Is it possible to override rebol path operator? - rebol

It is possible to overide rebol system words like print, make etc., so is it possible to do the same with the path operator ? Then what's the syntax ?

Another possible approach is to use REBOL meta-programming capabilities and preprocess your own code to catch path accesses and add your handler code. Here's an example :
apply-my-rule: func [spec [block!] /local value][
print [
"-- path access --" newline
"object:" mold spec/1 newline
"member:" mold spec/2 newline
"value:" mold set/any 'value get in get spec/1 spec/2 newline
my-do: func [code [block!] /local rule pos][
parse code rule: [
any [
pos: path! (
pos: either object? get pos/1/1 [
change/part pos reduce ['apply-my-rule to-block pos/1] 1
next pos
) :pos
| into rule ;-- dive into nested blocks
| skip ;-- skip every other values
do code
;-- example usage --
obj: make object! [
a: 5
my-do [
print mold obj/a
This will give you :
-- path access --
object: obj
member: a
value: 5
Another (slower but more flexible) approach could also be to pass your code in string mode to the preprocessor allowing freeing yourself from any REBOL specific syntax rule like in :
my-alternative-do {
print mold obj..a
The preprocessor code would then spot all .. places and change the code to properly insert calls to 'apply-my-rule, and would in the end, run the code with :
do load code
There's no real limits on how far you can process and change your whole code at runtime (the so-called "block mode" of the first example being the most efficient way).

You mean replace (say)....
print mold system/options
with (say)....
print mold system..options
....where I've replaced REBOL's forward slash with dot dot syntax?
Short answer: no. Some things are hardwired into the parser.


Tcl : Guaranteed evaluation sequence of a boolean expression?

Let's say I have a conditional Tcl expression that is a boolean combination of steps.
Will the expression always be evaluated left to right (excluding parentheses)?
If the expression becomes true will the rest of the evaluation stop?
I have this piece of code that parses a file and conditionally replaces stuff in the lines.
set fp [ open "file" ]
set data [ read $fp ]
close $fp
foreach line [ split $data \n ] {
if { $enable_patch && [ regsub {<some_pattern>} $line {<some_other_pattern>} line ]} {
puts $outfp $line
So my issue here is that unless enable_patch is true, I don't want the line to be modified. Now my test shows that the code is deterministic in Tcl 8.5 on Linux. But I am wondering if this would break under other conditions/ versions/ OSes.
Yes, the || and && operators are "short-circuiting" operators in TCL. That means you can rely on them being evaluated left-to-right, and that evaluation will stop as soon as the value of the expression is known.

How to test for unset parameter in rebol / red within a function?

When I call f without parameter, I got the error Script Error: if does not allow unset! for its then-blk argument why ?
f: func['p [string! unset!]][
if unset? 'p print "unset"
'p evaluates to the word p. In order to test the type of the value referred by p, you need to use :p and provide a proper body block for if:
f: func ['p [string! unset!]][
if unset? :p [print "unset"]
>> f "123"
== none
>> f

In Rebol, what is the idiomatic way to read a text file line by line?

For the purpose of reading a text file line by line, without loading the entire file into memory, what is the common way to do this in Rebol?
I am doing the following, but I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that it loads the whole file into memory first:
foreach line read/lines %file.txt [ print line ]
At least with Rebol2
read/lines/direct/part %file.txt 1
should come near to what you want
but if you want all lines one line after the other, it should be like
f: open/lines/direct %test.txt
while [l: copy/part f 1] [print l]
In theory you can supersede any function, even natives. I will try to give a new foreach
foreach_: :foreach
foreach: func [
"Evaluates a block for each value(s) in a series or a file for each line."
'word [get-word! word! block!] {Word or block of words to set each time (will be local)}
data [series! file! port!] "The series to traverse"
body [block!] "Block to evaluate each time"
/local port line
] [
either any [port? data file? data] [
attempt [
port: open/direct/lines data
while [line: copy/part port 1] [
set :word line
do :body
attempt [close port]
] [
foreach_ :word :data :body
Probably the set :word line part and the attempt should be more elaborated in order to avoid name clashes and get meaningful errors.
Yes open is the way to go. However like sqlab touches on the necessary /lines & /direct refinements are not present in Rebol 3 open (yet).
The good news though is that you can still use open to read in large files in Rebol 3 without these refinements...
file: open %movie.mpg
while [not empty? data: read/part file 32000] [
; read in 32000 bytes from file at a time
; process data
close file
So you just need to wrap this up into a buffer and process a line at a time.
Here's a crude working example I've put together:
file: open/read %file.txt
eol: newline
buffer-size: 1000
buffer: ""
lines: []
while [
;; start buffering
if empty? lines [
;; fill buffer until we have eol or EOF
until [
append buffer to-string data: read/part file buffer-size
any [
empty? data
find buffer eol
lines: split buffer eol
buffer: take/last lines
line: take lines
not all [empty? data empty? buffer]
;; line processing goes here!
print line
close file

How do I write contents of a variable to a text file in Rebol 2?

