I'm writing this email after the maintainer of the MISP repository answered a question asked by me. I'm integrating MISP with Sentinel using Microsoft Graph API and I came across the error in the image below. According to MISP support, the error is related to the script not being prepared to page and receive the responses in full, as the MISP database that I am importing is very large, it generates an error in the execution of time out. As per MISP support, you will need to edit this file: https://github.com/microsoftgraph/security-api-olutions/blob/master/Samples/MISP/script.py and change the _get_events method to iterate over the responses.
The steps were performed according to the github documentation.
I'm trying to write a simple KB-CVE matching program, and I want to use data provided by Microsoft Security Response Center. Since I'm new, I searched a little and learned to work with developer API.
Problem is after I learned to work with it, I figured it has been returning 503 Error code for quite a long time (link to open issue in GitHub repo).
Now the only way I know, is downloading data from Security Update Guide
manually and then writing a simple program to search data and find the result. which is really not what I want. I'm looking for an automatic way.
The goal is to take KB number, and find all CVEs related to it. Now in order to this I have to manually download my dataset whereas with API I was able to just enter the URL for a specific KB and find all data related to it.
So basically I'm looking for a some URL which is capable of getting all data related to a specific KB now that API server is unavailable.
I am using Opensource formsflow.ai version v4.0.2. This is the Repo Link. I could get the Repo up and Running using docker deployment as instructed.
I had created a form and BPMN workflow for a specific use-case in formsflow.ai. The BPMN workflow is similar to the examples provided in the formsflow.ai opensource. This workflow consists of 4 statuses eg: New, Approved, Rejected, and Completed as shown Below. But when I am submitting the application from the client the application history is not getting created.
I am not sure what went wrong here, can anyone please help me with a solution. Could see the sample workflows they provided created history but not my custom Workflow.
You should use Application Audit Listener as mentioned in the document here.
This component can be used on any event of task or execution. Upon configuration, this send value from cam variables: "applicationStatus" and "formUrl" to formsflow.ai system for capturing audit.
Background and Goal
I have a Debian/Linux VM on GCP which I manually start every morning and after it runs, it shuts down by itself using a Linux command. I want to automate the start of the VM by using the Cloud Scheduler. The question asked in GCP auto shutdown and startup using Google Cloud Schedulers has several answers and I am interested in pursuing the answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/65062924/10322004) proposed by #nikelone because it seems to be simple and also it has been endorsed by #Damien and #RayFoss as being easy. I am a neophyte in these matters and I could not comprehend their replies fully. So this post was created to elicit more clear answers for a person like me.
What I have tried
I have gone to https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/reference/rest/v1/instances/start (call this page A) and tried the API and was able to successfully start my already stopped VM when I clicked on the execute button. I presume that this means that my entries were fine and can be used in conjunction with appropriate software like Cloud Scheduler to perform the start function on a predefined schedule. But the problem is that I do not know or understand how to proceed from here. I give below my questions.
My Questions
On page A, the last three paragraphs are titled Authorization Scopes, IAM permissions, and Examples, and none of them say anything specific about what the user should do. Is it correct to assume that they have nothing to do with the Cloud Scheduler, but related to other methods to achieve the same goal? If this is not correct then my next question is what should I be doing to follow the statements in these three paragraphs?
Assuming that the answer to question 1 is "yes", meaning I can now start scheduling with the Cloud Scheduler, I next looked at the quickstart for Cloud Scheduler at https://cloud.google.com/scheduler/docs/quickstart (call this page B). The list of items to do is quite large including installing Cloud SDK, running a quite a few commands on the console, enabling some features, set up Pub/Sub, create a job, run the job and verify the results in Pub/Sub. This looks like a daunting set of tasks and I could not understand why it is necessary to jump through the hoops to use something that has already been achieved with just a few keystrokes earlier. So are these steps all necessary? Or is there a way to use the Cloud Scheduler directly without going through so many intermediate steps?
Now assume that the answer to question 2 is that I have to perform all steps stated on page B. If I run into some problem while accomplishing the tasks outlined on page B, my VM may get messed up irretrievably. Is there a way in which the Cloud Platform or its components can be used to reset my VM to its current state as of today, which is working fine? I really do not want to end up with something worse than what I have now.
