Dojo disable all input fields in div container - input

Is there any way to disable all input fields in an div container with dojo?
Something like:
dijit.byId('main').disable -> Input

That's how I do it:
dojo.query("input, button, textarea, select", container).attr("disabled", true);
This one-liner disables all form elements in the given container.

Sure there is. Open up this form test page for example, launch FireBug and execute in the console:
var container = dojo.query('div')[13];
dojo.query('input', container).forEach(
inputElem.disabled = 'disabled';
On that test page form elements are actually dijit form widgets, but in this sample I'm treating them as if they were normal input tags
The second dojo.query selects all input elements within the container element. If the container had some unique id, you could simplify the sample by having only one dojo.query: dojo.query('#containerId input').forEach( ...
forEach loops through all found input elements and applies the given function on them.
Update: There's also a shortcut for setting an attribute value using NodeList's attr function instead of forEach. attr takes first the attribute name and then the value or an object with name/value pairs:
var container = dojo.query('div')[13];
dojo.query('input', container).attr('disabled', 'disabled');

Something else to keep in mind is the difference between A Dijit and a regular DomNode. If you want all Dijit's within a DomNode, you can convert them from Nodes -> Dijit refs with query no problem:
// find all widget-dom-nodes in a div, convert them to dijit reference:
var widgets = dojo.query("[widgetId]", someDiv).map(dijit.byNode);
// now iterate over that array making each disabled in dijit-land:
dojo.forEach(widgets, function(w){ w.attr("disabled", "disabled"); }
It really just depends on if your inputs are regular Dom input tags or have been converted into the rich Dijit templates (which all do have a regular input within them, just controlled by the widget reference instead)

I would do it like this:
var widgets;
require(["dijit/registry", "dojo/dom"], function(registry, dom){
widgets = registry.findWidgets(dom.byId(domId));
require(["dojo/_base/array"], function(array){
array.forEach(widgets, function(widget, index) {
widget.set("disabled", true);
Method findWidgets is essential to get all widgets underneath a specific DOM.


click only visible element selenium webdriverjs

I have multiple div like below
<div class="one">send Message</div>
<div class="one">send Message</div>
<div class="one">send Message</div>
I have a web page where there is send Message buttons like above, in which only one button is visible at a time.Other two buttons are hidden via some javascript codes.So for example if 2nd button is visible , I should be able to click only that element.But in my selenium code , its trying to click first hidden div and its failing
driver.findElements(by.className(".one")).then((els) => {
var element = els[index];;
So basically I wanna convert below javascript code to Selenium nodejs code,If some one guide me that will be helpful
var all = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
for (var i = 0, max = all.length; i < max; i++) {
if (isHidden(all[i]))
// hidden
// visible
function isHidden(el) {
var style = window.getComputedStyle(el);
return ((style.display === 'none') || (style.visibility === 'hidden'))
Do you want to click the button ( basically a div as far as code is concerned ) which is visible ?
If that is your main agenda, then the code you've written will fail to find desired element. As you are selecting the element by it's classname not its visibility.
Your code will find all the matched class element. As it's a basic element selector and all your buttons have the same class, so they are basically rendered on the page.
Approach 1
driver.findElements(by.className(".one")).then((els) => {
for(var key in els){
var element = els[key];
if(element.isDisplayed()){ //if visible element;
The Key here is to check if the element you are trying to click is visible on the page.
Approach 2
By giving a unique class to the target button. Some class for eg 'clickable' or 'active'. So it will be a more optimized solution to select the target element using the Css selector. The Key here is to give uniqueness to your target element to be more identifiable.
Usually many Java Scripts are run in the node Js without the convert.
Have you try it in the node Js without converting ???
** Remember to import selenium

