Is it possible to prevent batch update at the sql database level? - sql

A simple stupid "UPDATE table SET something=another WHERE (always true)" in accident will easily destroy everything in the database. It could be a human mistake, an SQL injection/overflow/truncation attack, or a bug in the code who build the WHERE causes.
Are popular databases provide a feature that protect tables by limit maximum number of row could be updated in one SQL statement?
I mean some kind of defensive setting that apply to pre-table access right on database: no-way to bypass, less code to program, no human mistake(unless grant yourself too much access right).

You can add a trigger that checks how many rows are being updated (count the Inserted magic trigger table), and RAISEERROR if that's too many rows.

I don't know of anything.
I'm not sure that this would solve anything. How can the database distinguish between a SQL injection attack and a nightly batch update that happens to exceed your limit?
One assumption is the auto commit is set to true. If the SQL injection attack isn't committed, you always have the opportunity to roll it back, assuming that you're looking at logs and such.
I think the real answer is better layering of apps, validation, binding, etc. You can't do SQL injection if those measures are in place.

The short answer is "no"...
Oracle allows you set define profiles that can be assigned to users to limit usage of resources such as CPU, logical reads. However, it isn't intended for your purpose, it is more about managing resources in a multi-user environment.
Perhaps more importantly, it also has flashback table so that unintended changes can be easily undone.
Most of your scenarios should be dealt with by other means:
human mistake: most users should not be granted update privileges on tables, they should be forced to call APIs (typically via an application) to perform updates. DBAs must be very careful when accessing live databases - never mind row limits, they can drop the table altogether!
Injection attack: these can and should be prevented from occuring
Code bugs: these should be caught through proper testing
If your data is important, it should be properly protected and looked after as above, and a maximum row update limit is unnecessary; if your data isn't important enough to protect as above, then why worry?

As David B was first to point out, you can do this with a trigger. It's a good practice to start your triggers with a ##ROWCOUNT test anyway. So imagine:
CREATE TRIGGER dbo.trg_myTrigger_UD ON dbo.myTable FOR UPDATE, DELETE
This would kick out any updates and/or deletes that try to affect more than one row.
As a general rule, I start mine with a rowcount test of <> 0. The point being if the trigger was kicked off by something that actually affected no rows (UPDATE table SET col1 = 'hey' WHERE 1 = 0) then there's no point in running through the trigger code as it won't do anything anyway.

I understand your reasons, but how do you want handle batches, which are legitimate?
If you do manualy some changes, and you want be able "undo" the changes, use transactions.
If you want be able recontruct data, use archive of changes.
But you are not able create check for "this is correct/incorrect batch" only from batch with 100% correct results.

You just need to write stored procedures and only expose those to users. And you will not work in a priviledged account in normal situations. Only connect as admin when needed.

You can wrap the update in a transaction and prompt the user (letting them know how many row are going to be updated) before committing.


Using NOLOCK for reading single static row. Whats the harm?

