Are there any decent scripting languages that use functional programming? - scripting

I've been reading a bit about functional programming recently and am keen to get have a bit of a play. are there any decent scripting languages that support functional programming? I find that the bulk of my ad-hoc programming is done in Python, so I thought I might be able to do the same with a functional language. Any recommendations?

Lua appears to fit your needs:
Lua (pronounced /ˈluː.ə/ LOO-uh) is a
lightweight, reflective, imperative
and functional programming language,
designed as a scripting language with
extensible semantics as a primary

Scala can also be used as a scripting language. It runs on the JVM and supports both imperative OO and functional programming. Using this you can have access to the entire Java class library.

Python can be written in a functional style, as can JavaScript. If you mean something more purely functional, then you could try Haskell.

GNU's Guile can be used as a stand-alone script interpreter, see this FAQ entry for the details. Not sure how much general programming support is in Guile, though, but it could at least get you started quickly with something that should look and feel like a "traditional" functional language.

Perl can do functional style programming very well. It isn't a pure functional language by any means, but it supports quite a lot of functional idioms. The classic full-length treatment is Mark Jason Dominus's Higher Order Perl, which is now available freely online.
For briefer introductions, take a look at these slides:
Functional programming in Perl
Introduction to functional programming in Perl

It depends on what you mean by "scripting language." It isn't commonly viewed that way, but many Scheme implementations seem to fit the bill as well as Python, and Lisp is sort of the archetypal functional language.

Julia language. Also not just a "scripting" language, as fast as C.
See my answer here:áll-Haraldsson

I recently work on a functional scripting language and already finished the first version. It is a bit like a haskell/perl combination and therefore nice for scripting and mathematical problems, too.
For example here is a code snippet demonstrating how easy it is:
5 times {echo["Iteration: " concat str[x]]}
If you are interested, you can give it a try:

Kotlin is a practical functional language, mainly for the JVM. It has a scripting flavor called kscript. I've used it for shell scripting in personal projects. Simple example:
#!/usr/bin/env kscript
args.forEach { arg -> println("arg: $arg") }
Run it:
> ./example.kts hey you
arg: hey
arg: you
Requires JVM
Slow startup
For more info:
Search stackoverflow for kscript
If you're comfortable with the JVM and like functional programming, kscript is worth exploring.


What are the similarities between scripting language and programming language?

By searching I have found a similarity that is both import libraries. But unable to point out any other similarities, as everywhere I can see only differences.
Scripting languages are programming languages. Most of the programming languages in use today that once deserved the "scripting" label are complete programming environments from the syntactically, semantically, and library-wise.
At some point "scripting language" may have been used for languages that were suitable only for writing short scripts, but today any language that doesn't require a complex compilation step to run and that provides a read–eval–print loop (REPL) is considered good enough for scripting.

interpreting a script through F#

I really like F# but I feel like it's not succint and short enough. I want to go further. I do have an idea of how I'd like to improve it but I have no experience in making compilers so I thought I'd make it a scripting language. Then I realized that I could make it a scripting language and interpret it using F# but still get pretty much 100% performance thanks to F# having the inline option. Am I right? Is it really possible to make a script interpreter in F# that would go through my script and turn it into lots of functors and stuff and so get really good performance?
I really like F# but I feel like it's not succinct and short enough. I want to go further. I do have an idea of how I'd like to improve it but I have no experience in making compilers so I thought I'd make it a scripting language.
F# supports scripting scenarios via F# Interactive, so I'd recommend considering an internal DSL first, or suggesting features on the F# Language UserVoice page.
Then I realized that I could make it a scripting language and interpret it using F# but still get pretty much 100% performance thanks to F# having the inline option. Am I right?
Depending on the scenario, interpreted code may be fast enough, for example if 99% of your application's time is spent waiting on network, database or graphics rendering, the overall cost of interpreting the code may be negligible. This is less true for compute based operations. F#'s inline functions can help with performance tuning but are unlikely to provide a global panacea.
Is it really possible to make a script interpreter in F#
As a starting point, it is possible to write an interpreter for vanilla F# code. You could for example use F#'s quotation mechanism to get an abstract syntax tree (AST) for a code fragment or entire module and then evaluate it. Here's a small F# snippet that evaluates a small subset of F# code quotations:
Alternatively you could design your own language from scratch...
Is it really possible to make a script interpreter in F# that would go through my script and turn it into lots of functors and stuff and so get really good performance?
Yes, you could design your own scripting language, defining an AST using the F# type system, then writing a parser that transforms script code into the AST representation, and finally interpreting the AST.
There are a number of options for parsing including:
active patterns & regex, for example evaluating cells in a spreadsheet
FsLex & FsYacc, for example to parse SQL
FParsec, a parser combinator library, for example to parse Small Basic
I'd recommend starting with FParsec, it's got a good tutorial, plenty of samples and gives basic error messages for free based on your code.
Small Examples
Here's a few simple example interpreters using FParsec to get you started:
Turtle -
Minimal Logo language -
Small Basic -
Fun Basic
A while back I wrote my own simple programming language with F#, based on Microsoft's Small Basic with interesting extensions like support for tuples and pattern matching. It's called Fun Basic, has an IDE with code completion and is available free on the Windows Store. The Windows Store version is interpreted (due to restrictions on emitting code) and the performance is adequate. There is also a compiler version for the desktop which runs on Windows, Mac and Linux.
Is it really possible to make a script interpreter in F#
So I guess, the answer is YES, if you'd like to learn more there's a free recording of a talk I did at NDC London last year on how to Write Your Own Compiler in 24 Hours
I'd also recommend picking up Peter Sestoft's Programming Language Concepts book which has a chapter on building your own functional language.

