Tool for downloading eclipse plugins from update sites - eclipse-plugin

I need to install an eclipse plugin to a machine not connected to the Internet and I cannot find a dist to use for a local install.
Is there a tool for downloading a plugin from an update site and create a local installation archive (or a local update site)? Rumors says you can do this with eclipse, but I cant find any info on how to do it.

You can use P2 mirror tool (or P2 mirror in Galileo documentation) to mirror remote metadata and artifacts repository.
Here is sample command to mirror Galileo artifacts repository locally:
eclipse\eclipsec.exe -nosplash -verbose
-application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.repository.mirrorApplication
-destination file:d:/temp/galileo/
eclipse\eclipsec.exe -nosplash -verbose
-application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.artifact.repository.mirrorApplication
-destination file:d:/temp/galileo/
(First command mirrors metadata, second mirrors artifacts. Command should be on one line in windows)
After you run these commands, you can use file:d:/temp/galileo as a local mirror.
Alternatively, you can use P2 Mirror Ant Task, which lets you specify installable units (plugins or features) to mirror. Note: when specifying feature, don't forget to use suffix)

Now there is also a support for p2 sites mirroring in maven using tycho plugins:
One of the advantage is that you can very precisely specify what installable unites you want to mirror, for which os/ws/arch, ...
For instance to mirror Eclipse Indigo you can use following pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<!-- source repositories to mirror from -->
<!-- supported layouts are "p2-metadata", "p2-artifacts", and "p2" (for joint repositories; default) -->
<!-- The destination directory to mirror to. -->
<!-- Whether only strict dependencies should be followed. -->
<!-- "strict" means perfect version match -->
<!-- Whether or not to follow optional requirements. -->
<!-- Whether or not to follow non-greedy requirements. -->
<!-- include the latest version of each IU -->
<!-- don't mirror artifacts, only metadata -->
<!-- whether to compress the content.xml/artifacts.xml -->
<!-- whether to append to the target repository content -->
<!-- whether to mirror pack200 artifacts also. Available since tycho-extras 0.17.0 -->

You might find Building a custom Eclipse package helpful, although it's probably a bit more heavyweight that what you need.


Converting a Maven 1 project into Maven 2

I'm new to Maven, and have been running into some difficulty in a project. I am to convert a Maven 1 project into Maven 2.
I started with these files:
maven.xml -- contains custom build scripts -- general build settings
project.xml -- Project Object Model (POM) definition
From my understanding, Maven 2 project I must move these files into these:
pom.xml -- POM definition
(and possibly) settings.xml -- local configuration
I have gone about this by using the command 'mvn one:convert'.
This seemed to take care of project.xml > pom.xml
I then added a to pom.xml to include (which seemed to work).
Am I right in assuming that all I have left is to transfer over the contents of maven.xml >> pom.xml ?
maven.xml starts with:
<project default="site_deploy"
<ant:property environment="env"/>
and contains contains goals such as:
<goal name="site_deploy">
<attainGoal name="clean"/>
<attainGoal name="clean:clean"/>
<ant:delete dir="${maven.src.dir}/core/target" />
<attainGoal name="core_deploy"/>
<goal name="core">
<ant:property name="m2Dir" value="${maven.repo.local}/../../.m2/repository/app/${application.version}"/>
<ant:property name="m1Path" value="${maven.repo.local}/${}/jars/${}-core-${application.version}.jar"/>
<ant:echo message="copying jar m1 to m2 (${m1Path}) to (${m2Dir})" />
<ant:mkdir dir="${m2Dir}"/>
<ant:copy todir="${m2Dir}" file="${m1Path}" />
From my reading if not bound to any build phase, goals can be executed outside of the build lifecycle by direct invocation, the second way being to write plugins for the goals.
How would I identify if the goals have dependencies-- how would I go about writing a plug-in? I've been referring mostly to the maven guides on, but some of it is hard to follow.
Here is the pom file generated:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""

Where is Cargo generating context XML for Jetty 6.x?

