseInvoice
inner join tblDefInvClaimantDetail
on(tblDefenseInvoice.DefenseInvoiceID = tblDefInvClaimantDetail.DefenseInvoiceID)";
var ev = OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider.ExpressionVisitor<tblClaimLawsuit>();
var firmFilter = PredicateBuilder.True<tblDefenseInvoice>();
var claimLawsuitFilter = PredicateBuilder.True<tblDefInvClaimantDetail>();
var invoiceNumberFilter = PredicateBuilder.True<tblDefInvClaimantDetail>();
firmFilter = x => Sql.In(x.FirmID, firmIds);
claimLawsuitFilter = x => Sql.In(x.ClaimLawsuitID, claimLawsuitIDs);
invoiceNumberFilter = x => Sql.In(x.InvoiceNumber, invoiceNumbers);
return dal.DB.Select<FirmIDClaimLawsuitIDInvoiceNumberCombination>(ev.ToSelectStatement());
Is this possible to achieve this way?
Is there some other way of achieving this within ServiceStack's OrmLite that is cleaner and I'm unaware of?
Since I was selecting to a POCO, I simply needed to add the filters based on that POCO.
The following worked just fine:
public List<FirmIDClaimLawsuitIDInvoiceNumberCombination>
IEnumerable<long> firmIds,
IEnumerable<long> claimLawsuitIDs)
var sql = #"select tblDefenseInvoice.FirmID, tblDefInvClaimantDetail.ClaimLawsuitID, tblDefInvClaimantDetail.invoiceNumber
from tblDefenseInvoice
inner join tblDefInvClaimantDetail
on(tblDefenseInvoice.DefenseInvoiceID = tblDefInvClaimantDetail.DefenseInvoiceID)";
var ev = OrmLiteConfig.DialectProvider.ExpressionVisitor<FirmIDClaimLawsuitIDInvoiceNumberCombination>();
var firmFilter = PredicateBuilder.True<FirmIDClaimLawsuitIDInvoiceNumberCombination>();
var claimLawsuitFilter = PredicateBuilder.True<FirmIDClaimLawsuitIDInvoiceNumberCombination>();
firmFilter = x => Sql.In(x.FirmID, firmIds);
claimLawsuitFilter = x => Sql.In(x.ClaimLawsuitID, claimLawsuitIDs);
return dal.DB.Select<FirmIDClaimLawsuitIDInvoiceNumberCombination>(ev.ToSelectStatement());

Selecting an entity with multiple child entities

Using Active Record/NHibernate, I'm trying to select an entity (Site) which has multiple child collections.
There is only one Site with the given siteId, yet the FindAll returns the Site 28 times; it's being duplicated due to the child collections that it's loading. How do I get it to load just the 1 Site and arrays of the child collections? I don't mind if it does 5 selects, one to grab the site and then 1 per child collection.
Here is the code:
var criteria = DetachedCriteria.For<Site>()
.CreateAlias("TimeZone", "tz", NHibernate.SqlCommand.JoinType.InnerJoin)
.CreateAlias("Logos", "l", NHibernate.SqlCommand.JoinType.LeftOuterJoin)
.CreateAlias("SiteColors", "sc", NHibernate.SqlCommand.JoinType.LeftOuterJoin)
.CreateAlias("ManagerUsers", "mu", NHibernate.SqlCommand.JoinType.LeftOuterJoin)
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("Id", siteId));
var sites = FindAll(criteria);
I should mention that I also tried an hql approach using fetch, however fetch is not fetching! It returns only the one Site (good) but none of the child collections are eagerly loaded (bad).
public static Site Get(int id)
var query = new SimpleQuery<Site>(#"
from Site s
where s.Id = ?
inner join fetch s.TimeZone tc
left join fetch s.Logos l
left join fetch s.SiteColors sc
left join fetch s.ManagerUsers mu
", id);
var results = query.Execute().ToList();
return results.FirstOrDefault();
Here is code that seems to work, using the "Future" approach:
public static Site Get(int id)
var session = ActiveRecordMediator.GetSessionFactoryHolder().CreateSession(typeof(Site));
var query = session.CreateQuery("from Site s left join fetch s.Logos where s.Id = :id").SetParameter("id", id).Future<Site>();
session.CreateQuery("from Site s left join fetch s.SiteColors where s.Id = :id2").SetParameter("id2", id).Future<Site>();
session.CreateQuery("from Site s left join fetch s.ManagerUsers where s.Id = :id3").SetParameter("id3", id).Future<Site>();
return query.FirstOrDefault();
All of my data model classes inherit from a SimpleModel class, which I've added Equals and GetHashCode methods to:
public abstract class SimpleModel
protected SimpleModel()
DateCreated = DateTimeAccess.Now;
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime DateCreated { get; set; }
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is SimpleModel)
return Id.Equals(((SimpleModel)obj).Id);
return false;
public override int GetHashCode()
return Id.GetHashCode();
Call SetResultTransformer(DistinctRootEntity) on your criteria. It will collapse those duplicate Site instances to a single instance.
For more information, see this thread:

Does Dynamic Linq support BindingList<T>?

