SQL server : Login issue while querying - sql

I have a web application running with a SQL server 2005 DB as back end.I took the db back of the production site and restored in my development machine.Then i tried to query this database using the login "sa".When trying to execute the "select * from Customers" query, i am getting a message like "Invalid object name 'Customers"
But when i run "SELECT * FROM [352974_mg4l1].[Customers]", It is returning records.
352974_mg4l1 is a user for this database present when i restored the db backup from production.
What i have to do for getting the records using with simple select query which i used initially("select * from Customers" ). I know it is something related to login issue.Can any one tell me how to solve this ?

The Customers database object is not owned by the dbo schema.
And by referencing Customers as 'sa' you are looking for [dbo].[Customers] ?
I would suggest to:
either provide the object's full name
either change it's schema
To alter the schema of said table try this:
ALTER SCHEMA dbo TRANSFER [352974_mg4l1].Customers;
Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173423.aspx

Look up sp_changeobjectowner in Books on line. That will help you change the owner. The real question is how the object got created to a specific owner to begin with. If this is true on prod, you could have some major issues with other people accesssing the database.


Request access to nearby Oracle database, need update statement (ora-01031)

I've got
url: jdbc:oracle:thin:#195.123.456.789:1521:someSID
User: artem
Password: unchangeableForAllUsers
I'm also got second DB, all the same, changing only the name
url: jdbc:oracle:thin:#195.123.456.789:1521:someSID
User: denis
Password: unchangeableForAllUsers
How can I make update query from one DB to other? Using pl/sql I've got next message from Web-browser, when I try to change artem.table to denis.table:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
SQL Statement ignored
When I try to save changes in artem pl/sql package(query to denis db, like that
update denis.table dt
set dt.someColumn=1
where dt.ID=3305;
), see next in my IDE:
PL/SQL ORA-00942: User table or view does not exist
While I'm in IDE, logged like artem, I can to change and commit other users db free, from IDE SQL console.. maybe couse they have the same url and password? How can I save my query
update denis.table dt
set dt.someColumn=1
where dt.ID=3305;
in artem package for get access(update cell) to nearby database from Web-site, when i logged there like artem.
As described, this is not a jdbc or plsql issue but rather a permissions issue.
You are connecting to the same database, but as two different users. In Oracle, a user has their own schema (same name as the user). If you wish to access data in schema A from schema B, schema A must GRANT permissions to schema B.
For example, if you want the user "artem" to have permission to UPDATE table "mytable" in schema "denis", log into the account "denis" and GRANT UPDATE permission to "artem":
-- While logged in as "denis"
GRANT UPDATE ON mytable TO artem;
Now you can log in as "artem" and query "denis.mytable". Grants you may want to give: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE. This, of course, works both ways (if you want user "denis" to have access to "artem" objects, then "artem" must GRANT permission to "denis".

database owner is empty after restoring database?

I have backup from production database, which I restore on my local computer.
But when I try to create diagram, I have got message where is noticed problem with authorization. Ok, I went to change database owner, right click on database, option Files, and I have noticed that owner field is empty.
Why is it empty?
This is most likely because the login that was set as the owner on the production server doesn't exist on the server you restored it to.
You can recreate this by creating a login, say "test_user", creating a database and making "test_user" the owner.
Backup the database, delete it, then delete the "test_user" login.
Restore the database you deleted, the owner will now be blank.
I had this issue then realised that it would be affecting quite a few databases so i needed some way of finding which databases were affected - using the latest SQL SSMS 17 I found that if I was the person who had restored the database that the usual suggestions of sp_helpdb etc. don't work as they fill in the owner name with your own username, yet the "owner" field is still empty in the files tab of the database properties.
I used the SQL Profiler and found that it uses:
use MyDatabaseThatsMissingItsOwner;
select suser_sname((select sid from sys.database_principals where name = N'dbo'));
to populate that field, and bingo, that will indeed return a null string if the originally owner is missing.

SELECT data from another schema in oracle

I want to execute a query that selects data from a different schema than the one specified in the DB connection (same Oracle server, same database, different schema)
I have an python app talking to an Oracle server. It opens a connection to database (server/schema) A, and executes select queries to tables inside that database.
I've tried the following :
select ....
from pct.pi_int, pct.pi_ma, pct.pi_es
where ...
But I get:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
I've also tried surrounding the schema name with brackets:
from [PCT].pi_int, [PCT].pi_ma, [PCAT].pi_es
I get:
ORA-00903: invalid table name
The queries are executed using the cx_Oracle python module from inside a Django app.
Can this be done or should I make a new db connection?
Does the user that you are using to connect to the database (user A in this example) have SELECT access on the objects in the PCT schema? Assuming that A does not have this access, you would get the "table or view does not exist" error.
Most likely, you need your DBA to grant user A access to whatever tables in the PCT schema that you need. Something like
GRANT SELECT ON pct.pi_int
TO a;
Once that is done, you should be able to refer to the objects in the PCT schema using the syntax pct.pi_int as you demonstrated initially in your question. The bracket syntax approach will not work.
In addition to grants, you can try creating synonyms. It will avoid the need for specifying the table owner schema every time.
From the connecting schema:
CREATE SYNONYM pi_int FOR pct.pi_int;
Then you can query pi_int as:
SELECT * FROM pi_int;
Depending on the schema/account you are using to connect to the database, I would suspect you are missing a grant to the account you are using to connect to the database.
Connect as PCT account in the database, then grant the account you are using select access for the table.
grant select on pi_int to Account_used_to_connect

how to delete an entry from azure sql?

here is screenshot from my azure sql database. I would like to remove user Nazerke. I've deleted the row, and when I wanted to save it, it gives me " Incorrect syntax near WHERE" as you can see on the top of database. How can I delete the user and what could be possible solution?
It looks like the password contains weird characters, maybe the Silverlight application has issues supporting these (don't know for sure). Could you try to delete an other record, like the user with username JDuck?
Update: The actual solution can be found in this question: how to change permission for the service account in azure's sql management portal
This is just a user defined table that you created? Just delete the row: delete from [dbo].[Users] where Guid = '<guid>'

Why are tables created with default schema dbo although I specified a different schema?

If I run a sql script in SQL Server 2005 SSMS (Version 9.00.4035.00) like
the table will be created as dbo.MyTable although the schema xxx does exist! No error message!
The user I'm using to run the script as all permissions (tested with windows user and sql user with server role sysadmin)
What's wrong?
You probably have 2 tables now
To check:
SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id), name, create_date, modify_date
FROM sys.objects
WHERE name = 'MyTable'
Don't rely on SSMS Object Explorer: it needs refreshed (right click on the tables node, refresh).
Or wrong database, wrong server etc.
We use schemas and never had any problems
Edit: now check all databases
EXEC sp_msforeachdb '
SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id), name, create_date, modify_date
FROM sys.objects
WHERE name = ''MyTable''
Please take a look at the possible workarounds:
1) Create a SQL login with dbo rights to the database where tables and other objects have to be created. Have the users connect to SSMS using the SQL login that you have created. Tables can be created using SSMS without issues.
2) Have the user of windows security group create table using TSQL. You will see that a new schema and user will be created for this database with the user name of the user. Table gets created with windows user name as the owner .
Now, go to the database user which got created. Change the default schema to xxx.
User of that security group can create tables in SSMS and with dbo as the object owner.
Apparently, this is a microsoft bug and has not been resolved yet.
Hope this helps.