Flex 3: should I provide prepared data to my component or make it to process data before display? - flex3

I'm starting to learn a little Flex just for fun and maybe to prove that I still can learn something new :) I have some idea for a project and one of its parts is a tree component which could display data in different ways depending on configuration.
The idea
There is list of objects having properties like id, date, time, name, description. And sometimes list should be displayed like this:
first level: date
second level: time
third level: name
and sometimes like this:
first level: year
second level: month
third level: day
fourth level: time and name
By level I mean level of nesting of course. So, we can have years, that have months, that have days, that have hours and so forth.
The problem
What could be the best way to do it? I mean, should I prepare data for different ways of nesting outside of component or even outside of flex? I can do it at web service level in C# where I plan to have database access layer and send to flex nice and ready to display XML or array of objects. But I wonder if that won't cause additional and maybe unneccessary network traffic.
I tried to hack some code in my component to convert my data objects into XML or ArrayCollection but I don't know enough of Flex and got stuck on elimination of duplicates or getting specific data by some key value. Usually to do such things I have STL with maps, sets and vectors and I find Flex arrays and even Dictionary a little bit confusing (I've read language reference and googled without any significant luck).
The question
So, to sum things up: should I give my tree component data prepared just for chosen type of display or should I try to do it internally inside component (or some helper class written in ActionScript)?
Would it be a good approach to prepare separate data models for each way of display and some converter to transfer data between them and resulting model would be binded to component as a dataProvider? Or maybe there is some other clever way to do it and my data will reorganize automagically by themselves? :)

I would favor receiving a raw stream of data from your web service and process it in various ways within the flex client (in a helper Actionscript class). Here are the advantages I see:
1) This gives a nice separation of responsibilities. E.g. the web service should know about the data but not what ways it will be displayed.
2) Faster processing and client responsiveness. Swapping views will not involve calling your web service and the Flex client will likely be faster processing the data itself than the extra web traffic
3) Increased availability. Without extra calls to your web service, there is less of a chance of a network failure.


Best practice around GraphQL nesting depth

Is there an optimum maximum depth to nesting?
We are often presented with the option to try to represent complex heirarchical data models with the nesting they demonstrate in real life. In my work this is genetics and modelling protein / transcript / homology relationships where it is possible to have very deep nesting up to maybe 7/8 levels. We use dataloader to make nested batching more efficient and resolver level caching with directives. Is it good practice to model a schema on a real life data model or should you focus on making your resolvers reasonable to query and keep nesting to a maximum ideal depth of say 4 levels?
When designing a schema is it better to create a different parent resolver for a type or use arguments that to direct a conditional response?
If I have two sets of for example ‘cars’ let’s say I have cars produced by Volvo and cars produced by tesla and the underlying data while having similarities is originally pulled from different apis with different characteristics. Is it best practice to have a tesla_cars and volvo_cars resolver or one cars resolver which uses for example a manufacturer argument to act differently on the data it returns and homogenise the response especially where there may then be a sub resolver that expects certain fields which may not be similar in the original data.
Or is it better to say that these two things are both cars but the shape of the data we have for them is significantly different so its better to create seperate resolvers with totally or notably different fields?
Should my resolvers and graphQL apis try to model the data they describe or should I allow duplication in order to create efficient application focused queries and responses?
We often find ourselves wondering do we have a seperate API for application x and y that maybe use underlying data and possibly even multiple sources (different databases or even API calls) inside resolvers very differently or should we try to make a resolver work with any application even if that means using type like arguments to allow custom filtering and conditional behaviour?
Is there an optimum maximum depth to nesting?
In general I'd say: don't restrict your schema. Your resolvers / data fetchers will only get called when the client requests the corresponding fields.
Look at it from this point of view: If your client needs the data from 8 levels of the hierarchy to work, then he will ask for it no matter what. With a restricted schema the client will execute multiple requests. With an unrestricted schema he can get all he needs in a single request. Though the amount processing on your server side and amount of data will still be the same, just split across multiple network requests.
The unrestricted schema has several benefits:
The client can decide if he wants all the data at once or use multiple requests
The server may be able to optimize the data fetching process (i.e. don't fetch duplicate data) when he knows everything the client wants to receive
The restricted schema on the other hand has only downsides.
When designing a schema is it better to create a different parent resolver for a type or use arguments that to direct a conditional response
That's a matter of taste and what you want to achieve. But if you expect your application to grow and incorporate more car manufacturers, your API may become messy, if there are lot's of abc_cars and xyz_cars queries.
Another thing to keep in mind: Even if the shape of data is different, all cars have something in common: They are some kind of type Car. And all of them have for example a construction year. If you now want to be able to query "all cars sorted by construction year" you will need a single query endpoint.
You can have a single cars query endpoint in your api an then use interfaces to query different kinds of cars. Just like GraphQL Relay's node endpoint works: Single endpoint that can query all types that implement the Node interface.
On the other hand, if you've got a very specialized application, where your type is not extensible (like for example white and black chess pieces), then I think it's totally valid to have a white_pieces and black_pieces endpoint in your API.
Another thing to keep in mind: With a single endpoint some queries become extremely hard (or even impossible), like "sort white_pieces by value ascending, and black_pieces by value descending". This is much easier if there are separate endpoints for each color.
But even this is solvable if you have a single endpoint for all pieces, and simply call it twice.
Should my resolvers and graphQL apis try to model the data they describe or should I allow duplication in order to create efficient application focused queries and responses?
That's question of use case and scalability. If you have exactly two types of clients that use the API in different ways, just build two seperate APIs. But if you expect your application to grow, get more different clients, then of course it will become an unmaintainable mess to have 20 APIs.
In this case have a look at schema directives. You can for example decorate your types and fields to make them behave differently for each client or even show/hide parts of your API depending on the client.
Build your API with your clients in mind.
Keep things object oriented, make use of interfaces for similar types.
Don't provide endpoints you clients don't need, you can still extend your schema later if necessary.
Think of your data a huge graph ;) that's what GraphQL is all about.

