WCF remote activation without IIS/WAS - wcf

I need to remotely spawn WCF services on a remote machine from a client. I cannot use IIS (no HTTP) or WAS (no Windows Server 2008).
Was wondering if there's a way to do it apart from these hosting environments without having to create a service on the remote machine responsible for the spawning of other WCF services.
If a Windows Service host is the only way, can someone point me to a good article or book for an efficient architecture for doing this (including lifecycle management of spawned WCF services).

If you cannot use IIS/WAS, then you're only option left is self-hosting.
You can host your WCF service in either a Windows (NT) Service, or a console app, or any other app you like to have.
The point though is: other than IIS/WAS which will load your service class as needed, when a request comes in and needs to be processed, in a self-hosting environment, you have to have your host app up and running - that's why a NT Service seems like the best choice at least for production environments, a service that can be run even if no one is logged on to the machine. Console or other apps require a user being logged on, and the app must be running.
Hope this helps a bit.

There is one additional option you can use on Server 2003 - hosting WCF services in COM+:
This is not as easy as hosting non-HTTP services in WAS on Server 2008, but provides a better supported monitoring and deployment model than hosting as an NT Service. Generally in my experience, though, most people I know have used NT services since is fairly straightforward to generate one in .NET, and then they perf counters or something similar to monitor them in production.


Windows Service vs Hosted WCF Service

We have a client server application.
My application need to be changed to work via WCF service in order to receive/send data to the database (security demands).
I also need another service which be hosted at the client side and will connect the client to the WCF service on the server side connect with Https.
The WCF service on the server is in PerSession mode.
Most of my work with the server is insert / select queries.
So my design is:
Client ->windows service ->WCF server service(iis7) ->database.
This windows service act as client and as server at the same time.
Act as server: for the Client application.
Act as client for the WCF service which located at the server.
The application needs to support XP and forward operating systems with .net 4.
The windows service will need to connect the WCF service on demand only (when the client application is launched).
I need to decide in which way to implement the client windows service.
I prefer to implement it with WCF hosted service with TCP/IP, but it feels like over kill to do so.
Should I use other IPC implementations? And if so which one?
So, what is the best way to implement this Windows service?
I do not fully understand the point why a windows service should be used on the client side in order to communicate with the WCF service. But the question was not about architectural patterns...
So, for inter-process communication I would use NetNamedPipeBinding.
You can find more information on how to decide which binding to use here.
Using a WCF service for inter-process communication does not feel overkill to me at all. Actually WCF services are quite lightweight except the host initialization process, which should not happen frequently in case of a windows service I guess. WCF provides reliability and extensibility in exchange for this tiny inconvenience.
I just reread you post, and I would like to clarify some details about the hosting. You can host a WCF service in a Windows Service, which is explained here, but not the other way around. Sorry, if I misunderstood your question. And yes, TCP/IP for inter-process communication is definitely an overkill, but NetNamedPipeBinding uses shared memory according to this article, so it should be the fastest way.

Regarding wcf service hosting

i am new in wcf and started learning. i got one confusion like that i create a small wcf service and just do not host it in IIS,console apps or win service but from another apps i can add the service reference of svc file and found it is working. if wcf can work without hosting in any place like "IIS,console apps or win service " then why people would alway host wcf service in IIS,console apps or win service. can anyone tell me the reason.
people use IIS and windows services in general because they are simpler to setup and run more consistently. they can also be hosted more easily on servers where the services can be configured to start automatically, and as usually wcf is used as a server communication method it is usually this that you want to do.
hosting in console applications is generally easier to setup for simple examples for testing purposes, when you want to test your services locally.
Whilst hosting in applications as possible it's a less common scenario to use wcf to communicate between 2 applications on the same machine.
Your original question asked why people always talk about IIS, services etc. The point I was making was that usually wcf is used for web services, and is usually run on a server other than the local machine. Even though it can be used for inter process communication on the same machine this is not the most common use case. This is why you see a lot of examples using IIS and not too many hosting it in a Windows forms app.