Newbie question here...
I'd like to write the output of the "what" function to a text file.
So here is what I have done:
I've created a variable called "text" and assigned the output of "what" to it
text: [what]
Now I want to write the content of the "text" variable to a txt file...
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
the easiest way to write the output of statements to a file is to use
echo %file.log
with echo none you end this
>> help echo
ECHO target
Copies console output to a file.
ECHO is a function value.
target -- (Type: file none logic)
Unfortunately there is not really a value returned from the what function:
Try the following in the console:
print ["Value of `what` is: " what]
So write %filename.txt [what] will not work.
Instead, what you could do is to look at the source of what
source what
which returns:
what: func [
"Prints a list of globally-defined functions."
/local vals args here total
total: copy []
vals: second system/words
foreach word first system/words [
if any-function? first vals [
args: first first vals
if here: find args /local [args: copy/part args here]
append total reduce [word mold args]
vals: next vals
foreach [word args] sort/skip total 2 [print [word args]]
See that this function only prints (it doesn't return the values it finds) We can modify the script to do what you want:
new-what: func [
"Returns a list of globally-defined functions."
/local vals args here total collected
collected: copy []
total: copy []
vals: second system/words
foreach word first system/words [
if any-function? first vals [
args: first first vals
if here: find args /local [args: copy/part args here]
append total reduce [word mold args]
vals: next vals
foreach [word args] sort/skip total 2 [append collected reduce [word tab args newline]]
write %filename.txt collected
This function is a little hackish (filename is set, but it will return what you want). You can extend the function to accept a filename or do whatever you want. The tab and newline are there to make the file output prettier.
Important things to notice from this:
Print returns unset
Use source to find out what functions do
write %filename value will write out a value to a file all at once. If you open a file, you can write more times.
Fairly elementary: use write if you just want to save some text, read to recover it; use save if you want to store some data and use load to recover it.
>> write %file.txt "Some Text"
>> read %file.txt
== "Some Text"
>> text: [what]
>> save/all %file.r text
>> load %file.r
== [what]
You can get more information on each word at the prompt: help save or view online: load, save, read and write.

Rebol: How to use local variables with build-markup function?

Is there a way to do so including creating an other build-markup function ?
Sadly,build-markup uses only global variables: link text says: Note that variables used within tags are always global variables.
Here's a slightly cranky way of doing it using an inner object (bm-1 demonstrates the problem: a and b are printed with their global values; bm-2 is the cranky work around):
a: "global-a"
b: "global-b"
bm-1: func [a b][
print build-markup "<%a%> <%b%>"
bm-2: func [a b][
cont: context [
v-a: a
v-b: b
print build-markup "<%cont/v-a%> <%cont/v-b%>"
bm-1 "aaa" "bbb"
bm-2 "aaa" "bbb"
REBOL3 has reword rather than build-markup. That is much more flexible.
I've patched the build-markup function to be able to use local contexts:
build-markup: func [
{Return markup text replacing <%tags%> with their evaluated results.}
content [string! file! url!]
/bind obj [object!] "Object to bind" ;ability to run in a local context
/quiet "Do not show errors in the output."
/local out eval value
content: either string? content [copy content] [read content]
out: make string! 126
eval: func [val /local tmp] [
either error? set/any 'tmp try [either bind [do system/words/bind load val obj] [do val]] [
if not quiet [
tmp: disarm :tmp
append out reform ["***ERROR" tmp/id "in:" val]
] [
if not unset? get/any 'tmp [append out :tmp]
parse/all content [
any [
end break
| "<%" [copy value to "%>" 2 skip | copy value to end] (eval value)
| copy value [to "<%" | to end] (append out value)
Here are some example usages:
>> x: 1 ;global
>> context [x: 2 print build-markup/bind "a <%x%> b" self]
"a 2 b"
>> print build-markup/bind "a <%x%> b" context [x: 2]
"a 2 b"