ECS / CES shared and dependent components and cache locality

I have been trying to wrap my head around how ECS works when there are components which are shared or dependent. I've read numerous articles on ECS and can't seem to find a definitive answer to this.
Assume the following scenario:
I have an entity which has a ModelComponent (or MeshComponent), a PositionComponent and a ParticlesComponent (or EmitterComponent).
The ModelRenderSystem needs both the ModelComponent and the PositionComponent.
The ParticleRenderSystem needs ParticlesComponent and the PositionComponent.
In the ModelRenderSystem, for cache efficiency / locality, I would like run through all the ModelComponents which are in a compact array and render them, however for each model I need to pull the PositionComponent. I haven't even started thinking about how to deal with the textures, shaders etc for each model (which will definitely blow the cache).
A similar issue with the ParticleRenderSystem.. I need both the ParticlesComponent as well as the PositionComponent, and I want to be able to run through all ParticlesComponents in a cache efficient / friendly manner.
I considered having ModelComponent and ParticlesComponent each having their own position, but they will need to be synched every time the models position changes (imagine a particle effect on a character). This adds another entity or component which needs to track and synch components or values (and potentially negates any cache efficiency).
How does everyone else handle these kinds of dependency issues?
One way to reduce the complexity could be to invert flow of data.
Consider that your ModelRenderSystem has a listener callback that allows the entity framework to inform it that an entity has been added to the simulation that contains both a position and model component. During this callback, the system could register a callback on the position component or the system that owns that component allowing the ModelRenderSystem to be informed when that position object changes.
As the change events from the position changes come in, the ModelRenderSystem can queue up a list of modifications it must replicate during its update phase and then during update, its really a simple lookup each modifications model and set the position to the value in the event.
The benefit is that per frame, you're only ever replicating position changes that actually changed during the frame and you minimize lookups needed to replicate the data. While the update of the position propagates to various systems of interest may not be as cache friendly, the gains you observe otherwise out weigh that.
Lastly, don't forget that systems do not necessarily need to iterate over the components proper. The components in your entity system exist to allow you to toggle plug-able behavior easily. The systems can always manage a more cache friendly data structure and using the above callback approach, allows you to do that and manage data replication super easily with minimal coupling.