I am trying to implement the solution mentioned in How to specify jetty-env.xml file for Maven Cargo plugin for Jetty?
However I am facing something even more fundamental: My Cargo is simply not generating any context xml.
<!-- Container configuration -->
<!-- Configuration to use with the container or the deployer -->
The basic idea is, we are providing the a custom context.xml to replace the one generated. However, when I am trying out, I cannot find any context XML generated by Cargo (Please note that I have remarked the custom config files, and with cargo.jetty.createContextXml being true)
I am not sure if it is my problem in setting causing the context not generated, or the context is generated somewhere I overlooked. I have checked under target/cargo/ and the temp directory that cargo expanded my WAR, neither place contains the context xml.
(I am using Maven 2.2.1, Cargo 1.2.1, JDK 6)
I am not 100% sure what your problem is, but here is what cargo does on my system for Jetty6.
The directory where the Jetty installation is NOT where the runtime context and webapp files are. In my case, they are stored in the Java temp directory (i.e. On my Ubuntu system this is /tmp. Under this directory, there is a cargo/conf directory. Under /tmp/cargo/conf I have a contexts directory where the context.xml file is stored -- although the actual name of the file is never context.xml it is always named after the web app context.
In my case, this file is given the same name as the context I configured cargo with. Herein may lie your problem because I noticed that you did not supply a context as I do:
<!-- Web root context URL -->
Secondly, I also noticed you have commented out the section that places the context.xml file in the right place. Unless you uncomment that, this isn't going to work.
Thirdly, did you set the value of the ${jetty6.context} Maven property?
Fourthly - I think for this to work you need to use a standalone configuration of Jetty. This shouldn't be a problem as Cargo will automatically download and install it for you. See my config here:
<!-- Using Jetty for build portability so type != "remote". For Jetty
would prefer type = "embedded" but we must go with "installed" because jetty-env.xml
file would be ignored. See -->
<!-- The following dependencies are added to the servlet container's
classpath as if they were installed by a system admin. In order to be included
here, they need to be listed as dependencies in this pom.xml. -->
<!-- Do not hang and wait for a client, just do it -->
<configuration> <!-- Deployer configuration -->
<!-- Running Jetty container with type=installed (e.g. local) so
type != "runtime", and we are installing it during this execution for the
sake of portability so type != "existing" -->
<!-- Use the port number from settings.xml -->
<!-- Web root context URL -->

Maven: Only want to run profile if doing a build on the parent pom

I'm using Maven 3.0.3. I have a project that inherits from a parent …
<name>Myco Selenium Utils</name>
In my parent pom I have the below profile. However, I only want this profile to be active if someone is doing a build on the parent pom, as opposed to one of its children. Does anyone know how I can adjust the below so that it won't be activated if someone is doing a build of a child project?
<condition property="is-release">
<contains string="${project.version}" substring="SNAPSHOT" />
<fail if="is-release" message="You can only deploy snapshot versions of this project." />
Thanks, - Dave
You could try activating it by the presence/absence of a file or directory. You can find an example in the Sonatype Maven book. Note that there's a difference between "current working directory" and "${project.basedir}", and the differences are slightly different between Maven 2 and Maven 3, if that matters to you.
I had a similar situation, I wanted to run a profile in a subproject by default but not when build from the top level, and at the same time give the option to run it from the top project as well.
I used the user.dir property for that in combination of Ryan's reference.
in integration project's pom:
<!-- Two ways of activating this profile -->
<!-- Run the build from the top with param -DfullTest -->
<!-- Run the build from the integration directory -->
If needs to be disabled just change the <missing/> for a <exists/>.

