SQL query using oracle 10g database datetime equal not working - sql

I have SQL query like this.
select *
from TABLE_A
where LogDateTime >= startdatetime and LogDateTime <= enddatetime;
But some reason enddatetime equal is not working. I have the record with the date 11/23/09 8:50:09. When I select enddatetime as 11/23/09 8:50:09 it's not returning this record. It's returning till 8.49:59. What could be the problem? Why the timestamp is not working? Please let me know.
Thank you..

Oracle might store the datetime in higher precision, like 8:49:59.200. That's bigger than 8:49:59, but it will display the same.
Try this WHERE clause:
LogDateTime < (enddatetime + INTERVAL '1' SECOND)
This will still include anything which has the same starting second as the enddatetime.

What datatype is enddatetime? If it's a timestamp then there might be a mismatch between the type of the variable you are passing in (DateTime) and the type of the data in the table (Timestamp) this could cause this as there might not be a timestamp valeue that exactly matches the datetime value ... and the closest available value might be "off" in the direction that causes the record to be filtered out.

Is LogDateTime of TIMESTAMP datatype? It stores fractional part of seconds. Possibly your date is not exactly 11/23/09 8:50:09.
Try to output your date using TO_CHAR(LogDateTime,'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF') to see if that's the case.


SQL Server 2008 query check date on same day

I've written a query to check whether more than one record exists on the same day. Currently the excerpt from my query that performs the restriction looks like this :
COUNT(entry_date) > 1
As the entry date column is defined as a datetime, does it check against the full datetime or just the date?
if entry_date is DATETIME ,your group by wont work as expected.you need to CAST it to DATE.Cast(Datetime)to date is sargable as well.
GROUP BY cast(entry_date as DATE)
having count(cast(entry_date as DATE)) > 1
Since you don't cast or convert it to anything else, naturally it uses all data available. So it would group data together with the exact same datetime. Why would you expect anything else?
It should be full datetime.
CONVERT(date, entry_date)
should separate out the date.

How to take differece between 2 dates of different format in SQL

I have a table with a LOAD_STRT_DTM colum. This is a date column and values are like this - 18-JUL-14 AM.
I want to find the data which came before 5 days.
My logic is -
Select * from Table where 24 *(To_DATE(Sysdate,'DD-MM-YY') - To_DATE(LOAD_STRT_DTM,'DD-MM-YY')) >120
The issue is -
Select (To_DATE(Sysdate,'DD-MM-YY') - To_DATE(LOAD_STRT_DTM,'DD-MM-YY')) from table
This query should give the NumberOfDays between two dates. But this is not working, I Doubt, the issue is because of the format of the LOAD_STRT_DTM colum.
Please let me know where i am doint it wrong.
If your column is DATE datatype everything is ok, just shoot an:
select * from table where LOAD_STRT_DTM > sysdate - 5;
No need to convert dates to DATE datatype.
You don't have to convert a DATE into a DATE again. IT is already a DATE. You just need to use it for date calculations. You use TO_DATE to convert a STRING into a DATE.
For example, if you have a string value like '18-JUL-14', then you would need to convert it into date using TO_DATE. Since your column is DATE data type, you just need to use as it is.
This is a date column
I want to find the data which came before 5 days.
Simply use the filter predicate as:
WHERE load_strt_dtm > SYSDATE - 5;
NOTE : SYSDATE has both date and time elements, so it will filter based on the time too. If you want to use only the date part in the filter criteria, then you could use TRUNC. IT would truncate the time element.
I have answered a similar question, have a look at this https://stackoverflow.com/a/29005418/3989608
It looks like LOAD_STRT_DTM is a TIMESTAMP rather than a DATE, given the number of decimal points following the seconds. The only thing you have to be cautious about is that Oracle will convert a DATE to a TIMESTAMP implicitly where one of the operands is a TIMESTAMP. So the solution
WHERE load_strt_dtm > SYSDATE - 5
will work; as will
WHERE load_strt_dtm + 5 > SYSDATE
but the following will not:
WHERE SYSDATE - load_start_dtm < 5
the reason being that TIMESTAMP arithmetic produces an INTERVAL rather than a NUMBER.
first convert two dates to same format select datediff(dd,convert(varchar(20),'2015-01-01',112),convert(varchar(20),'01-10-2015',112))

How can I return data in a SQLite result set based on date range? [duplicate]

