I am trying to connect to Office Communication Server using the Unified Communications Managed API. I have tried my user and a fresh user enabled for OCS. Both account can successfully log into the Office Communicator client, but fail using the API. When creating the network credential, if I pass in the username in the form domain\username, I get this error:
SupportedAuthenticationProtocols=Ntlm, Kerberos
Realm=SIP Communications Service
Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.AuthenticationException: The log on was denied. Check that the proper credentials are being used and the account is active. ---> Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.Sip.AuthException: NegotiateSecurityAssociation failed, error: - 2146893044
If I leave off the domain in the username I this error:
ResponseCode=404 ResponseText=Not Found
DiagnosticInformation=ErrorCode=4005,Source=OCS.mydomain.com,Reason=Destination URI either not enabled for SIP or does not exist
Turns out this was an oversight on my part. Our AD domain and communicator domain are different, I had assumed they were the same.
The network credential is domain\username, and the sip address should have been sip:username#companyname.com, I was using sip:username#domain.com.
Two things to note:
Username should not contain the domain. There should be a separate Domain property of NetworkCredential that you should be using.
You also need to pass in the user URI as well - for example:
//Initialize and register the endpoint, using the credentials of the user the application will be acting as.
UserEndpointSettings userEndpointSettings = new UserEndpointSettings(_userURI, _userServer);
userEndpointSettings.Credential = _credential;
_userEndpoint = new UserEndpoint(_collabPlatform, userEndpointSettings);
_userEndpoint.BeginEstablish(EndEndpointEstablish, _userEndpoint);
I am working om using Auth0 has authentication for services. I have the following problem. I have created a user but when I try to make a request with that user I get the following error.
Authorization server not configured with default connection
I have researched this and found I need to Configure the tenant
The Resource Owner Password Flow relies on a connection that is capable of authenticating users by username and password, so you must set the default connection for the tenant.
Go to Auth0 Dashboard > Tenant Settings, and scroll down to locate the Default Directory setting.
Enter the name of the connection you would like to use. Make sure it is capable of authenticating users by username and password.
But I have on idea what they mean by Default Directory. Is that the name of the Auth0 application I generated, since that is the service, that is supposed to authenticate users by username and password.
I have generated a SpringBoot app from the auth0 console. is that what they mean by connection.
Follow these steps.
Navigate to your dashboard - manage.auth0.com/dashboard
On the left menu, click on Setting
Scroll down to "API Authorization Settings"
Enter Username-Password-Authentication in the "Default Directory" input
Hit save - It typically takes about 30secs for changes to take effect
In Default Directory put Username-Password-Authentication
My auth0 was configured with a custom database, and when I was trying to get tokens using the Resource Owner Password API, I had the same issue Authorization server not configured with default connection .
The solution to this issue was:
Set the grant_type to http://auth0.com/oauth/grant-type/password-realm
Set the realm to the name of the custom database
For anyone else stumbling upon this question, you can also use the Realm property to define a specific Database connection instead of setting up a default one.
I am trying to use the Keycloak AuthzClient to register resources and related permissions in a resource server.
I have a resource server "resourceserver" with authz service enabled.
Using the AuthzClient, initialized with the json file containing the resource server's client id and secret, I'm able to obtain a pat.
ResourceRepresentation resource = new ResourceRepresentation();
resource.setUris(new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList("urn:resourceserver:resourcetype1:myresource")));
resource.addScope("read", "write");
resource = authzClient.protection(pat).resource().create(resource);
UmaPermissionRepresentation permissionRepresentation = new UmaPermissionRepresentation();
UmaPermissionRepresentation result = authzClient.protection(pat).policy(resource.getId()).create(permissionRepresentation)
After executing this code, I can see, in the keycloak admin UI, that the resource has been created, and the scopes, however the policy/permission don't seem to show up.
I believe it is probably intended, as this keycloak admin UI only shows policies of types client, role, js, etc., but not "uma" which is what UmaPermissionRepresentation creates.
I can however see that policy exists in Keycloak by querying authz/protection/uma-policy with my pat.
So there is something there. Now testing it. I created a regular user and assigned it the realm role somerole. Using this user and some arbitrary public client, I'm able to get an RPT.
First getting an access token using the password grant:
Then exchanging that for an RPT:
The RPT comes back and if I view its contents, I can see the authorization block giving me access to the myresource resource.
However, when I try a similar flow with a service account (to which I also granted the somerole role)using the client credentials flow to obtain the initial access token:
I am able to obtain an RPT, but that RPT does not contain myresource in the authorization/permission block, only the Default resource.
I have been trying to understand why that is. I have also tried using the .addClient("serviceaccount1") or even .addUser("service-account-serviceaccount1") in the UmaPermissionRepresentation, but still, the policy doesn't seem to kick in and my service account does not have access to the resource.
This is using Keycloak 4.8.0.Final.
Note: using the keycloak admin client, I am able to create policies/permissions that actually make this work; but in my environment this would causes other problems because of the roles I would need to assign to the admin client (like viewing all clients to retrieve an id etc.)
I have the same problem with KeyCloak 11.0.2.
Shared resources do not end up in the permission tickets of service accounts. Service accounts are explicitly excluded in the authorization token service.
Since sharing resources with service accounts is possible, this seems inconsistent.
However, you can work around this by explicitly setting the azp claim to something other than your client_id via a protocol mapper on your client.
when going to the custom AWS Cognito UI Page:
am getting the following error:
An error was encountered with the requested page.
View error
O-Auth options need to be check as shown in the following picture
from https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/launch-amazon-cognito-user-pools-general-availability-app-integration-and-federation/
You need the following in the App client Settings of your user pool:
Enable Cognito User Pool as "Identity Provider".
Allowed "OAuth Scopes" should have openid enabled.
