XRCed learning resources? - wxwidgets

I've seen many people saying XRCed very strong "if you have learned how to use it". Unfortuntately, there're few documents about it, and many of the links on SF.net home page is 404 now.
The best I can found is XRCed Tutorial, however it is too primitive - so, does anyone have some idea for where can I find better documents about it?

Just a suggestion; have you tried wxFormBuilder? XRCed seems a little outdated (hasn't been updated for a while), and it does the same thing as wxFB. I've been using wxFB for a while in several projects and it's a life saver.

Alongside the already mentioned wxFormBuilder, I'm going to throw in wxGlade, as well. While I prefer wxFormbuilders GUI, I found it to be lacking in the available widgets. So I moved to wxGlade based on the amount of widgets it offers.
Both can create XRC files (and some other codes like C++ and python) and I think both are actively maintained. I think XRCed hasn't been updated since 2007.
For ease of use, I would go with wxFormBuilder. If you want to use various different widgets, for the moment, go with wxGlade. I don't know if wxFormbuilder is planning on incorporating ToggleButtons and the like in their future releases. It isn't in the one that I am using...


resources to study smalltalk and pharo?

I have downloaded the pharobyexample.org ebook, but it seems out of sync with the latest release of pharo, also I would like to know about resources which can help me learn smalltalk.
While a bit outdated (or a lot :P), PharoByExample is still the best way to learn you can find around. You can download the image provided in the web page: http://www.pharobyexample.org/image/PBE-OneClick-1.1.app.zip (is not very visible, I'm sorry), and use it to learn... then you can jump to the latest version and you will find all you learned will apply with almost no change :)
You can find other sources to learn, but they are much more distant to the "up to date" versions you can find around: http://stephane.ducasse.free.fr/FreeBooks.html
You also can look around: http://pharo.org/documentation, there are some good stuff there (including links to Pharo by example, of course!).
Finally, you can also suscribe to pharo-users#lists.pharo.org list... is a list where you can make any questions you want.
Yes there is an updated PBE that you can find here
other books you can use is this
and this
there are also books you can build by yourself, those are created by executing the download.sh and then the compile.sh scripts. The first script will download Pillar which is a Pharo library that can generate html files.
Building the docs yourself is a very good idea if you want to get the very latest docs for Pharo.
Those books can be found here
if you want to also generate a pdf then you will need to install Latex depending on your OS.
All together there is a ton of documentation out there. Unfortunately because most books are very recent , there has not be care to make it easily accessible and visible to newcomers.
pharo-users#lists.pharo.org is also the place to ask for questions if you get stuck in pharo-by-example. If you find any problems with the book, we would certainly like to know about them.
You can also ask questions on IRC (as i have seen you doing) but you need to hang out longer to get any answers. Most pharo users and developers are in different timezones, so they are not usually awake at the same times as you.
update: a while ago the pharo community moved from IRC on to discord. you can find the link on the pharo community page: http://pharo.org/community

PHPStorm for Hack Language

I am kinda of a new user here and don't have enough reputation points to comment/ask on this question: IDE support for Hack Lang.
So, I am hoping that since the last entry provided by Themis Beris someone has been able to get PHPStorm working properly with Hack. I followed the 3 steps described in the post I mentioned, but still get compile-time errors on the classes I've written using Hack. <?hh is not recognized, for instance.
Any suggestions as to how to get PHPStorm playing nice with Hack?
I have no idea what Themis Beris is talking about on the linked question. (He seems to be saying something about PHPUnit, which is a completely separate issue.)
JetBrains has a feature request open for Hack support and last I heard was very actively working on it. But as of this writing (Feb 2015) it's not released yet.

How to share a dll in a network directory not the same as the application directory

I'll admit up front that I'm still learning good methods of deployment and that I don't have a size 12 brain to accomplish the following task. Now with that being said...
We have around 8 exe's that exist on a network drive that reference a dll that is in the same share/folder. We'd like to have a common network share in a different location that would contain this dll and any future dll's that we create so we'd have only one place to make changes (presuming the apps do not need to be recompiled). I've not found a satisfactory answer for why a dll should not be shared on a network so I'm wondering what the best practice would be for doing this. If this is something that is acceptable and routinely done then what steps are necessary to accomplish this? Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
If this shared DLL has any chance of being updated during a future release, what you have now, a local copy stored against each application, is far better.
You say your stated objective is to be able to make one change to the DLL and have all apps update. I've heard the positive side of this case made before.
"We get to roll out improvements to all our apps"
Which, seen from a half-empty glass is :-
"We get to introduce common bugs to all our apps".
Even at eight projects, imagine what your launches will be like.
"Er, hello QA. Can you test this one new app? (plus the seven others that we've done nothing to but might be broken as a result)".
Libraries should only be shared if they are mature and unlikely to change. Sorry to be so up-front about it, but I've faced a zealot who absolutely believed as you do. It was only when our bottom-line (predictably) nose-dived that my concerns were listened to. Dragons ahead. Be warned!

