Vim SQLComplete OMNI completion in Windows - sql

I've recently started using VIM (7.2) in Windows and have been trying to use the OMNI completion feature when editing SQL.
When at the start of a new line it appears to work fine. For example, if I am in insert mode and type:
se <C-C>a
then the word 'select' appears. If I then try and use OMNI completion on any other word on the same line then I get the 'Pattern not found' error.
I get the same error if, when on a new line, I type a space before typing the ' se'.
Is this the intended behavior? Or is there something I need to configure to make this work?


Intellij Plugin Completion exits on dot?

What I wanna achieve?
When the Completion list shows up, my code will map all the language files located in .neon files and show them as auto complete text.
What I have done?
I restricted the completion to only show up when your caret is in between double quotes or single quotes
When I start typing it works as expected
But as soon as I type the dot character it miss behaves
I need the completion list to look up my whole string I wrote, not only those after the dot character
As a really bad workaround is to don't write the dot character
Can it be done somehow?
Okay, i got it. This is a default behavior of intelliJ where i was testing it.
After opening and testing the plugin in a proper intelliJ Ultimate instance. It works by default. I don't know why the sandboxed version has porblems with it.

Configure DataGrip to run whole script by default when executing

I'm using the 2020.1 version of DataGrip on a Mac and have connected to BigQuery using the recommended Simba JDBC drivers.
If I try run, either with cmd+Enter or pressing the green play button, code with a CTE I get an error that the CTE can't be found, as below. The issue is that only the last line of code is being executed by default. If I select all the text and then execute it runs fine.
Looking in preferences I see there's options for what gets by default in certain situations. However, even with these set to "Whole script" (and applying and trying restarting) I still get the same issue and still have to select all text to get it to run properly.
Having to press cmd+a before a executing isn't a deal breaker, it's just annoying. Anyone know how to get the whole script to execute by default on a Mac?
You need change settings in the following way:
When inside statement execute to Smallest statement
otherwise execute to Nothing
for selection execute to Exactly as statements

Having difficulty getting ZeroBrane to highlight code, autocomplete, etc
Here is an example. For some reason code is simply not being highlighted using the Lua 5.2 interpreter. Autocomplete doesn't appear to be working correctly either. Also whenever I declare a function it doesn't automatically add a space in the middle and the end at the bottom which I've seen. These would all be immensely helpful starting off. I have never coded before.
I don't see any issue with the highlighting, as the Lua code in your snapshot is highlighted. I'm not sure why auto-complete is not working in your case, but if you type "pr" and don't see "print" and "pairs" offered when Lua 5.2 interpreter is selected, you may want to open a ticket and we'll investigate.

Completing code block with semicolon in intellij java

I'm tired of having to take time to reformat code after every statement. Call me lazy or call me spoiled, but every IDE I've used reformatted code automatically when I entered a semicolon.
I've been using intellij because eclipse and android studio have too many internal dependencies that cause problems. But it doesn't reformat code the way the other two do. Is there a plugin or method I could use to correct this?
I didn't tried by myself but the following could address the problem with automatic re-format:
activate the option "save file automatically if the application is
idle for..." option in IntelliJ Idea Settings
install and configure the save actions plugin
Regarding Eclipse (I didn't use it for a long time) wasn't automatic reformat of the code triggered on file save? You said you had in eclipse this support on entering a semicolon.
Kind regards.
Also try shift-ctrl-enter. This completes the line, adding semi-colon, closing brackets etc but as a side effect also reformats the line.

Juno IDE for Julia, how to interact?

One way to comfortably use an IDE in an interactive language is to interact via the IDE in a command line environment. I am wondering if that is a possibility in Juno. In other words, is there a command line environment as in Matlab, to call functions, give initial values, and run expressions. If so what is the way to access it?
Note: There is a console window in Juno, but I can't find a way to insert my commands inside that.
Note: The question and this answer apply to the version of Juno that was based on LightTable. The current version is based on Atom and has an interactive console.
You can't enter commands into the console in Juno--that's for displaying output. Commands can be submitted from within the editor by setting your cursor in the line to submit and pressing Ctrl+Enter or Shift+Enter. The value will then be displayed in a small popup next to the line and the output will be printed to the console if you have the console visible.
Note that the inability to use the console as you desire is by design. See here for information about the console from the Juno docs.