API object versioning

I'm building an API and I have a question about how to represent objects.
Imagine we have a system with Articles that have a bunch of properties. Some of these properties are complex, for example the Author of the Article refers to another object. We have an URL to fetch all the articles in the system, and another URL to fetch a particular Article.
My first approach to implement this would be to create two representations of the same object Article, because when you request all the articles, it makes sense that you don't retrieve all the information about the Articles, but for example just the title, the date and the name of the author (instead of the whole Author object), excluding other properties like tags, or the content. The idea beneath this is to try to make the response of all the Articles a little bit lighter.
Now I'm going to the client side, and I decide to implement a SDK for Android, for example. So the first step would be to create the objects to store the information that I retrieve from the API. Now a problem pops up, because I want to define the Article object, but I would need two versions of it and it's not only more difficult to implement, but it's going to be more difficult to use.
So my question is, when defining an API, is it a good practice to have multiple versions of the same object (maybe a light one, and a full one) to save some bandwidth when sending the result of a request but generating a more difficult to use service, or it's not worth it and you should retrieve always the same version of the object, generating heavier responses but making the service easier to use?
I work at a company that deals with Articles as well and we also have a REST API to expose the data.
I think you're on the right track, but I'll even take it one step further. These are the potential three calls for large entities in an API:
Index. For the articles, this would be something like /articles. It just returns a list of article ids. You can add parameters to filter, sort, etc. It's very lightweight and I've found it to be very useful.
Header/Mini/Light version. These are only the crucial fields that you think will meet the widest variety of use cases. For us, we have a lot of use cases where we might want to display the top 5 articles, and in those cases, only title, author and maybe publication date. Those fields belong in a "header" article, or a "light" article. This is especially useful for AJAX calls as you don't want to return the entire article (for us the object is quite large.)
Full version. This is the full article. All the text/paragraphs/image references - everything. It's a heavy call to make, but you will be guaranteed to get whatever is available.
Then it just takes discipline to leave the objects the way they are. Ideally users are able to get the version described in (2) to save time over the wire, but if they have to, they go with (3).
I've considered having a dynamic way to return only fields people are interested in, but it would be a lot of implementation. Basically the idea was to let the user go to /article and then show them a sample JSON result. Then the user could click on the fields they wanted returned and get a token. Then they'd pass the token as a parameter to the API and the API would then know which fields to return.
Creates a dynamic schema. Lots of work and I never got around to it, but you can see that if you want to be creative, you can.
Consider whether your data (for one API client) is changing a lot or not. If it's possible to cache data on the client, that'll improve performance by not contacting the API as much. Otherwise I think it's a good idea to have a light-weight and full-scale object type (or more like two views of the same object type).
In the client you should implement it as one object type (to keep it DRY; Don't Repeat Yourself) with all the properties. When fetching a light-weight object, you only store a few of the properties, the rest being null (or similar “undefined” value for the given property type). It should be possible to determine whether all or only a partial subset of the properties are loaded.
When making API requests in the client on a given model (ie. authors) you should be explicit about whether the light-weight or full-scale object is needed and whether cached data is acceptable. This makes it possible to control the data in the UI layer. For example a list of authors might only need to display a name and a number of articles connected with that author. When displaying the author screen, more properties are needed. Also, if using cached data, you should provide a way for the user to refresh it.
When the app works you can start to implement optimizations like: Don't fetch light-weight data if full-scala data is already known & Don't fetch data at all if a recent cache copy exists. I think the best is to look at the actual use cases and improve performance with the highest value for the user.

WCF data serialization : can it go faster?

