Is Netbeans a good IDE for C/C++ nowadays? - ide

I searching for and IDE that gives me a (mostly) uniform experience on Linux/Windows and C/C++ and Java. I'm somewhat comfortable with using Netbeans on Windows and I'd like to know what to expect of it on C. I heard the Visual Studio debugger is quite good on C, does this extend to Mono? Is it really more powerful than the one on Netbeans?

I've been using NetBeans for C++ development on Linux for the last month or two and love it. I'm working on an large code base 1+million lines of code. As long as your project references appropriately, I've found that NetBeans will provide "intellisense" information with hardly any issues. Now, it's not perfect, and is definitely not as good as Java, but I've not found a better alternative. NetBeans debugger, which is a front-end to gdb, works well also. Much easier, and in my experience more stable than DDD. I've not tried Mono projects using NetBeans so I can't speak to that.
This link explains how to setup a C++ project in NetBeans and may shed more light on the subject for you. This is for NetBeans 6.7 NetBeans C/C++.

Eclipse CDT is quite usable as well

you can use codeblocks it is also a well and exceptionally good for c/c++.

I don't think so, since it consumes extreme amounts of memory and can hog your CPU completely if you have a lot of projects open. It actually uses every bit of CPU it can if it feels for it, and it does so for a long time, rendering the whole application useless. This is of course completely unacceptable for a modern UI application. It also feels kind of sluggish.
Because of this I switched to Visual Studio Code for Linux. It's not a full blown IDE but I don't need that anyways. I'm not in the "flow" of it yet, but I think it has potential.

The problem of VS C++ is don't have intellisense. Netbeans C++ is a good product. But i suggest DevC++ editor, its free and come with lot of pluggins and intellisense.


Kotlin Web Programming without Using Intelli-J Ultimate?

I am a Java developer who has fallen in love with Kotlin.I am very new to it, but it is a Great language. I just have one problem: I also love web development. It makes it very difficult to do web development in Kotlin since every tutorial out there is in Intelli-J Ultimate Edition and I just can't swallow the cost right now. There is already not quite as much support for Kotlin online, being such a new language. Are there alternative IDE's and/or ways to use Intelli-J CE to develop Web Apps (JSP-like, Kara, HML builder) with Kotlin? The cost of Intelli-J Ultimate is forcing me to do all of my development in Intelli-J except Kotlin web development, which is annoying. And I cannot seem to find any really good alternative anyway.
Intelij IDEA Community Edition supports HTML/CSS/JS etc all right. I believe there is no special support for Kara (and no plans for it) since Kotlin code highlighting and completion do the job.
You are right that advanced frameworks like JSP need Ultimate Edition, but since you probably do not have a fixed stack, try to choose some other alternatives. I use kotlinx.html with any rooting framework for HTML templating.

Why should I switch to an IDE?

I've been programming in python and C for a little less than a year, now. I switched from OSX to Ubuntu about a month ago. I'm learning C++, and most specific (non-beginner, I.E.: an SFML tutorial I'm using) tutorials that I've seen talk as if I use an IDE. I've used Textwrangler (OSX), gedit (Linux), and nano (Both; With built-in syntax highlighting and other extras turned on) for programming, along with the terminal and "make" so far, and I'm perfectly happy with them. I would use emacs, but I really don't like the way it looks. Should I use an IDE for C++? If so, why? Honestly, I'm just scared of being a ctrl-space'ing heathen. Thank you for any responses, and take the previous sentence with a grain of salt.
Short answer: Use an IDE if you feel comfortable with one. Don't use an IDE if you don't feel comfortable with one.
To really answer this question, though, we should probably look what using an IDE gets you. Here's the Visual Studio interface for C++:
The first thing you notice, of course, is the code windows with the pretty highlights. However, that's not the IDE; that's just the text editor part. The rest of it is what's really important. Visual Studio includes a debugger, a file/project manager, a compiler, support for source control... the list goes on. The first letter of "IDE" is the most important one - integrated. It includes everything you need to develop in one neat package.
However, this has its downsides, too. Maybe you don't like VS's text editor. Then, you have to have two windows open, and use the IDE only for debugging, compiling, and source control, wasting most of the screen space. Maybe, after a while, you start to think maybe GCC optimizes your code better, so you start using that. Eventually, the "integrated" part of IDE goes out of the window, and you're using only a few features of the product. At that point, it might be more productive just to find replacements for everything.
Of course, there are extensions and plugins for some of these things, but the point is: an IDE is generally only useful if you spend all or most of your time in it. If you like the entire or most of the IDE, great. If you don't, then use something else, whether that's another IDE or a bunch of command line tools or something else.
Addendum: I used to use Visual Studio, and then moved to Linux with Vim, gcc, and gdb. I work with SFML a fair amount in personal projects, and I don't feel that an IDE is especially suited to it in any particular way; I do just fine with the command line tools. The tutorials are most likely written that way because most people begin coding with an IDE, and SFML attracts a lot of beginners.