Can anyone with DEADLOCK experience enlighten me?
I read that it can cause log file corruption - is that possible? I think MS would never do that. Also if "some situations", like mine, are okay with DEADLOCK, why not use it?
I have no datasets, return tables (like other posts in Stack Overflow). I have one SQL statement with ID select which returns only one row like:
sqlstr = "SELECT Parameter1 FROM Companies WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE ID = 25
Also, this parameter does not change. But as this is a heavy load aspnet application (not a web site) and I run this kind of query again and again, every SQL read causes a lock in SQL server. If possible I'd prefer to avoid that.
Every post in this site is about multiple records, recordsets, dirty reads. I could not find anything about "reading single record which is not changing all the time".
Any expert's opinion, please?
This simple select statement when executed without any lock/nolock hints under default transaction isolation level , obtains a shared lock on the row, It means other users can also read this row while its being read by this query.
On the other hand when you specify WITH (NOLOCK) query hint, it does not obtain any locks at all. In this case again other users can read this row as well but you might be reading a dirty row (data that has not been committed to disk yet and is in the process of being modified).
So in either case this simple select will not cause a deadlock. So really the question you should be asking yourself is, should users be able to see dirty data or not? and in most cases the answer would be no.
Therefore do not worry about getting deadlocks with this select query. as long as you are using default transaction isolation level. In a more strict isolation level like seriallizable a select can lock out other users but in default isolation level you should be ok.
NOLOCK has two main disadvantages: It can return uncommitted data (you don't seem worried about that) and it can cause queries to spuriously fail under very rare circumstances. Never will NOLOCK cause physical database corruption.
Consider using snapshot isolation for transactions that only read data. Readers under SI do not lock or block. SI takes them out of the picture. It provides perfect consistency for read-only transactions. Be sure to find out about the drawbacks.
It isn't worth it.
NOLOCK is often exploited as a magic way to speed up database reads, but I try to avoid using it whever possible.
The result set can contain rows that have not yet been committed, that are often later rolled back.
An error or Result set can be empty, be missing rows or display the same row multiple times.
This is because other transactions are moving data at the same time you're reading it.
READ COMMITTED adds an additional issue where data is corrupted within a single column where multiple users change the same cell simultaneously.
There are other side-effects too, which result in sacrificing the speed increase you were hoping to gain in the first place.
Now you know, never use it again.
After deep searches and asking questions to many experts I found out that using NOLOCK hint causes no problem in this scenario, yet its not advised. nothing wrong with NOLOCK but as I use sql2014 I "should" use ISOLATION LEVEL option. Its a method came instead of NOLOCK. For example for huge table selects that cause deadlocks:
SELECT * FROM HugeTable;
is very handy.
I had HugeTable and a web form that uses sqlAdapter and Radgrid to show this data. Whenever I run this report, though indexes and paging of radgrid is fine, it caused deadlock, which makes sense. I changed select statement of sqlAdapter to above sentence, its perfect now.

SQL Server - On-Insert Trigger vs. Per-Minute Job

My question is mainly concerned with "what's best for performance", but kinda "philosophically" speaking as well (if it makes a difference)... so let's jump right in.
[TableA].[ColumnB] stores a value that needs to exist in [TableC].[ColumnD]. Right off the bat, no answers involving Foreign-keys - just assume that they're "not allowed" in this environment for whatever reason.
But due to "circumstances x,y,z", [TableA].[ColumnB] sometimes gets values that do not exist in [TableC].[ColumnD], because, let's say, [TableA] gets populated from an object that exists in running code as a "serialized blob", an in-memory representation of the data, and the [ColumnB] values got populated before those values were deleted from [TableC].[ColumnD] by some other process. ANYWAY, this is for example's sake, so don't get bogged down in the "why does this condition happen", just accept that it does.
To "fix" the problem, which method is best of these two: 1. make a Trigger that fires on-INSERT on [TableA], to Update [ColumnB] to the value that it should be (and assume I have a "mapping" of bad-to-good values). Or, 2. run a scheduled-Job every hour/minute/whatever that runs Update queries to change all possible "bad" values to their corresponding "good" values.
To put it more generally, what's better for performance and/or what is best practice: a Trigger, or a periodic Scheduled-Job? In context, let's say [TableA] is typically on the order of hundreds of thousands of rows, with Inserts happening 10-100 records at-a-time, as frequently as every few minutes to as rarely as a few times per day.
Doing triggers is like callbacks- They're more logically sound, and they spread any lag into every query. Doing continual checks (called polling or cron-jobs), you end up with more severe moments of lag every now and then. In almost all cases, using triggers/callbacks are the better way to go as having 1ms of lag added to every query is better than 100ms of lag at seemingly random intervals.
Use of triggers is generally discouraged, but your load is light and your case seems to be a natural trigger case. Consider using instead-of trigger to avoid two operations on the same row (one insert instead of insert and update). It may be the simplest and most reliable solution (as long as you have written reliable code in the trigger that won't cause the whole operation to crash).
Since you are considering a batch job, you are not concerned with timing issues. I.e it's OK with your application that tables may be out of sync for 1 minute or even 1 hour. That's the major difference with the trigger approach, which will guarantee that tables are in sync all the time. Potential timing issues would make me uncomfortable. On the plus side, you won't be at risk of crashing the original insert operation with your trigger.
If you go this route, please consider Change Tracking feature. Change tracking will indicate which rows have been inserted since the last time you checked, so you won't have to scan the whole table for new records. Alternatively, if your TableA has an INDENITY primary or unique key, you can implement similar design without change tracking functionality.
Triggers are both best performance and practice, as they maintain referential integrity as well as allowing the server to optimise for performance.
You didn't say what version of SQL Server you were using, but if it's 2008+, you can use Change Data Capture to keep track of data changes to your "primary" table. Then, periodically, you can run a batch over the change table and do whatever processing is required over that small set.