Maven Assembly Plugin - install the created assembly

I have a project that simply consists of files. I want to package those files into a zip and store them in a maven repository. I have the assembly plugin configured to build the zip file and that part works just fine, but I cannot seem to figure out how to install the zip file?
Also, if I want to use this assembly in another artifact, how would I do that? I am intending on calling dependency:unpack, but I don't have an artifact in the repository to unpack.
How can I get a zip file to be in my repository so that I may re-use it in another artifact?
parent pom
Child POM
<groupId>com. ... .virtualHost</groupId>
<name>Virtual Host - ***</name>
<groupId>com. ... .virtualHost</groupId>
I filtered the name out. Is this POM correct? I just want to bundle files for a particular virtual host together.
I have the assembly plugin configured to build the zip file and that part works just fine, but I cannot seem to figure out how to install the zip file?
Well, the created assembly should get automatically attached to the project and then uploaded into the repository on an install and deploy goal. Can you show your pom?
Update: With your current configuration, I don't think that the assembly gets created as part of your build. You need to bind the single goal to a lifecycle phase, typically package:
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- append to the packaging phase. -->
<goal>single</goal> <!-- goals == mojos -->
And now it should get installed/deployed properly.
Also, if I want to use this assembly in another artifact, how would I do that? I am intending on calling dependency:unpack, but I don't have an artifact in the repository to unpack.
You can declare a dependency on an assembly (using the right classifier and type in your case) but since dependency are resolved through the repository, you'll need to solve the first step first. Then, declare something like this (where the classifier is the assembly's id):
<groupId>com. ... .virtualHost</groupId>
I think assemblies are supposed to be automatically attached to the build, but if that doesn't work, the Maven Build Helper "attach-artifact" goal attaches a specified file to be installed in the repository. I've used this plugin for installing files created by an external process like Ant or NSIS.
I don't know wether this could be usefull for you, but as a JAR file is basically a ZIP file plus the META-INF information, you could create your project as a jar without sources and add the xip countents in src/main/resources without needing any plugin configuration.
If you want your content to be in a different location, you can always do something like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
I f you want your artifact to be installed and being accessible in a repository you will need to set it up for the deploy phase:

How to create source distribution with self sustainable maven build?

What I want to do is to create source code distribution of my application with all dependencies and burn it on DVD. So that I could build it in 100 years (well, ok, you know what I mean...). No online dependencies on libraries or maven plugins!
I know that Ant would be better for this, but I'm using maven in my project. I'm not going to switch to Ant just for that, I'm asking how to do this with maven. Or, if there is a way how to generate self sustainable Ant build that I could put on DVD that would be great too.
(there is ant:ant plugin but it just generates Ant build.xml that points dependencies to local maven repo)
The approach I've taken is that I wanted to create special local repository that I can put on DVD and then build project with mvn -o -Dmaven.repo.local=repo/on/dvd. I was trying to make such repository with dependency:copy-dependencies anduseRepositoryLayout param set to true. But it doesn't copy freaking maven plugins that my build depends on...
The only way I can think of to include the plugins is to specify a different local repository for the build on the command line and ensure all the dependency sources etc are downloaded, then create an archive including the project's contents and the custom repository.
Here is a pom that downloads the sources and javadocs (it downloads them to the project's target directory, which we exclude from the archive because they will also be in the local repository). The assembly descriptor bundles the project's contents and the local repository into a single (pretty large) archive.
Note the processing is all in a profile because you really don't want this running on every build. If temporary local repository is in the target directory you can easily clean the mess up afterwards with a mvn clean.
To activate the profile do something like the following:
mvn package -Parchive -Dmaven.repo.local=.\target\repo
Here's the pom:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!--the target directory won't be included, but the sources will be in the repository-->
<classifier>javadoc</classifier> <failOnMissingClassifierArtifact>false</failOnMissingClassifierArtifact>
And here's the assembly:
Watch this:
Maven Assembly Plugin
Quote from the homepage:
Do you want to create a binary
distribution from a Maven project that
includes supporting scripts,
configuration files, and all runtime
dependencies? You need to use the
Assembly Plugin to create a
distribution for your project.
It's well configurable. I used it especially for making self-running demo versions of web-applications with an embedded jetty server and user documentation.
I don't have a complete answer. Last time I looked at this, I thought that cleaning out the localRepository at the start of the build (or using a separate one) and the running mvn dependency:go-offline.
If you're really keen, you'll also want to bundle maven itself and a JDK into the distribution. This likely takes it out of scope of a pure maven build.