Ironpython questions

I have a few questions that I hope clarity and facts can be fed all of us about this. First, the last release of ironpython had the feature of running on the mobile platform highlighting that on mono/android it runs best and not so much on the other platforms which are IOS and Windows phone. So does this mean one doesn't have to use the SL4A? Can i argue that monodroid hooks into the core of what android is capable of and so might give a more robust access/implementation/rendition of apps on android?
Next, I just want to be sure of this: As with python you can create full fledged desktop applications with ironpython right? Cos everywhere (almost) I see ironpython they refer to it as a scripting tool and how you can script aspects of excel etc which has prompted me ask such a question. some say that the speed of applications written using ironpython is not that great and I was arguing asking for why that opinion is held by those who were speaking and no one could say anything worthwhile.
Lastly, with the movement at novell and xamarin, I have not understood where mono stands in their release schemes. I have a mac and I installed a recent version of mono and when I typed ipy I saw something like mono 1.1.0 or something like that. Does anyone have a clue of what is going on with it.
I fell in love with python from learning ironpython and I think the ironpython concept is just sheer brilliance its a pity microsoft esteemed F# other it.
First off, for future reference, multiple questions should really be, well, multiple questions. :)
On IronPython for Android: it works slightly better than on other platforms (where it doesn't work at all right now) but it's still very, very early code. There are some limitations with what you'll be able to do (mainly, you cannot inherit from Java classes from dynamic code). It's very experimental.
On desktop apps: You can absolutely write full apps in IronPython. There are some samples that show how it can be done. In particular, PyWpfSample and PyGtkSample. Startup times are not great, but the actual runtime should be just fine for most GUI apps.

What are the good Scala IDEs at the start of 2010?

I know this is an exact duplicate, but a year has gone by and Scala seems to be a fast moving thing, so I figure it might be acceptable to ask again:
What is the best IDE for Scala development right now?
I know the Eclipse plugin is a work in progress and undergoing a complete re-write for Scala 2.8 but I saw a colleague use a nightly-build recently and it was extremely poor.
I use IntelliJ IDEA (the Community Edition 9 is free) and the scala plugin for it is really good. Excellent syntax highlighting, code navigation etc. It's not as good as the Java support but then I wouldn't necessarily expect that. It's good enough that I feel I'm more productive than I would have been in Java!
It has Specs integration and console integration as well.
I tried both Eclipse, NetBeans and IntelliJ IDEA,
Eclipse is the worst in my opinion. It is slow, sometimes messes up the syntax highlighting, almost always messes up the autocompletion and the whole IDE gets unresponsive from time to time. I would not recommend it for any kind of use except for self torturing.
NetBeans works better than the Eclipse plugin. Better highlighting, much better autocompletion but it has been reporting errors on a fairly complex syntax all over the source. But when i hit run, the code compiles just well. Could not understand why. Another issue is that autocomplete can not suggest private members of classes when you are writing inside the body of that class. Poor!
IntelliJ IDEA works just fine. I recommend that if you are seriously leaning against Scala development.
I hope that the Eclipse plugin will be more mature in time but given that it had plenty of time to become mature, I'm not a big fan of the idea. Scala has a great potential, being a well thought, programmer friendly language and running on JVM (which means great performance and high availability) but the poor IDE support is the worst thing for such language. Writing PHP on a simple text editor is acceptable but Scala, with such complex syntax and requirement to use the bloated Java libraries, there is a need of assistance. Maybe the current Scala community with functinal and Java background can not understand this but you can not expect newcomers to easily adopt to such a language instantly.
Anyway, go for IntelliJ IDEA...
Your main options are a fully fledged IDE like IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans or Eclipse, or a text editor with some Scala awareness like TextMate or Emacs.
Personally, I like IntelliJ the best. I've been using it for Java development for many years, especially due to its refactoring and code navigation power. The Scala plugin was quite rough to start with, but is improving constantly. It's open source, I've been contributing bug reports and a few bug fixes.
The IDE plugins have all been working hard to be ready for Scala 2.8. It's been a moving target during the last 6 months, especially given that binary compatibility was broken as new features were added. So you might update to a new build of the compiler and then wait for supporting libraries (e.g. specs, scalatest) to be updated and recompiled.
Now that the Scala 2.8 Beta is imminent these problems are less frequent.
IntelliJ implements its own parser and type inference, as it does for Java. This lets it be more tolerant of errors and to immediately understand your code as you are editing. The type inference is not complete yet. Eclipse delegates most of this work to scalac, which means it they should always agree, but the information is only regenerated when you save files and the compiler is re-run. I don't know how NetBeans works in this regard.
Right now, IntelliJ's IDEA. And one big difference from now to a year ago is that a free, open source version of IDEA is available.
Personally, I use IDEA CE 9.0.1, but leave compilation&testing to SBT, which I keep running on another window, with cc or ~test.
In the context of 2.8, I have used Eclipse 3.5.x with the nightly plug-in and IDEA Community Edition 9.0. IDEA has been clearly better for me, except for compilation times. But I use sbt in parallel and it takes care of that.
My main issues with the Eclipse plug-in are:
Inability to change my tab settings in Eclipse (though that seems to work for others)
Code compiles but some errors are still highlighted and I need to close and reopen the file
Auto-completion just returns a lot of choices
I did not have those issues in IDEA 9.0 build #IC-93.13 with the recent plug-in 0.3.385. Additionally IDEA shows me unused import statements.
All plug-ins seem to be evolving quite quickly and are actively developed and I suspect that what is true today may not be in one month. I hope that in a few months from now, we will just be able to use our favorite IDE and have good Scala support.
(note this is a repost of my recent answer to the original question)