How to create an online rebol console?

Where can I find the code for creating an online rebol console like the one here ?
Update: for the sandbox system on the server, can't Rebol manage it itself with some security wrapper and its security options ?
As for console itself, I don't know Ruby so I don't want to use TryRuby and why would I need it ? Can't I mimic Rebol console itself by "remoting" it somehow ? Why RT or Esper Consultancy can't make an opensource version ? There's no value in keeping it closed source. Rebol needs to prove it's more open than in the past.
In my opinion, you should aim higher with something like the already open-sourced Try Ruby. You'd type in expressions and it would guide you. Their showcase site is at tryruby.org and is fairly slick.
I modified TryRuby to work with Rebol and it wound up looking like this:
But I'm not going to run it on my server because I didn't want to belabor the necessary sandboxing/etc. or protections against someone running an infinite loop. I can give you what I've got so far if you want it.
I started a tutorial script here that no one seemed interested in helping me with, so I wandered off to other tasks:
I'm not sure what exactly you want. You mention you want a remote REBOL shell instead of a tutoring setup, but that's what the Try REBOL site is. There are several reasons it's not open source:
It's in heavy development. I'm currently changing the code regularly.
So it's not in a release state. Preparing it for release, documenting and publishing it would take a lot of extra work, as with most projects.
It's written in my CMS that's also in heavy development. Even if the Try REBOL site were open source, it wouldn't run. The CMS is not planned to be open sourced soon.
It's not meant as a generic REBOL remoting tool, but as a one-off demo site. If that site is running, what's the use of more of them?
As others have answered, there are many generic solutions for remoting that you could use. Also, most parts of the Try REBOL site are readily available as open source:
Syllable Server, produced and published by us.
The Cheyenne web server.
The HTML source of the web client can be viewed, including my simple JavaScript command service bus.
Syllable Server is an essential part of the site, as the sandboxing is not done with REBOL facilities (except some extra limits in the R3 backend), but with standard Linux facilities.
A truly air tight (do I mean silica tight?) sandbox is close to impossible with R2.
R3 (still in alpha) is looking a lot more promising. The deep technical discussions in flight right now (see Cure code and AltME/REBOL3 Proposals regarding unwinds and protect and even occasionally mentioning sandboxes should lead to an excellent sandbox capability.
Right now, the big advance R3 has that makes Kaj's tryREBOL possible is R3's secure policy settings which make it possible (with some careful wrapper code) to construct an alpha/demo sandbox.
To answer your precise question("where can I find code...", you could try asking Kaj for his :)
I'm new to StackOverflow. I'm not sure if this is going to end up as a reply to your comment, or as a new answer.
The somewhat common idea that any project can be open sourced and contributed to by others is a naive view. In the case of my Try REBOL site, it makes no sense. It's not just in heavy development; it's written in a CMS that's also in heavy development. Basically noone could contribute to it at this point, because I'm the only one who knows my CMS. Or in any case its newest features, which I develop by developing Try REBOL, and other example sites. So developing Try REBOL means developing the CMS at the same time, and by definition, I'm the only one who can do that.
More generally, my projects are bleeding edge, innovative technology with a strong vision. The vision is mine, and to teach it to others, I have to build it to show how I intended it to work. So there's a catch 22: to enable others to contribute, I have to finish my projects first, because people typically don't understand them until I show them how they work.
There certainly are other projects where mass contribution makes more sense. Still, only the top projects get the contributors. We found that out the hard way. We created Syllable Desktop and Syllable Server with surrounding infrastructure for contributions. These are fairly classic, well understood operating systems that many people could work on in parallel. However, despite years of begging, we get very few contributions.
So, if you feel a burning need to contribute to our projects, please pick one of the many tasks in Syllable to execute. :-)

Textmate Code Completion Question

I know the ESC key does code completion, but is there a way to get a pop-up(tool-tip I guess) that shows you all the possible choices for a piece of code? As an example, it would be nice when writing Javascript to get a list of available actions. Other apps I've used like Coda do this. I'd like to check out Textmate but I have a hard time getting past this missing feature which I find pretty valuable, particularly as a fairly new programmer who likes to see what options are there as it's a bit of a learning tool for me also. I thought I had found a plugin like what I'm looking for, Dialog2, but it seems to have disappeared as it was meant to be built-in to the never-released TM2.
I've looked around a fair bit for the answer to this question and figured this was my next best option. Thanks.
I don't have Textmate available to try it out, but I believe that option-Esc is supposed to show you the list of possible code completions.
Check out subtleGradient's tmbundle: https://github.com/subtleGradient/javascript.tmbundle
It knows how to auto-wrap for arrays, and objects. Documentation look-up too.