Is this INSERT likely to cause any locking/concurrency issues?

In an effort to avoid auto sequence numbers and the like for one reason or another in this particular database, I wondered if anyone could see any problems with this:
INSERT INTO user (label, username, password, user_id)
SELECT 'Test', 'test', 'test', COALESCE(MAX(user_id)+1, 1) FROM user;
I'm using PostgreSQL (but also trying to be as database agnostic as possible)..
There's two reasons for me wanting to do this.
Keeping dependency on any particular RDBMS low.
Not having to worry about updating sequences if the data is batch-updated to a central database.
Insert performance is not an issue as the only tables where this will be needed are set-up tables.
The idea I'm playing with is that each table in the database have a human-generated SiteCode as part of their key, so we always have a compound key. This effectively partitions the data on SiteCode and would allow taking the data from a particular site and putting it somewhere else (obviously on the same database structure). For instance, this would allow backing up of various operational sites onto one central database, but also allow that central database to have operational sites using it.
I could still use sequences, but it seems messy. The actual INSERT would look more like this:
INSERT INTO user (sitecode, label, username, password, user_id)
SELECT 'SITE001', 'Test', 'test', 'test', COALESCE(MAX(user_id)+1, 1)
FROM user
WHERE sitecode='SITE001';
If that makes sense..
I've done something similar before and it worked fine, however the central database in that case was never operational (it was more of a way of centrally viewing data / analyzing) so it did not need to generate ids.
I'm starting to think it'd be simpler to only ever allow the centralised database to be either active-only or backup-only, thus avoiding the problem completely and allowing a more simple design.
Oh well back to the drawing board!
There are a couple of points:
Postgres uses Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) so Readers are never waiting on writers and vice versa. But there is of course a serialization that happens upon each write. If you are going to load a bulk of data into the system, then look at the COPY command. It is much faster than running a large swab of INSERT statements.
The MAX(user_id) can be answered with an index, and probably is, if there is an index on the user_id column. But the real problem is that if two transactions start at the same time, they will see the same MAX(user_id) value. It leads me to the next point:
The canonical way of handling numbers like user_id's is by using SEQUENCE's. These essentially are a place where you can draw the next user id from. If you are really worried about performance on generating the next sequence number, you can generate a batch of them per thread and then only request a new batch when it is exhausted (sometimes called a HiLo sequence).
You may be wanting to have user_id's packed up nice and tight as increasing numbers, but I think you should try to get rid of that. The reason is that deleting a user_id will create a hole anyway. So i'd not worry too much if the sequences were not strictly increasing.
Yes, I can see a huge problem. Don't do it.
Multiple connections can get the EXACT SAME id at the same time. I was going to add "under load" but it doesn't even need to be - just need the right timing between two queries.
To avoid it, you can use transactions or locking mechanisms or isolation levels specific to each DB, but once we get to that stage, you might as well use the dbms-specific sequence/identity/autonumber etc.
For question edit2, there is no reason to fear gaps in the user_id, so you have one sequence across all sites. If gaps are ok, some options are
