what is the current use and future of icon programming language [closed] - icon-language

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Closed 7 years ago.
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While studying different programming languages, I recently hit upon Icon programming language. It seems to have quite cool syntax and functions for string scanning, goal directed execution, generators etc. and it was developed quite a few decades back (1977).
There doesn't seem to be much information available on it regarding the places it is used currently. It doesn't seem to be actively developed or supported also. I was wondering if people really use this language in certain niche areas even today or is the language now primarily of historical interest? Will it have much relevance in future also?

The TIOBE programming language index http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/tpci/index.html places it somewhere between 50th and 100th in terms of
the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors.
If it hasn't gotten any further than that since 1977, I doubt it ever will.
If you're into "cool," complex languages with sophisticated capabilities, Scala may scratch your itch.


Is Monogame still worth using in 2018 [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I know there are a lot of posts dealing the question out there but some years passed now.
I started working with Unity and want to start developing 2D games. Unity is a pretty good engine and is able to deal with 2D but obviously this game engine is designed for 3D.
Other engines or Frameworks may use scripting languages but I want to use C# as my main language. I know Godot supports C# but it focuses on GDScript.
I just read about Monogame and want to know if it is still worth using or outdated. By saying outdated I mean it is not maintained anymore or not many people use it anymore.
It is maintained and the community is pretty active.
For me, it is the optimal Framework for 2D games. You surely have to make some Things on your own while e.g. Unity takes care of them for you, but you have full control and you can do whatever you want.
And - as you said - Unity is designed for 3D games and therefore creating quite a lot Overhead when building 2D games.
Since the Framework is kinda low level, even if they would stop development next year, you would be able to use it for quite a long time.

Understanding Java API's [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I wanted to ask little bit generic question about Java API's. I'm new in Java, learning myself and of course I enjoy it while learning. But when it comes to Java API's, to me it's hard to understand even if I know OOP's Concepts. Actually I often confuse while reading JavaDoc's. Agree that there are bunch of information about what class's(interface, enum..) has, what they extend, implements or whatever. Even though I couldn't use them without looking from the internet.
So, what is the best way of learning those API's in general, just give me your followed way while learning Java.
The best way to learn Java is to read articles with examples. It is common approach for newbies and professionals. JavaDocs is dry, too formal and really are often confusing (especially for methods from Stream API with 3+ generic parameters).
The way I did was to read certification books, for OCA and OCP, they start from the very basic, and builds up on the top of that, with examples and exercises.
It is a really nice way to build your core knowledge of the language. With that solidified knowledge you can start reading articles about different subjects in the Java universe ...
Just be patient, code as much as possible, and it will become natural aftar some time.

Where's a good starting point for programming? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I recently started looking at programming and have been quite interested in it. The only bad thing is that I don't know how code works, where I can write it, or what languages to take into consideration.
I want to learn how to make applications for the iOS operating system, and i heard Objective C is the language for that. Is Objective C something you would recommend to a beginner?
I just wish I could grasp the concept of programming a little better and get a better understanding because, as of right now, it seems extremely complicated.
As a beginning programmer, I would advise that you'd be better served learning how computers and programs work as a general concept, which will orient your thinking as to how programs are made.
I've heard lots of good things about the Haskell language in this regard, and I would recommend you start here: http://tryhaskell.org
Once you have a good concept of how programs work, and what kind of thinking and organisation is required, then you can move on to languages like C/Objective-C, which would be very frustrating to start on.

Programming Languages - Game Development [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I was wondering how I would go about creating a game. I do not care if it is only available on windows or it is cross-platform. Which languages would I use to create a game?
Q: Which languages would I use to create a game?
A: One could program a game in almost any known programming language. Different languages work better or worse for different types of games, so it really depends.
Remark: Without extensive knowledge of how even simple games like PacMan are coded, you will run into many issues when trying to code a more complex game. I highly recommend you try to write a simple PacMan or Tetris game using only Java, just to get a hang of things and then from there move on to more and more complex games and only then start to being with more complex game languages.

Selecting a software development project [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am currently my software engineering degree and as I am in my second year I need to select a topic for my project. I am totally confused on how to pick a good project topic, which I could use in my final year as well.
I have specialization in the following areas, java, vb.net, sql server 2005 as well as artificial intelligence.
I can also manage with designing interfaces for vb.net in flash.
Any help on a good topic which I should select would be greatly appreciated.
The best projects are the ones that you actually want to build. I struggle with this kind of thing myself in my "outside-of-work" projects.
Gauge the amount of time you have to work on it, that will probably limit your possibilities.
Pick something you're passionate about, even if it means learning a few (small) things -- this isn't a good time to learn C# or Ruby, but using learning how to use encryption in VB.NET is probably small enough.
If you can, build something you can use or that someone close to you can use.
An example:
I built a small P2P messaging client for my 3rd year security course which used Public Key encryption to send messages between clients. It wasn't fancy, but it worked and I managed to build it in about 3 weeks. A few of us used the client in class for the remainder of the term.