Online code beautifier and formatter [closed] - code-formatting

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Closed 10 years ago.
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What are the best online code beautifier and formatter out there? I'm not asking for highlighters. Any language will do.

CSS: code beautifier
HTML: HTML Tidy, CleanUp HTML or the general purpose Pretty Diff
Colour all:

For PHP, Java, C++, C, Perl, JavaScript, CSS you can try:

You can use Perl::Tidy for Perl.

JsonLint is good for validating and formatting JSON.

What language?? There are different tools for almost every imaginable programming language, since they all have different syntactic rules and conventions.
Good ol' indent is a nice, customizable, command-line utility to format C and C++ programs.

It depends of the language, and of the architecture you are using.
For example, in a php platform, you can format almost language with GeSHi
As bluish comments, GeSHi is a generic syntax highlighter, with no beautification feature. It is more used on the server side, and combine it with a beautification tool can be tricky, as illustrated with this GeSHi drupal ticket.

I've used Quick Highlighter a lot. Works great for a huge list of languages.

Use There is a multi-language support(java, c, c++, c#, vb, haskell, ruby, javascript, lua, HTML, SQL, Tcl, Perl, JSON, groovy...)
Here is a sample "Generate LiquiBase changeLogs using Groovy"


How to start with Programming in VB.Net? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
So far I have worked with C Programming and C++ Programming. I am fairly new to DOT NET environment and my current project requires VB.Net skills. I need to know
1)Which books to refer for starting with VB.Net language?
2)How to Start with VB.Net Programming?
3)Are there any forums/articles for quick head start.
Thanks in advance to all !
After mastering c/c++, VB.NET will be easy for you.
Where to start:
MSDN Visual Basic Programming Guide, specialy the Visual Basic Language Features, and Program Structure and Code Conventions.
Forums / Articles:
Stackoverflow has lots of .NET experts, ask anything and you shell be answered! :)
Visual Basic Developer Center
Since VB.NET and C# are both .NET languages, almost all code written in C# can be easily converted to VB. From my personal experience, C# is more widely spread and I often find myself converting C# code samples to VB.NET.
Since C# is similar to C, you could start by looking at this
To help you how to write VB. Then it's just a matter of learning the framework classes.
You could also look at the ".NET Framework Class Library" to give you a quick list of every namespace/class available.

What is best dojo learning material? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I just want to know what is best learning tools for learning dojo for beginner.
Also is there any video tutorials for the same.
Best way to learn dojo is to try is out yourself. I would recommend following books though:
Dojo: The Definitive Guide
Mastering Dojo (From Pragmatic Bookshelf)
These are the largest collection of tutorials that I know of, and cover newer features that the books don't (though the books mentioned are invaluable). You may know about them already as pretty much any Google search for Dojo turns them up.
Also the Dojo IRC is helpful and friendly for specific question.
Download the code, demo and docs from and put it in a folder in your document root.
In the folder there must be the following folders
Open the test file in a webbrowser
Open the file in your favorite text editor change the code and see the result.
The test files are the main resource to learn dojo.
The util folder contains some useful scripts for combining the dojo files and minifying it. This is not that useful as beginner.

Good resources for learning PL/pgSQL? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I've been looking around the net trying to find good resources for learning PostgreSQL's procedural programming language, PL/pgSQL.
So far the only thing I've managed to dig up is the tutorial in the PostgreSQL documentation. While that is good, I've been looking for something more in-depth. Can you recommend anything?
The best free intro to use along the official docs is at PL/pgSQL and its associated tricks page of non-trivial examples, although the translation is a bit rough in spots. More useful examples can be found rooting through the snippets page.
There are also decent chapters on PL/pgSQL inside "PostgreSQL Developer's Handbook" by Geschwinde/Schonig and "PostgreSQL" by Korry Douglas, both of which are a bit gentler intro to the language than the official docs. Those are both excellent general PostgreSQL books you might find useful for other reasons too.
I think that that best introduction are:
the docs
With steps 2 - 4, you can usually get a pretty good help on irc - #postgresql on, and mailing lists.
plpgsql is simple - and it is very similar to PL/SQL (from Oracle).
I think it because of the way postgreSQL is structured and developed, the best place to search for tutorials is the on-line documentation.
The problem here is that the documentation assumes that you know what you want to do, you know the concepts, but you don't know how. Therefore you need to add a general database book in the mix in case you want to dwell into the concepts.
That's my taste of postgreSQL so far. It is different than MySQL or SQLServer where there are thousands of resources available, but quantity is matched here with the quality of the documentation.

Any good Expression Blend Tutorial out there? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
i want to learn Expression blend.. ive been reading some blogs.. about it.. but the applications are some what hard to follow cuse i haven't had a crash course on Blend.. any good tutorial to learn the basics?? i think i need to learn XAML first..what do you recommend?
I also have a series of written Blend tutorials available, that I'd like to humbly offer. They were written as an introduction to Silverlight through Blend, demonstrating the areas where Blend can be more useful than Visual Studio.
Have a look at Jesse Liberty's Silverlight video tutorial series, which includes a couple of videos on Expression Blend. Learning XAML will be very beneficial to you, although is not absolutely required to use Expression Blend.
Check out my Button tutorial for beginners here.
More to follow...
Hope this helps,
Microsoft have some videos up on their Expression site as well. Seem fairly comprehensive:
there's nice course for beginners by kirupa. it gives overall idea for beginners.
There's also a really nice course by Microsoft:
Total Training have a fabulous array of Expression courses covering most products and versions

Recommended VB.NET Code Generators [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Can someone recommend some good code generation tools?
I only need a tool for developing desktop applications. So the web side of things doesn't really concern me too much.
CodeSmith Generator has a bunch of Visual Basic Templates.
The de-facto standard for code generation (especially for .NET languages) seems to be CodeSmith. The latest version will cost money, however, they have made an older version freeware.
If you'd like to go with something free and open-source, MyGeneration is also quite good, and can actally use (after some conversion) CodeSmith templates.
The Microsoft copy of CodeSmith is T4, built into VS 2005 & 2008.
I only know of a couple of products that are not free:
There is CodeRush from DevExpress:
Miguel Castro has one called CodeBreeze:
CodeSmith has a ton of templates and supports the latest technologies. It does cost money but it is well worth it in the time you will save as well as the support that comes with it. If you are using Linq to SQL, check out our PLINQO templates. There is currently a sweet CodeSmith offer on
-Blake Niemyjski