use guaranteed update statements, such as (in SQL Server)
update tblsitesequenceno set #nextnum = nextnum = nextnum + 1
Multiple callers to this statement are each guaranteed to get a unique number.
use a single table that produces the identity/sequence/autonumber (db specific)
If you cannot have gaps at all, consider using a transaction mechanism that will restrict access while you are running the max() query. Either that or use a proliferation of (sequences/tables with identity columns/tables with autonumber) that you manipulate using dynamic SQL using the same technique for a single sequence.
By all means use a sequence to generate unique numbers. They are fast, transaction safe and reliable.
Any self-written implemention of a "sequence generator" is either not scalable for a multi-user environment (because you need to do heavy locking) or simply not correct.
If you do need to be DBMS independent, then create an abstraction layer that uses sequences for those DBMS that support them (Posgres, Oracle, Firebird, DB2, Ingres, Informix, ...) and a self written generator on those that don't.
Trying to create a system than is DBMS independent, simply means it will run equally slow on all systems if you don't exploit the advantages of each DBMS.
Your goal is a good one. Avoiding IDENTITY and AUTOINCREMENT columns means avoiding a whole plethora of administration problems. Here is just one example of the many.
However most responders at SO will not appreciate it, the popular (as opposed to technical) response is "always stick an Id AUTOINCREMENT column on everything that moves".
A next-sequential number is fine, all vendors have optimised it.
As long as this code is inside a Transaction, as it should be, two users will not get the same MAX()+1 value. There is a concept called Isolation Level which needs to be understood when coding Transactions.
Getting away from user_id and onto a more meaningful key such as ShortName or State plus UserNo is even better (the former spreads the contention, latter avoids the next-sequential contention altogether, relevant for high volume systems).
What MVCC promises, and what it actually delivers, are two different things. Just surf the net or search SO to view the hundreds of problems re PostcreSQL/MVCC. In the realm of computers, the laws of physics applies, nothing is free. MVCC stores private copies of all rows touched, and resolves collisions at the end of the Transaction, resulting in far more Rollbacks. Whereas 2PL blocks at the beginning of the Transaction, and waits, without the massive storage of copies.
most people with actual experience of MVCC do not recommend it for high contention, high volume systems.
The first example code block is fine.
As per Comments, this item no longer applies: The second example code block has an issue. "SITE001" is not a compound key, it is a compounded column. Do not do that, separate "SITE" and "001" into two discrete columns. And if "SITE" is a fixed, repeatingvalue, it can be eliminated.
Different users can have the same user_id, concurrent SELECT-statements will see the same MAX(user_id).
If you don't want to use a SEQUENCE, you have to use an extra table with a single record and update this single record every time you need a new unique id:
CREATE TABLE my_sequence(id INT);
UPDATE my_sequence SET id = COALESCE(id, 0) + 1;
user (label, username, password, user_id)
SELECT 'Test', 'test', 'test', id FROM my_sequence;
I agree with maksymko, but not because I dislike sequences or autoincrementing numbers, as they have their place. If you need a value to be unique throughout your "various operational sites" i.e. not only within the confines of the single database instance, a globally unique identifier is a robust, simple solution.

