Loading Dojo Library from AOL and Widget Codes from Local? - dojo

I just started to learn Dojo. I followed one site Widget example with some different ways to load Dojo libraries. I like to use AOL reference to load dojo.js like this:
<script type="text/javascript"
and saved my widget codes in local web server like this:
where widgetExample.js contains my widget class codes, and test.html is my testing page. The error message I got is: "uncaught exception: Could not load cross-domain resources: myWidget.widgetExample ...". I am not sure if I have to load dojo package locally? I really like to separate dojo library package as they are or loaded from AOL and only put my own codes in a local path. I tried to google about different domain loading, baseScriptUrl, and moduleMapping? Still not be able to figure out. Thanks for any detail instructions if any.

This may help: http://dojotoolkit.org/forum/dojo-core-dojo-0-9/dojo-core-support/xdomain-usage-dojo-loading-not-detecting-local-modules
The summary is: you need a djConfig item registering the modulePaths you want to be local, and specify a baseUrl to "trick" Dojo into thinking it knows where those paths are relative, across hosts.
djConfig = { modulePaths: { "mine":"/js/mine" };
then you can dojo.require("mine.Thing") from /js/mine/Thing.js
Peter Higgins


Nuxt generate failing with self is not defined in a vue dist file

I'm preparing to deploy my first Static app from a Nuxt.js 2 project.
While the static routes are generated fine, my dynamic routes are not. Once I remembered they were hidden in my dropdown menu - duhh - I created a /generate page which renders all my dynamic routes using the nuxt-link component. My assumption was that the crawler should find the /generate/index.vue page and thus the links on it, and crawl those.
It didn't.
Then I noticed a comment from Sebastien Chopin mentioning that SSR should be enabled when generating Static apps. Ok. So I re-enabled SSR and I've hit nothing but errors. A couple I've figured out but this latest one has got me stumped.
Some googling has not revealed a clue that appeared relevant - or at least I didn't recognise them as relevant - so I need the 'worldwide developers' team help.
Does this error suggest there's an issue in Vue itself? I don't use 'self' anywhere in my app code soooo... hmmm?
Well it's generating now (has been for a few weeks, been a busy time!)... however the generated pages are not outputting with content, but I think that's a different issue.
My configuration currently is;
target: 'static',
ssr: false,
generate: {
minify: false, // Nuxt 2.15.4 > Deprecated next major version > Use build.html.minify instead!
routes: dynamicRoutes
I'll keep working on it.

Nuxt - HTML Injection by Webpack plugin

Currently I'm migrating a Vue.js App to an Nuxt.js App. In our previous setup we used favicons-webpack-plugin to generate favicons during compile-time. These were then injected into the HTML with html-webpack-plugin.
As we want to achieve the same functionality after the migration we need a way to generate these favicons. We came across nuxt-rfg-icon Nuxt-plugin but it does not provided the same feature-set (less generated favicons & the favicons are converted by an online service).
Generally speaking one could use webpack-plugins in Nuxt. So i tried integrating the webpack-plugin, but these favicons are only injected in one of two generated HTML-files. A index.spa.html (favicons present) and a index.ssr.html (favicons not present). When the Page is rendered by Nuxt on the serverside it seems to use the index.ssr.html (seems expected).
So I made a little dive into the #nuxt/webpack package to get some info about how Nuxt configures webpack. There I found this code:
// Generate output HTML for SSR
if (buildOptions.ssr) {
new HtmlWebpackPlugin__default['default']({
filename: '../server/index.ssr.html',
template: appTemplatePath,
minify: buildOptions.html.minify,
inject: false // Resources will be injected using bundleRenderer
There it says that webpack should disable the automatic injection because the bundleRenderer is doing this. Unfortunately I could not find any resources online on how to inject the HTML of a webpack-plugin into the bundleRenderer. Maybe this is not possible or even intended?
So here is my actual question: How can i get Nuxt to work with the favicons-webpack-plugin?

Unable to inject javascript with Swashbuckle/Swagger

I'm using the Swashbuckle NuGet package to create Swagger documentation for my API. https://www.nuget.org/packages/Swashbuckle
I'm trying to make some minor changes to the UI - essentially just to add some corporate branding to the header.
I have added two files as embedded resources to my project, in a directory called resources.
These are injected into the UI via:
.EnableSwaggerUi(c =>
c.InjectStylesheet(thisAssembly, typeof(SwaggerConfig).Namespace + ".Resources.Swagger.css");
c.InjectJavaScript(thisAssembly, typeof(SwaggerConfig).Namespace + ".Resources.Swagger.js");
Which results in the following link being added to rendered page.
<link href="ext/ang_nav_api-Resources-Swagger-css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen">
This is all correct and the stylesheet works as expected.
However the .js script doesn't appear on the client.
Changing the c.InjectJavaScript to c.InjectStylesheet does inject the file as a <link> .. so I'm happy that the file itself is correctly embedded etc.
What could be wrong here?
The .js script will not appear on the client. (not on the way you would expect)
Look closely to the code of index.html:
Your customScripts will be loaded dynamically on the onComplete event

Polymer 2 site cant find resources in Safari

I built this site http://danielleandsteven.wedding/ and it loads fine in most browsers. In Safari, I get a lot of errors that it cant load resources and the my-app elem is empty.
A quick glance of the list of 404 resources- it looks like some of them are for nonexistent components and others are in /bower_components/ but its looking for them in the base directory.
I tried it on Edge 15 and I got
Object doesn't support property or method 'call'.
You could add the Babel Polyfills?
it adds some basic function that babel code may depend on - and as you probably served transpiled ES5 code (with babel) to those browsers it might be your problem.

How can you include a javascript files from a CDN in Jasmine?

When using Jasmine in a Rails project, to keep the dependencies consistent in my Jasmine specs, I want to pull jquery from a cdn as is done on the real page. I try to do that like so, in my Jasmine.yml file:
- http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js
However, this never works, as when viewing the source of the localhost:8888 I get:
<script src="/__spec__/http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
How do you this correctly?
as answered in https://github.com/pivotal/jasmine-gem/issues/135
I wrote a helper to load external javascripts. It's not the best solution (i would prefer config file use) but it works for me.
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var jQueryScript = document.createElement('script');
jQueryScript.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
jQueryScript.setAttribute('src', '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js');
#emrox's answer is correct and works for jasmine 2.0.
However in jasmine 2.1.3 it doesn't. This is due to the fact that when the tests are run(i'm using Chutzpah) "http:" isn't pre-pended to the CDN reference. It is in version 2.0 of jasmine.
The fix I implemented that worked involved the following line of code:
Hopefully this helps someone before they decide to downgrade to 2.0!
Issue 135 made it so you can list CDN entries in your jasmine.yml file. e.g.
- http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.js
- http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.11.2/jquery-ui.min.js
- lib/javascript/**/*.js