I'm trying to use the Dynamic Linq Sample from Microsoft with BindingList<T> objects. But it looks like the Dynamic Linq will only work with IQueryable. What's the deal here, why doesn't BindingList<T> implement IQueryable. And is there a way around this?
Background Detail: I have many data sets that I need to dynamically filter at run time. Here is an example:
BindingList<MyObject> list = new BindingList<MyObject>();
MyObject selectedObj = list.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Name == "Master P")
// then later ...
MyObject selectedObj = list.FirstOrDefault(o => o.City == "Boston")
I am trying to make these queries dynamic, so the user can choose from all properties of MyObject to use in the query.
There is an Extension method on BindingList; AsQueryable(). So you can use
But if you want to search on all criteria could you create a search that uses an instance of MyObject as the search criteria and then generated a result set based on the Criteria in the object using standard link.
For example:
public List<MyObject> Search(MyObject SearchCriteria)
BindingList<MyObject> list = new BindingList<MyObject>();
list.Add(new MyObject("Test", "Boston"));
list.Add(new MyObject("Test2", "Atlanta"));
IEnumerable<MyObject> results = list.AsEnumerable();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.Name))
results = results.Where(l => l.Name.Contains(SearchCriteria.Name));
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchCriteria.City))
results = results.Where(l => l.City.Contains(SearchCriteria.City));
return results.ToList();
So in the following, Results1 will have 2 results and Results 2 will have only 1.
List<MyObject> results1 = Search(new MyObject("Test", ""));
List<MyObject> results2 = Search(new MyObject("Test", "Boston"));
I used a simple structure for MyObject as an example in this:
public class MyObject
public MyObject(string name, string city)
this.Name = name;
this.City = city;
public string Name { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }

How do I get back a strongly typed collection that queries multiple entities with Castle's ActiveRecord?

I'm trying to get a specific set of data while joining 4 different entities together to do so. What I've done is setup a DTO to try to get this working:
public class LatestThread
private readonly string comment;
private readonly DateTime posted;
private readonly string userName;
private readonly int reputation;
private readonly int threadId;
private readonly string topic;
private readonly int userId;
private readonly string avatar;
public LatestThread(string comment, DateTime posted, string userName, int reputation, int threadId, string topic, int userId, string avatar)
this.comment = comment;
this.avatar = avatar;
this.userId = userId;
this.topic = topic;
this.threadId = threadId;
this.reputation = reputation;
this.userName = userName;
this.posted = posted;
public string Comment
get { return comment; }
public DateTime Posted
get { return posted; }
public string UserName
get { return userName; }
public int Reputation
get { return reputation; }
public int ThreadId
get { return threadId; }
public string Topic
get { return topic; }
public int UserId
get { return userId; }
public string Avatar
get { return avatar; }
Now I thought I could use SimpleQuery like so:
string hql = string.Format("select new LatestThread(m.Comment, m.Posted, u.UserName, u.Reputation, t.Id, t.Topic, u.Id, u.Avatar) from Thread as t inner join Message as m on t.Id = m.ThreadId inner join User as u on u.Id = m.PostedById inner join Activity as a on a.Id = t.ActivityId where a.Lineage like '{0}%' order by t.LastPosted desc", activityLineage);
return repository.SimpleQuery(0, 10, hql);
My repository method looks like:
public virtual IList<T> SimpleQuery<T>(int firstResult, int maxResults, string hql, params object[] parameters)
var query = new SimpleQuery<T>(hql, parameters);
query.SetQueryRange(firstResult, maxResults);
return query.Execute();
Now it's asking for me to put [ActiveRecord] at the top of my LatestThread class. When I do that it wants a primary key, and that just seems to be the wrong route.
I've also read bits that refer to the Import attribute given to classes that aren't the DTO. In all the examples though it's just two entities being joined, not the 4 I have. Do I need to add Import to all 4? Or is there something to tell AR that it's a readonly DTO class? OR am I doing this all wrong and there's a really easy way to do what I'm trying to do.
Add the Import attribute to your new Thread class
[Import(typeof(LatestThread), "LatestThread")]
public class Thread : ActiveRecordBase<Thread> { /* blah blah */ }
And then, query magic happens :)
string hql = string.Format("select new LatestThread(m.Comment, m.Posted, u.UserName, u.Reputation, t.Id, t.Topic, u.Id, u.Avatar) from Thread as t inner join Message as m on t.Id = m.ThreadId inner join User as u on u.Id = m.PostedById inner join Activity as a on a.Id = t.ActivityId where a.Lineage like '{0}%' order by t.LastPosted desc", activityLineage);
SimpleQuery<LatestThread> query = new SimpleQuery<LatestThread>(typeof(Thread), hql );
LatestThread[] results = query.Execute()
Source :
You can't query a type that isn't mapped (which is what the [ActiveRecord] attribute does). AFAIK you can't get NHibernate to create a new arbitrary object instance like that via HQL (I stand to be corrected if someone knows otherwise).
Your best bet is to do a projection query and then have a method to map the tuples returned into instances of your type.
My answer here shows how to do a projection query and map it to an anonymous type; what you want to do is not much different. You could then put a method to do this in a type-specific repository or a strongly-typed extension method to the generic repository.