verisign certificate into jboss server SSL - ssl

i'm trying to enable jboss to uses ssl protocol using a previously generated certificate from verisign, i imported both certificate, server certificate and ca certificate into the keytore file, and i configured the server.xml to use that keystore and activate ssl protocol, then when i run the jboss, I got this error "certificate or key corresponds to the SSL cipher suites which are enabled"
Question, reading some post on internet, i found that every example was made it generating a Certificate Request, it stricly necesary to do that if i already have the server certificate and that CSR has to be imported into the keystore as well ? at this point i'm very confused about this issue, i tried almost every solutions posted in several forums but till now i haven't any luck !! can you give me some tips in order to solve this problem.
thanks in advance
this are my keystore file: Keystore type: jks Keystore provider: SUN
Your keystore contains 2 entries
j2ee, Dec 29, 2009, trustedCertEntry, Certificate fingerprint (MD5): 69:CC:2D:2A:2D:EF:C4:DB:A2:26:35:57:06:29:7D:4C ugent, Dec 29, 2009, trustedCertEntry, Certificate fingerprint (MD5): AC:D8:0E:A2:7B:B7:2C:E7:00:DC:22:72:4A:5F:1E:92

You are almost certainly missing the concept of "private key". You need to have both the private key and the corresponding certified public key for your server. The usual way to do this is to generate a key with keytool with alias say 'mykey', export the pkcs#10 CSR with keytool, get this signed by Verisign (or whomever), then import the signed certificate back into the same keystore with keytool using the same alias 'mykey'. You can also import existing keypairs using keytool, but it can be more painful.

Finally i found a solution for this problem, as you said i need to have my private key, server certificate and ca certificate into my keystore, in this post they explains how to import this 3 existing elements (as in my case) into the keystore using a very useful tool called keyman.


SSL client verification failure

I have a backend server with SSL only as defaut public interface. This server listens on 443 with cert, key and ca files on, ssl verify client is set to true.
On client side, I have client cert, key and a ca file made of 2 CA files catted together (intermediate CA, root CA) in a single ca.pem file. When I do curl request on my backend server, it works fine. I also tested the server / client cert and key with gnutls-serv and openssl s_server to ensure all was valid.
But when I create a keystore on Apigee (client cert and key file [pem format]) and a trustore (ca.pem file), there is an error:
- fsbca-test
- Properties
- Expression ("fsbca-test" equals
- ExpressionResult true
- Tree TARGET_fsbca-test
- error The Service is temporarily unavailable
- error.cause General SSLEngine problem
- error.cause.cause General SSLEngine problem
- error.class com.apigee.messaging.adaptors.http.HttpAdaptorException
- type ErrorPoint
If I put SSL verify client to false on my backend, then the request is correctly diverted by Apigee and I get the response.
If I put IgnoreValidationErrors to true in the target endpoints property, then the request is diverted to my backend server but I can see an error in the server's log: "client sent no required SSL certificate while reading c...".
Any ideas about what could be wrong in what I am doing?
Additional track: could it be an issue on Apigee side with the CA file made of 2 certs (it may ignore trailing certificates found in a .pem). If wanted to test pkcs12 and jks but I failed to upload them to Apigee (the API doc page only describes .pem, JAR and cert action). I wrote a small Java client with pkcs12 keystore and jks trustore and it worked fine from my local workstation.
Thank you in advance for any piece of information that could help me.
You should upload your certificates separately (one per cert), and you need the entire trust chain of certificates to be stored in your truststore.
Here is the page about SSL to your backend.
Here is a method I know works:
1) Separate certs into separate PEM files. Do not put more than once cert in a file.
2) Validate each cert using openssl:
openssl x509 -noout -text -in <cert file name>
Validate that no certs are expired, and that the Subject and Issuer fields create a chain of all the certs, with identical names.
The server's certificate, the root certificate, and all certificates in between need to be in the truststore.

SSL Cert Vendor Change

I am trying to prepare for the switch in the SSL certificate vendors.
For the the SSL validation, Our Tomcat web application uses a JKS file created from a DigiCert certificate ( *.cer files). Our company is now switching to VeriSign next week. Since they have already provided the new *.cer files, can I simply add the new cert ( using keytool) to the existing JKS so that it works for both certificates. I am trying to avoid any downtime during the switch and prepare the server beforehand?
Any helps will be much appreciated.
You must install the certificate onto the same keystore you created the CSR from as the private key resides there. Otherwise it will not work. Please reference the article below on instructions on how to import into a tomcat server:

Import Self Signed Certificates into Netty

I need to set up SSL for my Netty server for which I am planning to use a self signed certificate. I wanted to know what are the steps involved in doing so ?
Use openssl to get a .key & .csr file.
Do I need to convert the .csr file into pem ?
How do I import the the certificate in the keystore? Is that cacerts on a linux machine?
Do I also need to import the keys into the keystore?
This tutorial shows the steps for using a certificate signed by StartSSL:
I think the steps can be modified for using your self-signed certificate (or you could sign it for free using StartSSL.