In my case, it appears there was some issue with verifying the phone number. So switched back to email.
This document is good for checking everything.
Unless the SMS Sending setup is not complete, do not choose the Email or Phone option. Email or phone actually falls back to phone number only. Read the warning messages.
TLDR: If you use an AWS User Pool with Cognito App Client and have an Application Load Balancer that is exposed via a custom DNS entry (e.g. custom-domain.com, which has to be secured via SSL), use this custom domain for the Cognito App Client's callback URL (i.e. https://custom-domain.com/oauth2/idpresponse) instead if the random DNS name created by AWS.
I had the same error and this issue solved it for me. I used a User Pool with a Cognito App Client and as callback URL I first used the DNS name that AWS created for it (<load balancer name>-<random number>.<region>.elb.amazonaws.com, i.e. "callbackUrl": "https://<load balancer name>-<random number>.<region>.elb.amazonaws.com/oauth2/idpresponse). I also created a DNS record for a custom domain to expose the load balancer to the internet and secured it via SSL. As a result, the certificate was not valid for the URL created by AWS, but only my custom domain. The Cognito App Client was thus trying to access the URL with the invalid SSL certificate and returned the error.
I have installed "Domino Sample REST Service Feature" from 901v00_11.20141217-1000 version of XPages Extension Library. OpenNtfSample service (com.ibm.domino.services.sample.service.SampleService) works as it should in general and the only problem with it that it completely ignores authentication settings of the server.
I have tried both Basic and Session Authentication as described in Authenticating Domino REST Service Requests and the result I get is the following - the service returns data always and does not ask for any user name and password.
The server is configured with Session Authentication now and I get password prompt when I try to access
but does not get it when I open
After I had added this Web Site Rule
Description: DAS service
Type of rule: Override Session Authentication
Incoming URL pattern: /api/
the server changed password prompt for
remained open.
Has anybody experienced this kind of error? Can anybody help me password protect this sample service so that I could start developing my own once based this example?
The /api/sample resource is wide open on purpose. That just returns a link to the contacts resource -- /xpagesext.nsf/api/sample/contacts.
If you really want to prevent anonymous access to the /api/sample resource, there are two possible solutions: 1) Disable anonymous access for all HTTP requests, or 2) Make a change to the RootResource class. The first solution is a server config change. I'm sure you can find details about that elsewhere. Since this is StackOverflow, I'll focus on the second solution.
As you have already noticed, we don't allow anonymous access to the /api/data resource. You can mimic that behavior in the /api/sample resource with a simple change to RootResource.getLinks(). Near the top of the method, just add these lines of code:
boolean authenticated = false;
Session session = ContextInfo.getUserSession();
if ( session != null ) {
String userName = session.getEffectiveUserName();
if ( userName != null && !userName.equals("Anonymous")) {
authenticated = true;
if ( !authenticated ) {
throw new NoAccessSignal("Need user context");
By the way, you won't need to make the same change to the contacts resource class (ContactsListResource.java). Because the contacts resource URL includes a database name (xpagesext.nsf), the web server will attempt to open the database before forwarding the request to the REST service. You can prevent anonymous access to the contacts resource by changing the ACL of xpagesext.nsf. Just make sure the default access is "No access".
While debugging, we observe following behavior:
1) When trying to get encryption key from server then error on both (iOS or Android) platform
response [https://xxxx.xxxx.com:443/worklight/apps/services/random]
success: Exception thrown by application class
SESN0008E: A user authenticated as anonymous has
attempted to access a session owned by user:NewRealm/CN=test
user,OU=Temporary Users,OU=Acc,DC=xxxx,DC=com.
2) When trying to read a stored value error on android is [Logcat]
Android Message: Uncaught 9 at
Where try to call WL.EncryptedCache.read
Worklight version used is 5.0.5 Consumer Edition (with Oracle 11i) on
Windows 2008 R2
WebSphere Liberty profile
Worklight server is sitting behind IBM Datapower XI52. All SSL calls to the server are going via DP.
Authenticator - WebSphereFormBasedAuthenticator & LoginModule - WASLTPAModule
The following is not really an answer, since I'm not familiar with authentication (LTPA, FormBasedAuth, Data Power, etc.)... just a couple of comments that could help you debug/isolate the issue.
Looks like a problem with authentication:
A user authenticated as anonymous has attempted to access a session
owned by user:NewRealm/CN=test user,OU=Temporary
Not with the Encrypted Offline Cache (EOC).
EOC will try to get a random token calling the following function:
WL.EncryptedCache.secureRandom(function (data) {
It should output something like this:
response [/apps/services/random] success: 9053bdcfd902aac3dfb59a9874c9cf55223b7d17
You can view the functions source code typing the following in a JS console:
If you're using Google Chrome developer tools there's a checkbox for Log XMLHttpRequests when you click on the gear icon > General > Console.
You can also try to request the URL directly. Assuming the host is localhost, port is 10080 and project name is wlproj:
You can view HTTP traffic with Wireshark or Charles Proxy.
I imagine this will fix the EOC issue for you, if you don't mind generating the random token locally (less security, AFAIK):
WL.EncryptedCache.secureRandom = function(callback){callback(Math.random()+"")}
For example:
Notice it never goes to the server, everything is done locally.
A user authenticated as anonymous has attempted to access a session owned by user:NewRealm/CN=test user,OU=Temporary Users,OU=Acc,DC=xxxx,DC=com.
This usually means that there is a conflict with the session sent by the user (the session cookie) belongs to a user (in this case), but the LTPA token sent as a cookie was not sent or was not valid. There could be a few causes of this. This best way is to do a trace between datapower and the worklight server to make sure an LTPA token is even being sent to the worklight server. If it is, verify all of the LTPA requirements are met (synchronized time, same private key on both machines).