WCF- Error handling when streaming - wcf

In order to support streaming i return Message with override to OnWriteBody...
The problem is if an exception is thrown in the OnWriteBody (DB timeout or whichever)
The ProvideFault in the IErrorHandler is not called and therefore i have no way to propagate the error to the client( via a filtering in the IErrorHandler).
Is there a way to solve this.

when doing streaming with WCF I create two ServiceContracts one that does the streaming another that will send the notification at the end of the streaming.
The response ServiceContract I use a duplex type binding. The client as to call the response ServiceContract first to get a ticket for its transaction then call my transfer ServiceContract. Then at the end of the transaction the client will get notified of success or failure from the response ServiceContract.
public interface IStreamFileService
void Upload(Stream stream);
[ServiceContract(SessionMode = SessionMode.Required, CallbackContract = typeof(ITransferCallback))]
public interface IStreamFileResponseService
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = false, IsInitiating = true, IsTerminating = false)]
Guid StartUpload();
public interface ITransferCallback
void OperationComplete(ResponseMessage response);
I do this in two services because my requirements and workflow requires me to track many things and do authentication, validation, etc.

OnWriteBody is called when response headers, like 200 was already sent to client. There for is impossible to handle errors in this stage.
Two workaround/tricks I've used:
Wait for first data-row before sending 200(like before returning Message) and iterate further rows inside OnWriteBody. This will work for because most of SQL Errors and Timeouts occurs before showing any data. Still, not cover cases when error appears while result-set iteration.
Have special error handling code on client and server. Like, in case of error server inside OnWriteBody may serialize error and send it as special Data-Row. Client should expect such special Data-Row while receiving response and handle accordingly.


WCF Task based asynchronous callback

I have created WCF service in VS2015:
[ServiceContract(CallbackContract = typeof(IMyCallback))]
public interface IMyService { }
IMyCallback looks like:
public interface IMyCallback {
Task<string> OnServerEvent(UserAppEventData evData);
I've built the server, run it, then added service reference (by right click on solution explorer).
The client object is defined as
ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Reentrant,
IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true,
UseSynchronizationContext = true,
ValidateMustUnderstand = true
public class QMyClient : IMyCallback { }
Automatically generated interface implementation made method in sync manner:
public string OnServerEvent(UserAppEventData evData) { }
This code does't work (and isn't asynchronous) and hangs client at OnServerEvent.
When I changed code manuallly to
public async Task<string> OnServerEvent(UserAppEventData evData)
and have done the same in auto generated "service references\...\Reference.cs, all works fine. But I don't want to change Referenece.cs every time I'm updating Service Reference.
Is there any method to force "Update Service Reference" make TBA OperationContractAttribute on callback?
At ordinary WCF service direction everything works OK, VS generates task based operations.
By default the service reference you've added to solution doesn't have asynchronous operations, but you can enable them and decide which option you use for your async methods - task-based or old-fashion asynchronous. This option is available in Advanced settings for service reference.
If you're using a svcutil tool, it will create the task-based methods by default, however, you can change that behavior by some flags like /async or /syncOnly.
What #VMAtm suggested will work out just fine.
I think, you could also use ChannelFactory for this scenario. It is very flexible and you can then await on the service operations from client side. Additional benefit, you don't need to modify client when there are these kind of changes on service side.
Something like:
var channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<IService>(
"WSHttpBinding_IService" // endpoint name
IService channel = channelFactory.CreateChannel();
string result = await channel.OnServerEvent();
Please note that for this scenario, you will have to import common interface library to client side as dll because then it will need to know about contracts and data contracts.

Is ChannelFactory with async methods in .NET 4.5 supported?

I'm in the process of converting our WCF services to use async programming. As expected the interface looks like this:
public interface IFoo
Task<string> DoSomething(string request);
On the client side I'm not creating a service reference from Visual Studio. Since I own both client and server I just share the interface with the client, then I create (and cache) a ChannelFactory. To invoke the method asynchronously I use the expected syntax:
IFoo clientChannel = channelFactory.CreateChannel();
bool result = await clientChannel.DoSomething("Hello World");
My question is: Is the IClientChannel generated by the ChannelFactory really using the async features underneath? I mean, can I be sure there's no thread blocked waiting for the server response?
Looking at the ClientBase code, async calls all boil down to:
There doesn't seem to be any reason to think the thread would block waiting for a network response.

WCF ServiceContract and SOAP response not called *Response

I'm writing a SOAP consumer using WCF.
In the following WCF service contract, WCF expects that the response has a Body and an element called HelloResponse:
public interface HelloService
string Hello(string input);
On the service I'm calling, it is actually called HelloResult. How can I tell WCF this, without using MessageContracts? I tried combinations and variations of the following, but without success.
[OperationContract(ReplyAction = "HelloResult")]
[return: MessageParameter(Name = "HelloResult")]
If you know the service operation Hello(string) returns a string then why not just create a channel and call the operation directly rather than worrying about messages?

How can we detect when a WCF client has disconnected?