StartSSL class 1 certificate not accepted by browser (Weblogic 10.0.1)

I have requested a class 1 certificate from StartSSL and installed it in Weblogic 10.0.1 (see screenshots).
The browsers (Chrome & IE9 on Windows 7, IE8 on XPSP3) still give a certificate error (see screenshots).
I think the StartSSL root certificate is available in several browsers (see here). Please advise.
StartSSL Class 1 certificates are signed by a intermediate CA, which is signed by the StartCom Root CA. For your browser to trust this certificate, it needs to know the trust chain up to the Root CA it already knows.
Your server needs to send the complete trust chain to the browser (minus the Root CA), so your browser can verify that your certificate is trusted.
See the StartSSL FAQ for more info.
Found the problem. I've imported the StartSSL certificate incorrectly in our keystore. Also, I've specified "weblogic" as alias in the Weblogic console which is not the certificate but the public/private key pair. I'm using Portecle to edit the keystore.
When I've noticed that I was probably using the wrong alias I've changed it to the alias of the certificate. This resulted in a Weblogic error:
Inconsistent security configuration, No identity key/certificate entry was found under alias startssl-hostname in keystore keystore_StartSSL on server servername
In the end I've followed these steps to pack the certificate and private key in one PKCS#12 keystore. I've then imported that keystore into our java keystore using Portecle:
Export the "weblogic" public/private key using Portecle as a PKCS#12 keystore.
Extract the private key from this keystore using openssl:
openssl pkcs12 -in weblogic.p12 -nocerts -out privatekey.pem
Package the certificate and private key as a PKCS#12 keystore (cert.p12) using openssl:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.cer -inkey privatekey.pem -out cert.p12 -name cert -CAfile ca.pem -caname root
Import cert.p12 file into our java keystore using Portecle using "cert" as alias.
Changed the Weblogic configuration to use the "cert" alias with the correct passphrase.
And it worked!
PS: I've added the JCE unlimited strength policy along the way since Portecle complained about this at one point.
Generally the trust store and keystore would be separate, but it will not cause the error above.
If your browser does not trust the CA then you will receive the above error. You need to add the root CA to your browser. You can check the certs that your browser supports.
Eg for IE -> Tools -> Internet Options -> Content -> Certificates -> Trusted Root CA
Assuming you need to import this into one or two browsers, its not a big deal. But if you need to do this across the enterprise (meaning 100 or 1000 of browsers), you will need help from your desktop support team !

Having issues using existing Entrust certificates for Jetty SSL connection

I have three files from Entrust: *.csr, *.key and *.crt.
So far:
I have brought the *.key and *.crt into a PKCS12 keystore using OpenSSL
I have imported the *.pkcs12 into a keystore using keytool
Using this technique, I am able to use an SSL connection with Jetty
However, I'm getting a Certificate Error in IE (unsecured items in Chrome).
In our case, the certificates are currently being used for domain:80 (Apache) and I'm attempting to "reuse" them for domain:8443 (Jetty).
Am I wrong in thinking that I can use these for Jetty as well? On the same IP/domain, but on a different port and webserver? My gut is telling me that one of these files relates to Entrust recognizing Apache (*.csr) and that I should have to do the same for Jetty?
Edit #1
The error goes as follow:
Certificate Error
Untrusted Certificate
The security certificate presented by this webiste was not issued by a trusted certificate authority
This problem may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server.
We recommend that you close this webpage.
But yet Chrome, sees it as valid. I does have to work on IE since it's our standard.
Edit #2
Chrome doesn't complain
Nor does Firefox
Edit #3
I found our CA certificate specified in the Apache conf file. I then proceeded to concatenate our cert with the CA cert into a PKCS12 file. Then, using keytool, I generated the keystore.
I loaded it on the server, rebooted and viewed in IE. IE still shows a certificate issue.
In the concatenated file, I see in this order: our cert and then 2 other certificates.
On a side note, I called Entrust and the CSR saw no problems as he was using IE 8. We're on IE7.
Edit #4
Using this command:
keytool -list -keystore keystore -v
It shows 3 certificates (in this order):
Owner: CN=Entrust Certification Authority - L1C,
Owner: Certification Authority (2048)
Edit 5
Solved! I guess I had a caching issue. Confirmed with colleagues.
Answer, Concatenating all my certs, including the CA cert, into the keystore solved my issue.
The port number, as stated in the comments, is irrelevant for trusting an SSL/TLS connection.
The problem is that the entire certificate chain from your certificate up to the Entrust root probably looks like this
your cert - intermediate CA 1 - intermediate CA 2 - ... - root CA
To make this work for IE you have to import not only your certificate into the PKCS#12 container, but additionally the intermediate certificates and also the root certificate. Otherwise your SSL implementation won't be able to provide the full path during the SSL handshake and thus IE has no means to build a proper chain to compare to its set of trusted root certificates.
So my advise would be to get the intermediate certificates from the appropriate web sites and importing them with keytool into your PKCS#12 key store.
Once done, IE should from then on accept without complaining.