The right file name for an enum? -

I have a DataType (text, numeric, date, boolean, money) enum and I need to put that in a file. How should I call the file and where in my DataAccessLayer.Generic namespace should I put the file into? Right now the file is called enum.vb and is in the DataAccessLayer.Generic.DataTypes namespace. The Result is DataAccessLayer.Generic.DataTypes.DataType, but it is misleading because the file is called enum.vb

I would call the file DataType.vb since that is the name of the type within the file.
Without knowing more about your application's architecture it would be difficult to give namespace advice but this should be fine:
Especially if the DataAccessLayer.Generic.DataTypes namespace contains other types and the enumeration in question belongs with them.

I have put Enums into a file which I call 'Common', meaning it is shared among the entire namespace. I know that breaks 1 item per file rule, to me Enums are an exception to that rule.


Java read variable number values from text file and assign to declared program variables

Is there a way in Java to have text file with listed a=10.35 b=20.57 c=30.79 and get program to only read the variable decimal values and assign them to declared variables a, b, c in the program.
Searched youtube found nothing.
Do not know if it is possible.
Do not know.
Got it working.
You can certainly read in the contents of the text file and parse it down to the chars and doubles.
If you are referring to declaring named variables based on the file, there is no way to do this directly at runtime. You can, however, use a data structure like a dictionary or map to store the data and access it using the name as a key.
If you could provide more details about what you are trying to do, that would make it easier to answer your question more specifically.

Is there any way to extract data from #Prompt_assignment# variable in automation anywhere?

There is a task to call DLL file and get output to the promptassignment variable in automation anywhere. That DLL returns the object (with student name and age). Is there any way to extract that students name and age from Promptassignmet variable without calling another DLL? Thnak you in advance.
Not in the way you would want it to work, no.
Keep in mind that AA is by no means Object oriented. Hence, the parsing of the returned object needs to be done either in the dll itself (if you have access to its source code) or by AA's Before-After String operation.
Note that the latter is only viable when the returned Student object is not hashed, e.g. "Obj#12f837g", but has a ToString() format, e.g. "{student:{name:Foo, age:12}}".
In the former approach, instead of returning the Student object, you could return + ";" + student.age; for example.
If neither of the 2 options listed above are viable for you, you can try creating a metabot via the Metabot Designer in the AAE Client. You can attach the dll and check if you can call its methods individually. The goal would be to find a Getter method for both 'name' and 'age'.
If all else fails, yes, you'll need to either run another dll which would serve your purpose, or create the dll yourself (this sounds like a fairly easy dll, but I could be wrong of course).
Hopefully one of the above will help you or at least guide you on finding your own solution.

Why is this structure declaration allowed in a built-in Function Module but not in a new one?

I'm working on a Function Module to assist with dealing with included text with logic embedded. While looking into the way SAP handles SAPScript files and parses the logic I found a structure that is declared as so:
template LIKE BOOLEAN,
END OF events.
This obviously works, as I can trace through it while it is running a print program. So I thought I would try a similar structure in my own code but even when I copied the code 1 for 1 like above I get an error during activation. The error is
"BOOLEAN" must be a flat structure. Internal tables, references,
strings and structures are forbidden as components.
Can someone explain to me why this structure is valid in one program and not mine?
To explain the actual effect: LIKE usually refers to a data object (an actual variable) on the right-hand side, not a data type. As you rightly discovered, once you provide a data object named BOOLEAN, that is used to construct the type. If a data object of that name is not present and you're not within a class or an interface, an obsolete variant of the LIKE statement will be triggered that also takes data types into account, but only allows for certain elements on the right-hand side - namely only flat structured objects or their components. LIKE DATATYPE-BOOLEAN should have worked. As usual, the error message is somewhat less than helpful.
It seems during my initial investigation I missed a declaration for the BOOLEAN type. In the STXC function group SAP decided to declare their own variable for boolean in a different include file like this:
data: boolean(1) type c.
I had originally assumed that they were doing this with the dictionary defined type which has a similar name and is a 1 character long string. What I also found is that if I were to change my structure declaration like this:
template TYPE BOOLEAN,
END OF events.
My code would be valid because it would then be using the dictionary defined value. So either I have to add a declaration for my own definition of boolean so that I can use the LIKE keyword or I have to use the TYPE keyword to use the dictionary definition.

EnableCors for

Does anyone know how to put the enableCors into the controller on i am working along with a pluralsight course and tried a code translator with no luck. my attempt is below.
<EnableCors(origins: "http://localhost:53080", headers: "*", methods: "*")>
The correct syntax would be something like this:
<EnableCors("http://localhost:53080", "*","*")>
The C# example appears to use named parameters. VB.NET supports that too, however the EnableCorsAttributes has properties and contractor arguments that only differ by letter casing. This confuses the compiler as to whether you are attempting to set the named parameter or the property in the attribute. So, in this case we can just drop the named arguments all together.
In this <EnableCors("http://localhost:53080", "*","*")> will work, but, you have to add on NuGet the Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors and Microsoft.AspNet.Cors. You need to add Imports System.Web.Http.Cors on the class.
Remove any empty line between the http://localhost:53080", "*","*")> and the declaration of the controller class.

System.Linq.Dynamic ´s .Where will be misinterpreted

I've build a large program with many references. F.e.:
I've to write a Dynamic Linq Expression:
In my case:
Dim query As IEnumerable = ds.Sales.Where(strWhere)
But with System.Data.DataSetExtensions Where is misinterpreted. The compiler expects (Datarow, Integer, Boolean). If I delete System.Data.DataSetExtensions everything is ok with this expression, but I get many other errors, so I need this reference.
What can I do that the Where is interpreted correctly?
Is the large programm all in one file?
If not done already, split up your program into classes, then put each class into it's own file. Then only use the required references in every file.
Maybe this way you will be able to resolve the namespace conflict.
If for some reason you absolutely need both conflicting namespaces and can't resolve the ambiguity, you can directly call the extension method. Basically the extension method is just another static method on another class. ds.Sales.Where(strWhere) is only syntactic sugar for that method call.
An example:
Would translate to
EnumerableRowCollectionExtensions.Where(ds.Sales.AsEnumerable(), yourCondition)