Alternative to innerHTML for IE

I create HTML documents that include proprietary tags for links that get transformed into standard HTML when they go through our publishing system. For example:
<LinkTag contents="Link Text" answer_id="ID" title="Tooltip"></LinkTag>
When I'm authoring and reviewing these documents, I need to be able to test these links in a browser, before they get published. I wrote the following JavaScript to read the attributes and write them into an <a> tag:
var LinkCount = document.getElementsByTagName('LinkTag').length;
for (i=0; i<LinkCount; i++) {
var LinkText = document.getElementsByTagName('LinkTag')[i].getAttribute('contents');
var articleID = document.getElementsByTagName('LinkTag')[i].getAttribute('answer_id');
var articleTitle = document.getElementsByTagName('LinkTag')[i].getAttribute('title');
document.getElementsByTagName('LinkTag')[i].innerHTML = '' + LinkText + '';
This works great in Firefox, but not in IE. I've read about the innerHTML issue with IE and imagine that's the problem here, but I haven't been able to figure a way around it. I thought perhaps jQuery might be the way to go, but I'm not that well versed in it.
This would be a huge productivity boost if I could get this working in IE. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
innerHTML only works for things INSIDE of the open/close tags. So for instance if your LinkTag[i] is an <a> element, then putting innerHTML="<a .... > </a> would put that literally between the <a tag=LinkTag> and </a>.
You would need to put that in a DIV. Perhaps use your code to draw from links, then place the corresponding HTML code into a div.
var LinkCount = document.getElementsByTagName('LinkTag').length;
for (i=0; i<LinkCount; i++) {
var LinkText = document.getElementsByTagName('LinkTag')[i].getAttribute('contents');
var articleID = document.getElementsByTagName('LinkTag')[i].getAttribute('answer_id');
var articleTitle = document.getElementsByTagName('LinkTag')[i].getAttribute('title');
document.getElementsById('MyDisplayDiv')[i].innerHTML = '' + LinkText + '';
This should produce your HTML results within a div. You could also simply append the other LinkTag elements to a single DIV to produce a sort of "Preview of Website" within the div.
document.getElementsById('MyDisplayDiv').innerHTML += '' + LinkText + '';
Note the +=. Should append your HTML fabrication to the DIV with ID "MyDisplayDiv". Your list of LinkTag elements would be converted into a list of HTML elements within the div.
DOM functions might be considered more "clean" (and faster) than simply replacing the innerHTML in cases like this. Something like this may work better for you:
// where el is the element you want to wrap with <a link.
newel = document.createElement('a')
el = prop.parentNode.removeChild(prop);
Similar code worked fine for me in Firebug, it should wrap the element with <a> ... </a>.
I wrote a script I have on my blog which you can find here: anyways take it a look it automatically fixes ie innerHTML errors in ie8 and ie9 by hijacking ie's innerHTML property which is "read-only" for table elements and replacing it with my own.
I have this xmlObject:
<c:value i:type="b:AccessRights">ReadAccess WriteAccess AppendAccess AppendToAccess CreateAccess DeleteAccess ShareAccess AssignAccess</c:value>
I find value use this: responseXML.getElementsByTagNameNS("",'value')[0]
This one is the best : elm.insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', str );
In case your element size is very small :elm.innerHTML += str;

How to show/hide div in WinJS Template dynamically

I have a Windows 8 app with a template that contains a div I want to show or hide based on the value of a property inside a data-win-control="WinJS.Binding.Template". I have tried the following without luck:
<div data-win-bind="visible: isMore"> ..content... </div>
where isMore is a boolean property of the databound item.
How can I do that? I guess the visible property does not exist?
You are right - the visible property doesn't exist, but you can control the appearance using CSS and a binding converter.
First, use WinJS.Binding.converter to create a converter function that translates a boolean to a value value for the CSS display property, like this:
var myConverter = WinJS.Binding.converter(function (val) {
return val ? "block" : "none";
Make sure that the function is globally available - I use WinJS.Namespace.define to create collections of these converters that I can get to globally.
Now you can use the converter in your data binding to control the CSS display property, like this:
<div data-win-bind="style.display: isMore myConverter"> ..content... </div>

Access Elements of a DOJO DIV

I have two Hyper Links on to a DOJO DIv
var create = dojo.create("div",{
innerHTML:"<a class='popupLink' href='javascript:openCreateDialog()'>Create </a> <span>|</span><a href='javascript:openUploadDialog()'>Batch </a>"
On click of the Batch Hyperlink , i have a function
function openUploadDialog()
// Here i want to disable the Create Hyper Link tried this way
dojo.byId('create_links')[1].disabled=true; // Not working
See whether i can answer your question.
HTML Part:
<div id="create_links">
JS Part:
dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
var a = dojo.query("#create_links a")[1];
#Kiran, you are treating the return of dojo.byId('create_links') like an array when that statement will return to you a node on the dom.
Also, hyperlinks don't support a disabled attribute to prevent them from being actionable. You could probably create a click handler that returns false to accomplish this type of functionality, or like #rajkamal mentioned, calling e.preventDefault(). #rajkamal also provides a good solution to selection the link properly.

Matching Variables of Two Elements (binding cycle and ui-selectable)

I need help with condensing my script so that a #div_x is related to a separate element img_x.
My project uses ui-selectable to grab points on a map and return an image set in a separate div via jquery cycle (as in here
I have bound the 'selectablestop' event to two functions - .hasClass and .append - in order to 1) detect if a point has been selected and 2) append the containing cycle div with a corresponding image (also, incidentally, contained within its own div). As is, it looks something like this:
$("#selectable").selectable().bind("selectablestop", function(event, ui) {
$('#cycle').append('<div id="pic"><img src="image_a.jpg" /></div>');}
$('#cycle').append('<div id="pic"><img src="image_b.jpg" /></div>');}
$('#cycle').append('<div id="pic"><img src="image_c.jpg" /></div>');}
, etc.
My question:
Can I accomplish this with one argument, using a variable x instead of writing out each line matching point_a to img_a, point_b to img_b, etc. That is,
$('#cycle').append('<div id="pic"><img src="image_(matching variable).jpg" /></div>');}
Thanks! I've spent some time looking for a good approach.
Thanks to rdworth via Jquery forum for this solution:
<li id="point_a" data-image="image_a.jpg">...</li>
<li id="point_b" data-image="image_b.jpg">...</li>
$( ".ui-selected" ).each(function() {
$( "#cycle" ).append( "<div id='pic'><img src='" + $( this ).data( "image" ) + "'></div>" );