Are there any C-like (in syntax) scripting languages other than JavaScript and PHP?

I am looking for a general-purpose (considering PHP is actually made and initially meant (I understand they are be used different ways some times) for server side Web and JavaScript for client-side web) with C/C++/C#/Java-like syntax. Do you know of such?
Mythryl is a general-purpose scripting languages deliberately designed around C syntax.
Perhaps Pike with Fins
There's also Ch, an embeddable C/C++ interpreter.
Just look through the Comparison of programming languages, and see which ones fit your needs best. You might look at the language with dynamic Type Systems, because those are scripting languages. Hyped languages include Scala, Ruby (with the Ruby on Rails web framework), Groovy and others, if you need a start.
In general, Wikipedia's C language entry lists many: "C has directly or indirectly influenced many later languages such as Java, Perl, Python, PHP, JavaScript, LPC, C# and Unix's C Shell"
Specifically, for general-purpose "scripting" language that is very similar to C, I would strongly recommend Perl which fits the bill perfectly.
Perl's syntax (or at least a sub-set of it) is VERY C-like (to the point that ex-C programmers starting in Perl are unfortunately known to code in "C-ish Perl" style which is pretty much straight up C).
In additional to general syntax ideas, Perl supports a vast majority of C system functions and many other C-isms (e.g. fully functional printf, process control and IPC).
Perl these days is definitely a general purpose language - it is used for anything from web development (including modern frameworks like Catalyst MVC, Plack etc...), to enterprise software development including full blown servers, to system administration scripting and general "scripting" glue tasks.
In addition, it supports both Object Oriented programming (either using classic Perl OOP or using modern Moose), as well as functional programming.
Please note that when evaluating Perl, you should not rely on the numerous myths that exist out there - most of these are due to either people not being sufficiently familiar with Perl, or judging Perl based on a large mass of poor-code-quality dirty scripts written by system administrators who weren't software developers, or judging Perl based on its features in Perl versions that were popular 15 years ago (e.g. any criticism of Perl OOP circa 1998 is pretty much useless unless the person doing it is closely familiar with Moose).
P.S. Since your questions seems to be in "...coming from PHP" context, you should also note that PHP is in fact very similar to a subset of Perl - by design. To quote from
The syntax itself was similar to that of Perl, albeit much more limited, simple, and somewhat inconsistent.
Matter of fact, PHP started out as a collection of Perl CGI scripts.
I am currently working on a new project called Cpy, using Python's execution engine, but wrting codes in C-syntax. It is built with ANTLR and Python. Take a look at it:
Pawn. Not general purpose (depending on your definition) but very good as a small embedded language.

Methodologies for designing a simple programming language

In my ongoing effort to quench my undying thirst for more programming knowledge I have come up with the idea of attempting to write a (at least for now) simple programming language that compiles into bytecode. The problem is I don't know the first thing about language design. Does anyone have any advice on a methodology to build a parser and what the basic features every language should have? What reading would you recommend for language design? How high level should I be shooting for? Is it unrealistic to hope to be able to include a feature to allow one to inline bytecode in a way similar to gcc allowing inline assembler? Seeing I primarily code in C and Java which would be better for compiler writing?
There are so many ways...
You could look into stack languages and Forth. It's not very useful when it comes to designing other languages, but it's something that can be done very quickly.
You could look into functional languages. Most of them are based on a few simple concepts, and have simple parsing. And, yet, they are very powerful.
And, then, the traditional languages. They are the hardest. You'll need to learn about lexical analysers, parsers, LALR grammars, LL grammars, EBNF and regular languages just to get past the parsing.
Targeting a bytecode is not just a good idea – doing otherwise is just insane, and mostly useless, in a learning exercise.
Do yourself a favour, and look up books and tutorials about compilers.
Either C or Java will do. Java probably has an advantage, as object orientation is a good match for this type of task. My personal recommendation is Scala. It's a good language to do this type of thing, and it will teach you interesting things about language design along the way.
You might want to read a book on compilers first.
For really understanding what's going on, you'll likely want to write your code in C.
Java wouldn't be a bad choice if you wanted to write an interpreted language, such as Jython. But since it sounds like you want to compile down to machine code, it might be easier in C.
I recommend reading the following books:
Language Design Patterns
This will give you tools and techniques for creating parsers, lexers, and compilers for custom languages.

Is there any full aspect-oriented programming language?

When I say "full" I mean a language that's not an extension to some already existent language like Java or C++. When OOP started it begun with extensions for procedural languages like C and Pascal. Is there any Aspect-Oriented programming language "by itself"?
Short answer: No
But there are languages that contain constructs that mimic aspects, for example Haskel which contains the possibility to add advices or Smalltalk because of its message approach. You could also look at Eifel with its contract oriented approach - that could be compared to applying aspects to functions.
But a pure AOP language, I would say no.
Edit: And sure enough, someone found an AOP language ;)
Well the answer is as usual "Lisp". It has after and before methods in the ANSI Lisp Definition and you can do a lot of the AOP stuff with macros.