What is the purpose of ROWLOCK on Delete and when should I use it?

When should I use this statement:
DELETE TOP (#count)
WHERE ProductId = #productId_for_del;
And when should be just doing:
DELETE TOP (#count)
FROM ProductInfo
WHERE ProductId = #productId_for_del;
The with (rowlock) is a hint that instructs the database that it should keep locks on a row scope. That means that the database will avoid escalating locks to block or table scope.
You use the hint when only a single or only a few rows will be affected by the query, to keep the lock from locking rows that will not be deleted by the query. That will let another query read unrelated rows at the same time instead of having to wait for the delete to complete.
If you use it on a query that will delete a lot of rows, it may degrade the performance as the database will try to avoid escalating the locks to a larger scope, even if it would have been more efficient.
Normally you shouldn't need to add such hints to a query, because the database knows what kind of lock to use. It's only in situations where you get performance problems because the database made the wrong decision, that you should add such hints to a query.
Rowlock is a query hint that should be used with caution (as is all query hints).
Omitting it will likely still result in the exact same behaviour and providing it will not guarantee that it will only use a rowlock, it is only a hint afterall. If you do not have a very in depth knowledge of lock contention chances are that the optimizer will pick the best possible locking strategy, and these things are usually best left to the database engine to decide.
ROWLOCK means that SQL will lock only the affected row, and not the entire table or the page in the table where the data is stored when performing the delete. This will only affect other people reading from the table at the same time as your delete is running.
If a table lock is used it will cause all queries to the table to wait until your delete has completed, with a row lock only selects reading the specific rows will be made to wait.
Deleting top N where N is a number of rows will most likely lock the table in any case.
SQL Server defaults to page locks. This is the most efficient way for SQL server to process multiple date sets. But SQL server is not multi-user friendly sometimes; therefore you may need to incorporate locking methods so you can get your data to flow in and out of the database. This is why people approach that problem by using locking hints.
If everyone designed there database tables so that everything processed each row at page width - the system would be very fast. But no one spends that detailed amount of time.
So, you might see people use with(nolock) on their SELECT statements and the use of with(rowlock) on their UPDATE and DELETE statements. An INSERT does not matter because it will lock the PAGE automatically. Sometimes by using with(rowlock), you can get better multi-user (multiple user connections) performance.
The problem with(nolock) is that you can return the committed record sitting there in the DB already, plus the dirty record that is about to update the sitting record; thus a double return of records to your SELECT statement. If you know the personality of your system on how the data runs through it, you can use with(nolock) to your advantage quite a bit though.
When do you know when to use with(rowlock)? When your system isn't letting user play nice with each other in the same table / record. Though, query re-write / tune first and then adjust your locking as a last resort.
But as a DBA, always blame the developer's code. It is your solemnly sworn duty to do such. If you are the developer writing this code, just blame yourself.

Should I break down large SQL queries (MS)

This is in regards to MS SQL Server 2005.
I have an SSIS package that validates data between two different data sources. If it finds differences it builds and executes a SQL update script to fix the problem. The SQL Update script runs at the end of the package after all differences are found.
I'm wondering if it is necessary or a good idea to some how break down the sql update script into multiple transactions and whats the best way to do this.
The update script looks similar to this, but longer (example):
Update MyPartTable SET MyPartGroup = (Select PartGroupID From MyPartGroupTable
Where PartGroup = "Widgets"), PartAttr1 = 'ABC', PartAttr2 = 'DEF', PartAttr3 = '123'
WHERE PartNumber = 'ABC123';
For every error/difference found an additional Update query is added to the Update Script.
I only expect about 300 updates on a daily basis, but sometimes there could be 50,000. Should I break the script down into transactions every say 500 update queries or something?
don't optimize anything before you know there is a problem. if it is running fast, let it go. if it is running slow, make some changes.
No, I think the statement is fine as it is. It won't make much a of a difference in speed at all.
Billy Makes a valid point if you do care about the readability of the query(you should if it is a query that will be seen or used in the future.).
Would your system handle other processes reading the data that has yet to be updated? If so, you might want to perform multiple transactions.
The benefit of performing multiple transactions is that you will not continually accumulate locks. If you perform all these updates at once, SQL Server will eventually run out of small-grained lock resources (row/key) and upgrade to a table lock. When it does this, nobody else will be able to read from these tables until the transaction completes (unless they use dirty reads or are in snapshot mode).
The side effect is that other processes that read data may get inconsistent results.
So if nodoby else needs to use this data while you are updating, then sure, do all the updates in one transaction. If there are other processes that need to use the table, then yes, do it in chunks.
It shouldn't be a problem to split things up. However, if you want to A. maintain consistency between the items, and/or B. perform slightly better, you might want to use a single transaction for the while thing.
//Write 500 things
//Write 500 things
//Write 500 things
Transactions exist for just this reason -- where program logic would be clearer by splitting up queries but where data consistency between multiple actions is desired.
All records affected by the query will be either locked or copied into tempdb if the transaction operates in SNAPSHOT isolation level.
IF the number of records is high enough, the locks may be escalated.
If transaction isolation level is not SNAPSHOT, then a concurrent query will not be able to read the locked records which may be a concurrency problem for your application.
If transaction isolation level is SNAPSHOT, then tempdb should contain enough space to accomodate the old versions of the records, or the query will fail.
If either of this is a problem for you, then you should split the update into several chunks.