Multiple visibility outputs from a if statements adobe animate html5 - createjs

Thank you for your time
I have a large animation I am working on with several if statements with many outputs
I join the outputs with & ampersand and it all works ok, but when I try to call the visibility of a movie clip, it will not work. Here is a simple one I wrote using three movie clips.
this.black_sw.addEventListener("click", fl_ClickToHide.bind(this));
function fl_ClickToHide()
{ if(this.black_mc. visible== true)(
this.black_mc.visible = false
this.redball.visible = true
else if(this.black_mc. visible== false)
(this.black_mc.visible = true
this.redball.visible = false)
This does not work console error if I add a "&" to join the statements also console error, deleting
one of the (visible = ) conditions in each part, it works, why, I am stumped.
best regards peter

this.black_sw.addEventListener("click", fl_ClickToHide.bind(this));
function fl_ClickToHide()
if (this.black_mc.visible)
this.black_mc.visible = false
this.redball.visible = true
this.black_mc.visible = true
this.redball.visible = false
This should work


Codeigniter 4 - WHERE clause in Model

It's me again, Van.
Hi everyone,
I hope you're doing well!
I am doing a tutorial on a chat application using Codeigniter 4 with Ajax.
Everything worked fine until I applied the following code in the Model below
public function load_chat_data($sender_id,$receiver_id) {
// $where = ['sender_id' => $sender_id, 'receiver_id' => $receiver_id];
$where1 = "sender_id = $sender_id OR sender_id = $receiver_id";
$where2 = "receiver_id = $receiver_id OR receiver_id = $sender_id";
$builder = $this->db->table('chat_messages');
// $builder->where($where);
$results = $builder->get();
$rows = $results->getResultArray();
if($rows > 0)
return $rows;
return false;
The lines that I commented worked well before they were commented but it was not enough data I wanted to get so I tried to get both data of sender and receiver to display on the view by adding more code. However, when I tried $where1 and $where2 for the WHERE clauses, it didn't work. I think it must be the syntax error. Please correct my codes or any ideas on how the codes work with the same meaning supposed.
Thank you so much!!!
I tried as below, but it still didn't work.
$where1 = "sender_id={$sender_id} OR sender_id={$receiver_id}";
$where2 = "receiver_id={$receiver_id} OR receiver_id={$sender_id}";
Also, I tried:
$where1 = "'sender_id'=$sender_id OR 'sender_id'=$receiver_id";
$where2 = "'receiver_id'=$receiver_id OR 'receiver_id'=$sender_id";
I think you are trying to receive the messages of the conversation between two people. Can you try the following code for this?
$builder->groupStart(); // or $builder->orGroupStart();
$builder->where('sender_id', $sender_id);
$builder->where('receiver_id', $receiver_id);
$builder->where('sender_id', $receiver_id);
$builder->where('receiver_id', $sender_id);