I can't seem to get reliable results from the query against a sqlite database using a datetime string as a comparison as so:
select *
from table_1
where mydate >= '1/1/2009' and mydate <= '5/5/2009'
how should I handle datetime comparisons to sqlite?
field mydate is a DateTime datatype
To solve this problem, I store dates as YYYYMMDD. Thus,
where mydate >= '20090101' and mydate <= '20050505'
It just plain WORKS all the time. You may only need to write a parser to handle how users might enter their dates so you can convert them to YYYYMMDD.
SQLite doesn't have dedicated datetime types, but does have a few datetime functions. Follow the string representation formats (actually only formats 1-10) understood by those functions (storing the value as a string) and then you can use them, plus lexicographical comparison on the strings will match datetime comparison (as long as you don't try to compare dates to times or datetimes to times, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense anyway).
Depending on which language you use, you can even get automatic conversion. (Which doesn't apply to comparisons in SQL statements like the example, but will make your life easier.)
I had the same issue recently, and I solved it like this:
strftime('%s', date) BETWEEN strftime('%s', start_date) AND strftime('%s', end_date)
The following is working fine for me using SQLite:
FROM ingresosgastos
WHERE fecharegistro BETWEEN "2010-01-01" AND "2013-01-01"
Following worked for me.
FROM table_log
WHERE DATE(start_time) <= '2017-01-09' AND DATE(start_time) >= '2016-12-21'
Sqlite can not compare on dates. we need to convert into seconds and cast it as integer.
CAST(strftime('%s', date_field) AS integer) <=CAST(strftime('%s', '2015-01-01') AS integer) ;
I have a situation where I want data from up to two days ago and up until the end of today.
I arrived at the following.
WHERE dateTimeRecorded between date('now', 'start of day','-2 days')
and date('now', 'start of day', '+1 day')
Ok, technically I also pull in midnight on tomorrow like the original poster, if there was any data, but my data is all historical.
The key thing to remember, the initial poster excluded all data after 2009-11-15 00:00:00. So, any data that was recorded at midnight on the 15th was included but any data after midnight on the 15th was not.
If their query was,
select *
from table_1
where mydate between Datetime('2009-11-13 00:00:00')
and Datetime('2009-11-15 23:59:59')
Use of the between clause for clarity.
It would have been slightly better. It still does not take into account leap seconds in which an hour can actually have more than 60 seconds, but good enough for discussions here :)
I had to store the time with the time-zone information in it, and was able to get queries working with the following format:
"SELECT * FROM events WHERE datetime(date_added) BETWEEN
datetime('2015-03-06 20:11:00 -04:00') AND datetime('2015-03-06 20:13:00 -04:00')"
The time is stored in the database as regular TEXT in the following format:
2015-03-06 20:12:15 -04:00
Right now i am developing using System.Data.SQlite NuGet package (version Which using SQLite version 3.24.0.
And this works for me.
SELECT * FROM tables WHERE datetime
BETWEEN '2018-10-01 00:00:00' AND '2018-10-10 23:59:59';
I don't need to use the datetime() function. Perhaps they already updated the SQL query on that SQLite version.
Below are the methods to compare the dates but before that we need to identify the format of date stored in DB
I have dates stored in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM format so it has to be compared in that format
Below query compares the convert the date into MM/DD/YYY format and get data from last five days till today. BETWEEN operator will help and you can simply specify start date AND end date.
select * from myTable where myColumn BETWEEN strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M', datetime('now','localtime'), '-5 day') AND strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M',datetime('now','localtime'));
Below query will use greater than operator (>).
select * from myTable where myColumn > strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M', datetime('now','localtime'), '-5 day');
All the computation I have done is using current time, you can change the format and date as per your need.
Hope this will help you
You could also write up your own user functions to handle dates in the format you choose. SQLite has a fairly simple method for writing your own user functions. For example, I wrote a few to add time durations together.
My query I did as follows:
FROM cars_sales_tbl
WHERE date
BETWEEN '2015-04-01' AND '2015-04-30'
AND carType = "Hybrid"
I got the hint by #ifredy's answer. The all I did is, I wanted this query to be run in iOS, using Objective-C. And it works!
Hope someone who does iOS Development, will get use out of this answer too!
Here is a working example in C# in three ways:
string tableName = "TestTable";
var startDate = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00"); \\From today midnight
var endDate = date.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); \\ Whole day
string way1 /*long way*/ = $"SELECT * FROM {tableName} WHERE strftime(\'%s\', DateTime)
BETWEEN strftime('%s', \'{startDate}\') AND strftime('%s', \'{endDate}\')";
string way2= $"SELECT * FROM {tableName} WHERE DateTime BETWEEN \'{startDate}\' AND \'{endDate}\'";
string way3= $"SELECT * FROM {tableName} WHERE DateTime >= \'{startDate}\' AND DateTime <=\'{endDate}\'";
select *
from table_1
where date(mydate) >= '1/1/2009' and date(mydate) <= '5/5/2009'
This work for me

how to delete the records which is inserted 1 day ago

I dont have proper timestamp in table; is it possible to delete 1 day old logs even now?
I have a column name as SESSION_IN which is basically a VARCHAR datatype, and the value will be like
2013-10-15 02:10:27.883;1591537355
is there any way to trim the number after ; and is it possible to compare with "sysdate" identifier?
This SP should compare all the session IDs with current datetime and it should delete if it is older then 1 day.
You can igonre time part and convert date into required format somthing like this
SYSDATE - to_date('date_col','YYYY-DD-MM')
then you can perform operations.
Use the Substring function to extract the datetime portion from the record, then use convert to datetime to cast it to datetime, and then finally use datediff to check if it was inserted yesterday. Use all these caluses in a
WHERE ___ query
For Oracle you could use something like this:
TRUNC(to_timestamp(SUBSTR('2013-10-15 02:10:27.883;1591537355',1,
instr('2013-10-15 02:10:27.883;1591537355', ';')-1
Which gives you just the date portion of your input string. Just subtract the amount of days you want to log at the end.
Hope following query helps you:
Select Convert(Datetime,Substring('2013-10-15 02:10:27.883;1591537355',1,23)), DateDiff(dd,Convert(Datetime,Substring('2013-10-15 02:10:27.883;1591537355',1,23)),Getdate())

pgsql time diffrence?

How to write a query to find the time difference ?
time format is like this
2009-08-12 02:59:59
i want to compare
this time with
2009-08-12 02:59:10
how to check these two
i want to return some row having the time difference is 30sec
how to write a SQL statement ??
select date_part('second',date1) - date_part('second',date2)
In SQL you can do like this which give you output in seconds
SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE time1_column - time2_column = interval '30s'
Sorry this is the best I can do, given your description of the problem...
if both the times are columns in database table, you can directly use
relational operators (>, < and =)
Ex. if you have a table like
id bigint,
starttime timestamp,
endtime timestamp
then you can have queries like
select * from test where starttime > end time
If you want to compare two dates in query, you can first convert text to time and then compare them
you can use: datetime function of pgsql
see: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/6.3/static/c10.htm
for more details