extract characters using delimiters - sql

I am having string called '200_CFL_2010'. I wish to get the characters between _'s. I want the output as 'CFL'. I have to achieve it through SQL.

I think this may be dependent on your Database (MySQL, Oracle, whatever..)
Do a search for "string functions" and your database name. For e.g MySQL, you can find it here: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/string-functions.html.
The function INSTR and SUBSTR are the ones you are looking for. Use then like
SELECT SUBSTR(field, INSTR(field, "_", 1), INSTR(field, "_", 2) - INSTR(field, "_", 1)) FROM ...
Note: INSTR does only have two parameters in MySQL... youd need to cascade SUBSTRs a little there.

select substring(col, 0, LEN(col) - charindex('_', col)) as col
select substring(col, charindex('_', col) + 1, LEN(col)) as col
select '200_CFL_2010' as col
) as subq
) as subq


How can I use SQL Substring to extract characters from this filename?

I'm attempting to use the SUBSTRING function to extract a name out of a filename.
An example filename would be: "73186_RHIMagnesita_PHI_StopLoss_TruncSSN_NonRedact_Inc_to_Apr2022_Paid_to_Apr2022_EDIT"
I'm attempting to extract the "RHIMagnesita" from this filename.
The substring I used was:
SUBSTRING(DFH.FileName, CHARINDEX('_', DFH.FileName) + 1, CHARINDEX('_PHI', DFH.FileName) - 1)
The results it gave were: "RHIMagnesita_PHI_S"
How do I extract only "RHIMagnesita" using the Substring function?
The third parameter in SUBSTRING is length not position, so you would need to substract the length of the beginning string.
SUBSTRING(DFH.FileName, CHARINDEX('_', DFH.FileName) + 1, CHARINDEX('_PHI', DFH.FileName) - CHARINDEX('_', DFH.FileName))
You might need to add or substract 1, but that's the idea.
You were close. You need to use CHARINDEX to also find the position of the second underscore.
CHARINDEX('_', FileName) + 1,
CHARINDEX('_', FileName, CHARINDEX('_', FileName) + 1) -
CHARINDEX('_', FileName) - 1) AS FilePart
FROM yourTable;
Here's a way using STRING_SPLIT and FETCH, rather than SUBSTRING We split the string and only return the second row
FROM STRING_SPLIT('73186_RHIMagnesita_PHI_StopLoss_TruncSSN_NonRedact_Inc_to_Apr2022_Paid_to_Apr2022_EDIT','_')
Note: On Azure Sql Server STRING_SPLIT has an ordinal parameter, so you could write this
STRING_SPLIT('73186_RHIMagnesita_PHI_StopLoss_TruncSSN_NonRedact_Inc_to_Apr2022_Paid_to_Apr2022_EDIT','_', 1)
WHERE ordinal = 2

equals letter start and end SQL

how to select a cells with contents (varchar) starting and ending with equals letter in SQL??
You can use string functions. Assuming a table called mytable with a column called col:
select *
from mytable
where left(col, 1) = right(col, 1)
Note that this also allows values that are made of just one character - you did not tell which behavior you want in that case. You can easily avoid that, if that's what you want, with another condition on the length of the string:
select *
from mytable
where left(col, 1) = right(col, 1) and len(col) > 1

Get text after second occurrence of a specific character

I have a column with data like this:
For example:
I need to extract the numeric code. I've tried with SUBSTRING function but I just get:
This is the code I've used:
SET number = substring(t2.code, charindex('_', t2.code, 2) + 1, len(t2.code))
How can I get just the numeric code?
Heres a one-liner for you
select right('m_johnson_1234', charindex('_', reverse('m_johnson_1234') + '_') - 1)
Call the CHARINDEX function twice:
NULLIF(CHARINDEX('_', code, NULLIF(CHARINDEX('_', code), 0) + 1), 0) + 1,
) x(code)
One method is to look for the first _ in the reversed string:
select col,
stuff(col, 1, len(col) - charindex('_', reverse(col)) + 1, '') as numericCode
from (values ('firstNameLetter_surname_numericCode')) v(col);
If the numeric code is really a number -- and no other numbers start the preceding values -- then you can use patindex():
select col,
stuff(col, 1, patindex('%[_][0-9]%', col), '') as numericCode
from (values ('firstNameLetter_surname_0000')) v(col);
The SUBSTR and INSTR functions can be combined to get you the numeric code.
SELECT SUBSTR('m_johnson_1234', INSTR('m_johnson_1234', '_', 1, 2)+1) FROM TABLE;
For the start_pos argument use INSTR to start at the beginning of the string, and find the index of the second instance of the '_' character. Then use that to start one position after and read to the end of the string.
If you need the result to be numeric instead of still a string, then wrap the SUBSTR() in a TO_NUMBER() function.
Late answer, and just because I didn't see PARSENAME() mentioned.
Select parsename(replace(t2.code,'_','.'),1)
From YourTable

Split string to array and order arr[1] ? - MS SQL

I want to order a value like 1234_1 (id, index) in correct way. Remove 123_ and then just order the index. How can i do it in right way in Microsoft SQL... Cheers
Try using Substring and charindex :
To order by it :
FROM ...
ORDER BY SUBSTRING(YourColumn, CHARINDEX('_', YourColumn) + 1, LEN(YourColumn))
Presumably, you want to order by the index numerically (so _10 is after _9 rather than _1).
You can extract the value and convert to a number:
order by try_convert(int, stuff(col, 1, charindex('_', col), ''))

SQL Server Query Output with sql scenario replace values with 'x' [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Replacing certain character in email addresses with '*' in an SQL query
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have one col in my table like:
I want my output something like this:
iyara replaced with 5x's(xxxxx) and 'kira' with 4x's(xxxx)
There's probably a better way to do it that this, but this achieves what you're after:
DECLARE #email NVARCHAR(50) = 'Kiyara#ymail.com';
LEN(SUBSTRING(#email, 2,
CHARINDEX('#', #email) - 1)))
+ SUBSTRING(#email, CHARINDEX('#', #email), LEN(#email));
-- Result: KXXXXXX#ymail.com
This uses the REPLICATE() method, which according to the docs online starts with SQL Server 2008.
Repeats a string value a specified number of times.
REPLICATE ( string_expression ,integer_expression )
SELECT LEFT(col, 1) + RIGHT('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', CHARINDEX('#', col) - 2) +
SUBSTRING(col, CHARINDEX('#', col), LEN(col) - CHARINDEX('#', col) + 1);
Take Kiyara#ymail.com as an example, and each piece of my query is shown here.
K LEFT(col, 1)
xxxxx RIGHT('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', CHARINDEX('#', col) - 2)
#ymail.com SUBSTRING(col, CHARINDEX('#', col), LEN(col) - CHARINDEX('#', col) + 1)
Note that you can replace the call to RIGHT() with a string of x's long enough to match your longest expected email name.
Try it's
select substring('Akira#zmail.com',1,1) + REPLICATE('x',charindex('#','Akira#zmail.com')) + SUBSTRING('Akira#zmail.com',charindex('#','Akira#zmail.com'),200)
Change the email by column or whatever you want
declare #n nvarchar(max)
set #n='Kiyara#ymail.com'
select concat(substring(#n,1,1),replicate('X',len( substring(#n,2,charindex('#',#n,1)-2))),SUBSTRING(#n,charindex('#',#n),200))
In this with the help o substring you have found first letter ans then rest of he letter til # i.e iyara is searched using charindex ans substring,which will be converted into 'x' using replicate function and then rest id printed.