Glide unable to show image after downloading from Android download manager - android-imageview

I am trying to download an animated Gif file from Drive link through Android download manager and display the downloaded image in an imageViewif it is downloaded successfully.
If the device doesn't have an active internet connection then it will try to load the downloaded Gif and it ultimately shows an error image when it doesnot exist.
However I am unable to figure out the problem that downloaded Image sometimes doesn't show up correctly and the app gets crashing.
If you are online and runs the app second time it get crashes. Should I use another method to download image file.
Project Download


Processing failed in itunesconnect

I had archieved the xcode project and uploaded it into itunes connect. This is 5 time uploading, for internal testing. It shows the following error
I don't have any idea that why the error are showing, i'm using Xcode 7.2 . Can any one help to resolve this error, i stuck for more than a day.
Try with Application Loader.
sometimes i faced same issue with Xcode7.2 then will try upload app with Application Loader. it's worked fine.
For uploading app with Application Loader ....
Step-1) First create IPA of your App.and Export your IPA which is created with iOS App Store Deployment.
Step-2) Right Click on XCode(from dock) >> Open Developer tool >> Application Loader
Step-3) Choose IPA (which is saved for iOS App Store Deployment) and Next to upload. it will be take some small time and after few mins it will be show on itunes connect.
after few mins it will be show on itunes is very easy and faster uploding compare to xcode. Hope it Helps you!.
its currently a bug, many dev are facing it.
Also you can follow it here

Downloading a deployed app packaged from a Windows Phone device

I've recently had some data loss. I would like to be able to download my compiled app package that I have deployed on my phone. I haven't been able to download the app package that I have uploaded in the store (as they are nearly identical), so if there is a way to do that, that would be amenable as well.
Is there a way to download the app package from a device or from the Store page?
Edit: I should note that by "Store Page" I mean "App Submission Page".
You can download the xap file manually from the application's store page. For example, I have a game that I haven't updated in forever (forgive me) :)
Number Munchers XL
Scroll down to the very bottom on the left side of the page, and you will see
Download and install manually
Learn more
Click on that and you should be greeted with a XAP file download.

Using Worklight JSONStore

I am not that new to Worklight, but the JSONStore is a new feature and I'm trying to learn how to use it. I downloaded the sample app ( and installed it in my development environment, ran build and deployed it.
When I preview the app (as Android) in the Mobile Browser Simulator, and run through the sequence of Initialize the Collection, Add a Document, and then try to Find by Name, Find All, or get Number of Documents in Collection - I do not see the table at the bottom of the screen that displays the input data. I don't see any errors in the WL console. In the Android console, I get the error messages:
Unable to resolve target 'android-8'
WARNING: unable to write jarlist cache file - and then it points to location of jarlist.cache in the module.
I did not make any changes to the code. I looked it over, compared it to the education module content, and I don't see the problem. Any thoughts? Clues? Your help is appreciated. Thanks.
JSONStore is not supported in the Mobile Browser Simulator, it must run on an Android or iOS device or simulator, if you run it on the Android simulator it should work just fine.

Unable to download application OTA iOS

I'm trying to distribute a beta version of an app OTA. I'm using team provisioning profile and through Xcode it runs fine on my iPhone. When I click the download link it shows me the usual popup and the app starts downloading but before the progress bar makes any progress I get "Unable to download application at this time". Console shows absolutely nothing.
Verify that the bundle-identifier key is the same as the one which you have used to build the ipa file. Also bundle-version key should be the same as the one in the ipa

problem while using tiff and gif format images with UIWebView

I have a web page using css and javascript and also this webpages have tiff and gif images. When i loaded this webpage locally in ipad it is not working as i can only see white page and not my images. But when i moved this folder to one of the server and when i tried to load this website remotely. I got this error:
"_CGImagePluginInitGIFmalformed GIF file (1024 x 748)"
But It is working properly. So i was wondering if there is any problem using the tiff and gif images locally?
Is it possible that there's really a error in the GIF?
If you're able to open the GIF in an other application, try to re-save it. It will probably fix the malformation. If it doesn't work try to save it in an other format. (Try OS X's Preview, it's good for these kind of things...)
The problem was with the javascript files which i moved to the copy Bundle Resources from Compile Sources.