Telerik RadControls + JetBrains Resharper = VERY SLOW, Can anyone help?

Anyone know of a way to speed up the Visual Studio IDE when you have Telerik RadControls (either windows or web) and JetBrains ReSharper installed? If I disable ReSharper it runs rocking fast, but I love ReSharper a bit too much to drop it. I know it would perform better without the RadControls. Anyone know a way to speed it up?
I switched from DevExpress CodeRush/Refactor! to Resharper (not by choice) and found the IDE became almost unusable. I managed to persuade my boss to let me switch back (on my own personal licence) and now it's like walking back into the sunshine after months in a cold, damp cave.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that maybe you should consider switching to CodeRush and Refactor!
for me this is the same.
I'm Working with a Dell XPS 4gb Ram Quad Core Extreme Stripped disks...
And I also had that problem with telerik controls (mainly aspx - winform not so much).
Anyhow - I had to do a project using a different suite of web controls - and it was as bad as with telerik - or even worse...
What I found (maybe it helps a bit):
a.) Switching to design view slows down the things a lot
--so after doing this I restart VS
b.) Small Solutions (Projects) help also (like mika wrote) --if possible split your solution to several projects (some class libs instead of one big thing)
c.) Use as litte VS addins as possible --I used some nice tools - but at the moment most of them are turned of, because I made the expirience that the things are better the less addins I use.
d.) Run special "resharping sessions" -- what I mean is: turn resharper off, do you normal coding - and from time to time turn it on and "resharp" your code.
This problem (as well as some others) is well knwon (I guess) and I would say that neither resharper (although this tool seems to be somewhat special) nor telerik are gulty.
It is VS which makes the problems - and I did a lot of searches about solutions - but finally I found nothing which really helps.
Notice: I work on a pretty large project at the moment - and the use of respharper is almost impossible. I turned it off - instead I have a lot of nice snippets and macros which help me to do some of the common things.
Conclusion: if telerik + reshaper is to slow for you I guess you have to decide which helps you more :)
I use the telerik controls (ASPX, WPF and Silverlight) in almost every project I make. These tools fasten the things so much - I simply "need them to survive"
This is not much help, but at least the issue is not on your machine only...
Try to work with small solutions. In my machine this means solutions with less than 100k lines of code. Background compilation makes IDE sluggish with large solutions. VB has background compilation on by default, and even without add-ins it gets slower as the solution size grows.
I haven't been able to use ReSharper or CodeRush/Refactor! with VB & RadControls with over 100k line solutions, things just slow down too much. I'm using a Core 2 Duo, 2.4GHz, 4GB machine.
See also: Visual Studio performance and add-ins
Taken from Telerik`s forums:
We are incompatible with JetBrains Resharper indeed. We are competing for the same Visual Studio resources which could potentially create a ton of trouble if you run both of the add-ins together. I doubt that anybody managed to run them together but if you know somebody that did that I'd be really interested in all the details.
So you have to disable Resharper to check out on JustCode. You could always re-enable it later, however, as long as one of them is disabled they coexist happily.
Kind regards,
the Telerik team
And I am pretty sure you will be way better using only JustCode