pgsql time diffrence? - sql

How to write a query to find the time difference ?
time format is like this
2009-08-12 02:59:59
i want to compare
this time with
2009-08-12 02:59:10
how to check these two
i want to return some row having the time difference is 30sec
how to write a SQL statement ??

select date_part('second',date1) - date_part('second',date2)
In SQL you can do like this which give you output in seconds

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE time1_column - time2_column = interval '30s'
Sorry this is the best I can do, given your description of the problem...

if both the times are columns in database table, you can directly use
relational operators (>, < and =)
Ex. if you have a table like
id bigint,
starttime timestamp,
endtime timestamp
then you can have queries like
select * from test where starttime > end time
If you want to compare two dates in query, you can first convert text to time and then compare them
you can use: datetime function of pgsql
for more details


How can I write this SQL query for date and time?

I'm trying to make a query that will look like
SELECT * from `table` WHERE args
I need to have my args the date from 'yesterday' and time 23:00 until date'Today' and time 22:59.
I'm very bad at writing SQL and I will need masters help for this one.
I know how to write basic SQL and I'm not sure how to write.
Date and time are 2 different rows.
Basic SQL stuff.
Expecting all data from date yesterday starting with time 23:00 until date = today and time = 22:59
Logically is simple, I'm just bad at writing SQL logic.
Date has to be always generated based on current date, time will be static.
SELECT * from `table` WHERE date= Yesterday And time= 23:00 TO date=today time=22:59
Database is MariaDB from Xamp
Assuming this is MySQL (MariaDB) and there are in fact two columns called date and time this could be written as
(date = SUBDATE(CURDATE(), 1) AND time >= '23:00') OR (date = CURDATE() AND time < '23:00');
This is a bit unusual though. Usually you would have as single column of type datetime or timestamp instead of two columns, and they should not be called date or time because these are keywords.
You may try the below query:
SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE date BETWEEN CONCAT(date_sub(curdate(),interval 1 day),' 23:00') AND CONCAT(curdate(),' 22:59');
Please double check your database timezone.

SQL - Subtracting Milliseconds from Current Date Time

I am trying to write a query that will let me get records entered between now and a some number of minutes in the past. I have the number of minutes as milliseconds. So, I'm trying to write a SQL query that will let me get those records.
I see a DateAdd function. However, I don't see a function to Subtract some time from a date. From a pseduo-code perspective, I'm trying to do this:
CreatedAt > (GetUtcDate() - milliseconds)
How do I get records from MyTable that have happened within some past window of time?
We can try using DATEADD in millisecond mode:
FROM MyTable
WHERE CreatedAt > DATEADD(ms, -60000, GETDATE()); -- 60000 ms = 1 minute
This would return all records which were created within one minute of the current date and time.
The function you want is DATEADD (Transact-SQL).
SELECT {YourColumns}
WHERE CreatedAt > DATEADD(millisecond,{value},GETUTCDATE());
Despite its name, the DATEADD function is also the "DATESUBTRACT" function that you're looking for. (Intentionally double-quoted as quasi-code.)
The first parameter defines the sorts of units you're adding or subtracting, i.e. HOUR, DAY, WEEK, etc., or, in your case, MILLISECOND. In the second parameter, if you want to add time, you enter a positive number. If you want to subtract time, as you do here, enter a negative number of units.
The best way to interact with date and time in SQL is to use specific date and time functions rather than adding dates as you would add numbers.
In this case the function you are looking for is DATEADD, using it your cord should change like this:
FROM MyTable
WHERE CreatedAt > DATEADD(ms, -milliseconds, GetUtcDate())

how to delete the records which is inserted 1 day ago

I dont have proper timestamp in table; is it possible to delete 1 day old logs even now?
I have a column name as SESSION_IN which is basically a VARCHAR datatype, and the value will be like
2013-10-15 02:10:27.883;1591537355
is there any way to trim the number after ; and is it possible to compare with "sysdate" identifier?
This SP should compare all the session IDs with current datetime and it should delete if it is older then 1 day.
You can igonre time part and convert date into required format somthing like this
SYSDATE - to_date('date_col','YYYY-DD-MM')
then you can perform operations.
Use the Substring function to extract the datetime portion from the record, then use convert to datetime to cast it to datetime, and then finally use datediff to check if it was inserted yesterday. Use all these caluses in a
WHERE ___ query
For Oracle you could use something like this:
TRUNC(to_timestamp(SUBSTR('2013-10-15 02:10:27.883;1591537355',1,
instr('2013-10-15 02:10:27.883;1591537355', ';')-1
Which gives you just the date portion of your input string. Just subtract the amount of days you want to log at the end.
Hope following query helps you:
Select Convert(Datetime,Substring('2013-10-15 02:10:27.883;1591537355',1,23)), DateDiff(dd,Convert(Datetime,Substring('2013-10-15 02:10:27.883;1591537355',1,23)),Getdate())

Select where date without time

I am using SQLite, now how can I Select a query if I have a timestamp column that has this value for example 07:00 06/03/13 but I want only to select where timestamp 06/03/13.
This is my example of my query..
timestamp, pname
timestamp between `06/01/13` and `06/10/13`
Use date
select timestamp, pname
from attendance
where date(timestamp) = '2013-03-06'
When filtering on a timestamp column, you want this logic.
where YourField >= TheStartOfYourRange
and YourField < TheDayAfterTheEndOfYourRange
This is equivalent to the two answers that use the date() function, but will generally perform faster. Using functions in the where clause usually slows down production, especially on indexed fields.
SQLite support function date, which can be used to get the date part of a timestamp. For example:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE date(timestamp_col) = '2013-05-20'
See SQLite date and time functions documentation for more info.

SQL query using oracle 10g database datetime equal not working

I have SQL query like this.
select *
from TABLE_A
where LogDateTime >= startdatetime and LogDateTime <= enddatetime;
But some reason enddatetime equal is not working. I have the record with the date 11/23/09 8:50:09. When I select enddatetime as 11/23/09 8:50:09 it's not returning this record. It's returning till 8.49:59. What could be the problem? Why the timestamp is not working? Please let me know.
Thank you..
Oracle might store the datetime in higher precision, like 8:49:59.200. That's bigger than 8:49:59, but it will display the same.
Try this WHERE clause:
LogDateTime < (enddatetime + INTERVAL '1' SECOND)
This will still include anything which has the same starting second as the enddatetime.
What datatype is enddatetime? If it's a timestamp then there might be a mismatch between the type of the variable you are passing in (DateTime) and the type of the data in the table (Timestamp) this could cause this as there might not be a timestamp valeue that exactly matches the datetime value ... and the closest available value might be "off" in the direction that causes the record to be filtered out.
Is LogDateTime of TIMESTAMP datatype? It stores fractional part of seconds. Possibly your date is not exactly 11/23/09 8:50:09.
Try to output your date using TO_CHAR(LogDateTime,'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF') to see if that's the case.