Is there any way of finding out when a WCF client has disconnected. Currently the only approach seems to be to wait until a call on the client from the service eventually times out.
I have tried subscribing to the OperationContext.Current.Channel.Faulted event but unfortunately it is never called; my understanding was that this event should be fired when the client disappears. On the other hand, when things close down gracefully OperationContext.Current.Channel.Closed is called.
In our application we only support a single client connection at a time, hence when somebody closes and re-starts the client app it would be nice if the server could be made aware of the the disconnection, tidy up gracefully and then accept another connection.
Yes, clients will disconnect gracefully most of the time, but this can't be guaranteed. Currently the only option seems to be to poll the client and wait for a CommunicationTimeout, which is hardly ideal.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Theoretically, a service need not have knowledge of client's state. But it can insist on whom to serve for by dictating the authentication needs, concurrency limitation etc.
If you intention is to make sure only one client is served at a time, you can simply opt for Single Concurrency mode.
For example.
public class CalculatorService : ICalculatorConcurrency
This will ensure only one client request is served at a time. Following link may help you as well.
If you think an user's action of keeping the channel open does disturb the other user's work, it may not be the usual case.
Because each user's call is considered to be a different session. By default WCF calls are considered to be instantiated per call.
If you would like to persist data between user's calls, you may opt for perSession instancing mode.
public class CalculatorService : ICalculatorInstance
This would make sure that each user would have an instance of the service which would not inturrupt servicing the other user.
You can set the concurrency mode accordingly i.e Multiple or Reentrant if you wish. Even if the concurrency mode is single, when a response is sent back to the user the service would be ready to serve the next user. It won't wait for the client to close the connection. User's connection would be useful only to keep the session live.
You can use IChannelInitializer and hook up Channel Close and Channel faulted events to detect graceful or abrupt closing of the client. Refer to a very nice post on this by Carlos - http://blogs.msdn.com/b/carlosfigueira/archive/2012/02/14/wcf-extensibility-initializers-instance-context-channel-call-context.aspx
You could use Callback Operations to make a call to the client to see if its still connected.
Take a look at this article on MSDN magazine
if (HttpContext.Current.Response.IsClientConnected == false
it can help you
I've had success using a "disconnection detector" like this:
// Code based on https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/carlosfigueira/2012/02/13/wcf-extensibility-initializers-instance-context-channel-call-context/
public class WcfDisconnectionDetector : IEndpointBehavior, IChannelInitializer
public event Action Disconnected;
public int ConnectionCount { get; set; } = 0;
public WcfDisconnectionDetector() { }
public WcfDisconnectionDetector(Action onDisconnected) => Disconnected += onDisconnected;
void IEndpointBehavior.ApplyClientBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, ClientRuntime cr)
=> cr.ChannelInitializers.Add(this);
void IEndpointBehavior.ApplyDispatchBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, EndpointDispatcher ed)
=> ed.ChannelDispatcher.ChannelInitializers.Add(this);
void IEndpointBehavior.Validate(ServiceEndpoint endpoint) { }
void IEndpointBehavior.AddBindingParameters(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, BindingParameterCollection bindingParameters) { }
void IChannelInitializer.Initialize(IClientChannel channel)
Trace.WriteLine($"Client {channel.SessionId} initialized");
channel.Closed += OnDisconnect;
channel.Faulted += OnDisconnect;
void OnDisconnect(object sender, EventArgs e)
Install it before calling ServiceHost.Open:
var detector = new WcfDisconnectionDetector();
new WcfDisconnectionDetector(() => {/*disconnected*/}));

WCF nested Callback

The backgound: I am trying to forward the server-side ApplyChangeFailed event that is fired by a Sync Services for ADO 1.0 DBServerSyncProvider to the client. All the code examples for Sync Services conflict resolution do not use WCF, and when the client connects to the server database directly, this problem does not exist. My DBServerSyncProvider is wrapped by a head-less WCF service, however, and I cannot show the user a dialog with the offending data for review.
So, the obvious solution seemed to be to convert the HTTP WCF service that Sync Services generated to TCP, make it a duplex connection, and define a callback handler on the client that receives the SyncConflict object and sets the Action property of the event.
When I did that, I got a runtime error (before the callback was attempted):
System.InvalidOperationException: This operation would deadlock because the
reply cannot be received until the current Message completes processing. If
you want to allow out-of-order message processing, specify ConcurrencyMode of
Reentrant or Multiple on CallbackBehaviorAttribute.
So I did what the message suggested and decorated both the service and the callback behavior with the Multiple attribute. Then the runtime error went away, but the call results in a "deadlock" and never returns. What do I do to get around this? Is it not possible to have a WCF service that calls back the client before the original service call returns?
Edit: I think this could be the explanation of the issue, but I am still not sure what the correct solution should be.
After updating the ConcurrencyMode have you tried firing the callback in a seperate thread?
This answer to another question has some example code that starts another thread and passes through the callback, you might be able to modify that design for your purpose?
By starting the sync agent in a separate thread on the client, the callback works just fine:
private int kickOffSyncInSeparateThread()
SyncRunner syncRunner = new SyncRunner();
Thread syncThread = new Thread(
new ThreadStart(syncRunner.RunSyncInThread));
catch (ThreadStateException ex)
return 1;
catch (ThreadInterruptedException ex)
return 2;
return 0;
And this is my SyncRunner:
class SyncRunner
public void RunSyncInThread()
MysyncAgent = new MySyncAgent();
Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.SyncStatistics syncStats =