Hosting of WCF and Windows Services

My head hurts so much I think I need a bottle of aspirin...
I've created a WCF service and, with help of others from this site and the department I work in, the WCF service is running as a service on my development machine. Tested it with a console app and it works.
But, it's not supposed to be on my development machine. It needs to be on a different server.
This is difficult because the server it is supposed to reside on DOES NOT have Visual Studio installed on it.
So I cannot run the VS 2008 Command Prompt with installutil to run the WCF service as a service on that server.
Broadly speaking, you've got three options, all of which are described on MSDN:
Host the service under IIS
Self-host the service in any managed .NET application
Host the WCF service under a Windows Service
Which one is right for you depends on what your service is for, how it'll be consumed, how scalable and secure you need the set-up to be, and a dozen other things besides. Without knowing a bit more about what your service does and how it'll be used in your organisation, it's difficult to make a recommendation.
IIS hosting is easy to set up and is the way to go if you want to leverage all of the industrial-strength hosting functionality that a full-blown web server offers.
Self-hosting is quick and easy - you can knock out a WCF-hosting console app in two minutes flat - but is the clunky solution. You of course have to run the host application as a particular Windows user. Perhaps not ideal?
Hosting under a Windows service is the middle ground. It gives you that always-available functionality without having to be logged in as a specific user, but doesn't offer the configurability and scalability of the IIS solution. It takes a bit more effort than belting out a quick console app, but not much.
The server that the windows service will reside on will have the .NET Framework. INSTALLUTIL is located in the Microsoft.NET\Framework(version number) folder in the Windows directory.
For example, C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727.
No need to write a console app to host your service now (unless you want to).
You can also host your WCF service under IIS, check this out: MSDN - How to: Host a WCF Service in IIS. It really is just a five minute job :)

Hosting requirement: What does WCF need to work?

I plan to start developing with WCF this weekend. Before i get too far along, I'd like to know what I need from my web host? What does our server need to run to enable WCF? Is it standard ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 stuff? Does the host need to do anything to our IIS configuration?
I'm currently hosting our ASP.NET apps, company website, etc. with a third party hosting service. Due to our size, cost, etc. we are using a shared hosting plan and have somewhat limited access to chanign IIS. I'm hoping we don't have any problems that would limit our ability to use WCF.
If you want to host your WCF service in IIS, you need IIS6 (Win Server 2003) or preferably IIS7 (Win Server 2008), the .NET 3.0 (or preferably: .NET 3.5 SP1) framework, and the ability to create virtual directories in IIS (so yes, you need at least some degree of IIS configurability).
That's it! :-)
You have several options:
You can host in IIS6+ using ASP.NET: simplest, offers integration with ASP.NET runtime (can be disabled to reduce overhead if not needed, imposes requirements on endpoint URLs, restricted to HTTP[S] as transport, all the benefits of IIS worker process management
You can host in IIS7+ using Windows Activation Services (WAS): more advanced, complete control over endpoint URL, can use any transport (TCPIP, HTTP[S], MSMQ, NamedPipes), all the benefits of IIS worker process management
You can host in a custom Windows Service: all the power of WAS except worker process management and you must write your own windows service and you have
For more information, check out this section of the MSDN documentation.

Unregistered SecurityContextSecurityToken on WCF

Does anyone recognise this error?
The SecurityContextSecurityToken with context-id=urn:uuid:xxx (key generation-id=) is not registered
It has suddenly appeared in the service trace log of my WCF service.
We had a Windows service successfully transmitting data into the WCF service for a day until it broke. The error manifests when the Windows service tries to connect to the WCF service.
It's highly unlikely that the environments changed. The two services exist on separate machines (an application server and a web server). Both are Windows Server 2003 SP1 machines, and the web server is running IIS 6.
Unfortunately, we have scarce access to the servers to help us debug, so any guesses on what might be wrong would be highly appreciated.
We had this problem with Web Service Extension 3.0, which was used before WCF. I have not experianced this with WCF, but I think that it is worth checking.
The scenario works like this:
The service starts and the user that is the identity of the service gets logged on.
When the service makes a call it is done in the security context of this user
After a while the logon token becomes so old (a day?) that the service will no longer accept it.
The easy way to test this is to restart the windows service.