This question is sort of a sequel to that question.
When we want to build a WCF service which works with some kind of data, it's natural that we want it to be fast and efficient. In order to achieve that, we have to make sure all segments of data road trip work as fast as they could, from data storage back-end such as SQL Server, to a WCF client who requested that data.
While seeking for an answer on that previous question, we have learned, thanks to Slauma and others who contributed through comments, that the time consuming part of Entity Framework's (first) large query is object materialization and attaching entities to the context when the result from the database is returned. We have seen that everything works much faster on subsequent queries.
Assuming those large queries are used as read-only operations, we came to a conclusion that we could set EF MergeOption to NoTracking, yielding better first query performance. What we have done with NoTracking was telling EF to create separate object for each record retrieved from the database - even when they have the same key. This will cause additional processing if we have .Include() statement in our query, which will lead to data with much larger size being returned.
The data may be so big that we could easily ask ourselves - did we really help our cause by using NoTracking option, even if we made the query faster (and maybe only the first one, depending on the number of .Include() statements, because subsequent queries without NoTracking option with multiple .Include() statements run faster simply because NoTracking option causes a lot more objects to be created when data returns from the server)?
The biggest problem is how to efficiently serialize this amount of data - and deserialize it on the client. With serialization already as slow as it is (I am using DataContractSerializer with PreserveObjectReferences set to true because I am sending EF 4.x generated POCOs to my client and vice versa), do we want to generate even more data (thanks to NoTracking)? To be honest, I haven't seen the data originated from the query with NoTracking option on ~11.000 objects not including navigation properties obtained via .Include(), arriving at the client side yet. Last time I tried to pull this off, the timeout of 00:10:00 was triggered (!)
So if you are still reading this wall of text, you tell me how to solve this situation. Which serializer to use in order to achieve acceptable results? Currently, if I don't use the NoTracking option, the serialization, transport and deserialization of ~11.000, via wsHttpBinding-like custom binding on the local machine take ~5 seconds. What's scary to me is that this large table is most likely going to contain ~500.000 records eventually.
Have you considered creating a View Model for your object and doing a projection in the select statement. That should be a lot faster so:
var result = from person in DB.Entities.Persons
select new PersonViewModel()
Name = person.Name,
City = person.District.City,
State = person.District.City.State
Nationality = person.Nationality.Name
This would require you to create a ViewModel class to hold the flattened data for the PersonViewModel.
You might be able to further speed up things by creating a database view and letting Entity Framework select directly from there.
If you rally want the front-end to populate a grid with 500.000 records, then I'd remove the webservice layer altogether and use a DataReader to speed up the process. Entity Framework and WCF aren't suitable for transforming the data at a proper performance. What you're basically doing here is:
Database -> TDS -> .NET objects -> XML -> Plain text -> XML -> .NET Objects -> UI
While this could easily be reduced to:
Database -> TDS -> UI
Then use EntityFramwork to handle the changes to the entities in your business logic. This is in line with the Command and Query Separation pattern. Use a technology suitable for high performance querying of data and link that directly to your app. Then use a command strategy to implement your business logic.
OData services might also provide a better way to link your UI directly to the data, as it can be used to quickly query your data allowing you to implement quick filtering without the user really noticing.
If the security settings are prohibiting direct querying through OData or direct access to the SQL database, consider materializing the objects yourself. Select the data directly from either a view or a query and use a IDataReader to directly populate your ViewModel. That will probably give you the highest performance.
There are a lot of alternatives to Entity Framework created especially because EF isn't cut out for large datasets. See FluentData DapperDotNet, Massive or PetaPoco. You might want to use these side-by-side with entity Framework to handle your large, flat data queries.
I use Json.Net's implementation of Bson in my RIA application. More info here.
I yield return an IEnumerable, as I read from the database and serialize the rows. I find the speed to be acceptable and I return Entities with roughly 20 properties. This approach should minimize the concurrent memory use on the server.
Based on what I have gathered by looking at various reviews and performance benchmarks, I would choose protobuf-net as a serializer. It's just a matter of design whether it can be plugged into my service configuration. More info about that here.
Although not completely an answer to this question, jessehouwing had the best answer and I am marking it as accepted.

Service Design (WCF, ASMX, SOA)

Soliciting feedback/thoughts on a pattern or best practice to address a situation that I have seen a few times over the years, yet I haven't found any one solution that addresses it the way I'd like.
Here is the background.
Company has 3 applications supporting 3 separate "lines of business" that are very much related to each other. Two of the applications are literally copy/paste from the original. The applications need to be able to grow at different rates and have slightly different functionality. The main differences in functionality come from the data entry fields. The differences essentially fall into one of the following categories:
One instance has a few fields
that the other does not.
String field has a max length of 200 in one
instance, but 50 in another.
Lookup/Reference fields have
different underlying values (i.e.
same table structures, but coming
from different databases).
A field is defined as a user supplied,
free text, value in one instance,
but a lookup/reference in another.
The problem is that there are other applications within the company that need to consume data from these three separate applications, but ideally, talk to them in a core/centralized manner (i.e. through a central service rather than 3 separate services). My question is how to handle, in particular, item D above. I am thinking a "lowest common denominator" approach might be the only way. For example:
<Code></Code> <!-- would store a FK ref value if instance used lookup, otherwise would be empty or nonexistent-->
<Text></Text> <!-- would store the text from the lookup if instance used lookup, would store user supplied text if not-->
Other thoughts/ideas on this?
So are the differences strictly from a Datamodel view or are there functional business / behavioral differences at the application level.
If the later is the case then I would definetly go down the path you appear to be heading down with SOA. Now how you impliment your SOA just depends upon your architecture needs. What I would look at for design would be into some various patterns. Its hard to say for sure which one(s) would meet the needs with out more information / example on how the behavioral / functional differences are being used. From off of the top of my head tho with what you have described I would probably start off looking at a Strategy pattern in my initial design.
Definetly prototype this using TDD so that you can determine if your heading down the right path.
How about: extend your LCD approach, put a facade in front of these systems. devise a normalised form of the data which (if populated with enough data) can be transformed to any of the specific instances. [Heading towards an ESB here.]
Then you have the problem, how does a client know what "enough" is? Some kind of meta-data may be needed so that you can present a suiatble UI. So extend the services to provide an operation to deliver the meta data.