To answer your questions:
Auth Scopes and IAM permissions are required for you to call the Compute Engine API methods such as instance.start & instance.stop. You need to set the right scope and the right IAM permission on your job or else it will fail. They are indeed related to the method that you're interested to call so you must keep them in mind. What you see on the examples are the ways to call the {API} using different programming languages so you don't need to pay attention to them as you will create the job through the Cloud Console. To further address this part, see the full steps I included below.
The answer that you're trying to follow uses HTTP target while the quickstart you've linked uses Pub/Sub and they are different with each other because they have separate use cases. This link shows a proper instruction how to create a scheduler job with an HTTP target. You can create this kind of job straight from the Cloud Console or a one-liner gcloud command. If your config is incorrect, the trigger will not execute the endpoint URL and you will see an error that you must fix.
Addressed on answer #2
Basically, you just need to follow the instructions to the link you've sent. However, I'll post it here as well along with my explanation:
Go to https://cloud.google.com/scheduler. Click on Go to Console. Click on Create Job. Fill up the required fields (those with red asterisks) when creating a Scheduler Job.
Select HTTP as target type.
Enter this as your URL (modify the capitalized words).
Choose HTTP method POST.
Click show more and choose Auth Header "Add OAuth Token"
Enter your service account. This is used to pass an OAuth Token when your scheduler job calls the Compute API. Make sure that the service account you will use have the "Compute Instance Admin" role because this role contains the permissions to start/stop your instance. See this instruction how to grant access on a service account. If you're not sure what service account to use, feel free to use the Compute Engine default service account.
Add this on Scope:
The description of this scope:
See, edit, configure, and delete your Google Cloud Platform data.
Repeat for Stop instance job and change URL in #3.
I'm trying to automate a workflow using Google Data Studio. Requirements are simple - I need to be able to programatically copy a templated report (from a Python/Java application) and import/set a data source (Google Sheets doc) for that report. Nothing more fancy (no visualisation creation, formatting, or anything graphical, etc.).
Sources here, here and here (last two require Google Cloud Console account) suggest an API does exist (and detail a setup process to access it). However, after going through this setup process, I can find no details or documentation of any functionality, and consequently have been unable to progress.
Can anyone authoritatively state whether:
1. There does exist any API functionality for GDS? and
2. If not, are there plans to develop such? (since the Google links above suggest there is, I'm wondering if this means it's in the pipeline for near future).
The only directly related SO posts I can find are here and here. The first suggests there isn't, but doesn't account for the Google links I've provided above which suggest there is; the second doesn't really cover the same use case, so doesn't provide answers applicable here.
FYI - I've posted a Google Community forum post here asking essentially the same question.
If anyone is able to help out, that would be greatly appreciated :) Many thanks in advance for your time and help! :)
Fresh as of 2022-05-23
There does exist any API functionality for GDS?
Not in the way you are expecting. The three links you posted all refer to the current Data Studio API. The only things you can do with that API is view your Data Studio assets and update permissions. That's it. This API won't let you create/copy/modify reports or data sources.
If not, are there plans to develop such?
Not in the near future. You can make/vote for this feature request in the official tracker. More popular feature requests are usually prioritized in roadmaps.
That being said, a lot of the API use cases can be resolved using combinations of Community Connectors, config parameters, direct linking, viewer's credentials, Linking/Integration API etc.
I made this URL public a few years ago as a way to retrieve data. It was working yesterday. Today my site is crashing as it relies on this data, but google is now returning a 500 error if I try to retrieve it programmatically (through axios).
I have also created a code sandobox with react to demonstrate: https://codesandbox.io/embed/xjmy9vl2z4
However, I am still able to view the response in the browser if I am logged in.
Did google recently change their API so that it is no longer possible to retrieve data this way? Is there a way to configure my axios request in such a way to continue retrieving this data?
Issue is being tracked here: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/131613284
According to the support team: "The engineering team believes they have located the source of the problem and are rolling back to a previous build in order to resolve issue. Please stand by."
It seems like the issue has been resolved by rolling back to a previous build. I am no longer experiencing these issues. The link above, and the code sandbox example are both functioning. Reading the forum, it seems like others are also no longer experiencing issues. If you are still experiencing issues, I would encourage opening another (perhaps more specific) post or issue.