Improved / efficient code for multiple if - React Native

I´m a technical project manager coordinating developers. My coding skills are limited and so I align with my devs on logical structure. For a mobile app (React Native to serve Android and iOS) we are currently developing user current location logic. Turned out we have specific Android and iOS settings, what may require native developmetn for location service handling.
I´m currently reviewing the following pseudocode and, besides others, concerned about the MULTIPLE IF statements and thinking if there is a more efficient way, as here we seem to jump into every IF, even when location is set already before.
I think there can be something like "until", "break" or similar .. and maybe relevant to consider the specific dev language, React Native in that case?
Any help, as pseudocode or if possible to make it specific already considering React Native, is very much appreciated.
Many thanks in advance!
////Central Location Service to get current location.
var currentLocation;
var locationType
if Android {
} else id iOS {
DEFINED_ACCURACY = kCLLocationAccuracyHundredMeters
function startLocationService(){
var locationservice = LocationService()
locationservcie.accuracy = DEFINED_ACCURACY
locationservcie.distance = DEFINED_DISTANCE
locationservcie.startListnertoLocationUpdate() {
cacheData(location, currentTime);
currentLocation = location
function getLocationFromLocationService() {
if locationServcieEnabled == false
return NULL;
if locationPermissionGranted == false
return NULL;
return currentLocation;
function getCurrentLocation() {
var lcoation = NULL;
var accuracy = Not_defined;
lcoation = getLocationFromLocationService() //GPS, network
locationType = locationService
if lcoation == NULL {
locationdata == getLastKnownLocation()
if locationdata.Age < DEFINED_DURATION {
location = locationdata.location
locationType = locationService
if location == NULL {
location == getCachedLocationWithin24Hour()
locationType = locationService
if location == NULL {
location = getLocationfromTelephony()
locationType = other
if location == NULL {
if permissionToUseBilling == false {
location = getLocationFromBillimg()
accuracy = other
if location == NULL {
location = getLocationOfDEfaultCountry()
accuracy = other
return location, Other
I think you can use switches to cover different cases from javascript.
Probably your dev team knows, but did not want to bring it into pseudo code?
const location = getLocationFromLocationService() ;
switch (location) {
case 'NULL':
case 'New York':
// No break leads to run also into the next case
case 'Bern':
console.log('I love nice cities.');
console.log(`Sorry, we are out of ${location}.`);
Interestingly you seem to have multiple times the same if case?
Maybe you will to nest it or have to use a switch with multiple expressions.
case ("Bern" && "ANOTHERExpression to be true"):
Link to switch documentation
Please don't underestimate your dev team. ;-)

Trying to get property 'path' of non-object

Hello I am having the above error in production but all works well in development. I am using the code bellow to get the path to the main image for the property but it defaults into the else despite the if not being false plus the else does not find the paths even when dump shows that the object has been returned
//check if there are hotels in the selected destination
//Loop through the hotels
foreach($hotels as $hotel){
//get hotels main image
$banner = Photo::where(['p_id'=>$hotel->id])->where(['is_main'=>1])->first();
$altbanner = Photo::where(['p_id'=>$hotel->id])->first();
$banner_path = "";
$altText = "";
$banner_path = $banner->path;
$altText = $banner->alt_text;
$banner_path = $altbanner->path;
$altText = $altbanner->alt_text;
Have you checked your database if each hotel has an image? Based on your question and explanation, there is a part of the for each that returns null for the image hence the if part fails and the else return the error. If that is the case then you may want to check and sort it by uploading the image or modifying your checks to handle cases where no image is found.
I think the way you are using the where clause isn't right
foreach($hotels as $hotel){
//get hotels main image
$banner = Photo::where('p_id',$hotel->id)->where('is_main',1)->first();
$altbanner = Photo::where('p_id',$hotel->id)->first();
// .....
$banner_path = $banner->path;
// ......

how does scrapy-splash handle infinite scrolling?

I want to reverse engineering the contents generated by scrolling down in the webpage. The problem is in the url screwrand doesn't seem to follow any pattern, so the reversing the urls don't work. I'm considering the automatic rendering using Splash. How to use Splash to scroll like browsers? Thanks a lot!
Here are the codes for two request:
request1 = scrapy_splash.SplashRequest(
meta={'user_id':user_id, 'action':'following'},
yield request1
request2 = scrapy_splash.SplashRequest(
meta={'user_id':user_id, 'action':'following'},
yield request2
ajax request shown in browser console
To scroll a page you can write a custom rendering script (see, something like this:
function main(splash)
local num_scrolls = 10
local scroll_delay = 1.0
local scroll_to = splash:jsfunc("window.scrollTo")
local get_body_height = splash:jsfunc(
"function() {return document.body.scrollHeight;}"
for _ = 1, num_scrolls do
scroll_to(0, get_body_height())
return splash:html()
To render this script use 'execute' endpoint instead of render.html endpoint:
script = """<Lua script> """
scrapy_splash.SplashRequest(url, self.parse,
args={'wait':2, 'lua_source': script}, ...)
Thanks Mikhail, I tried your scroll script, and it worked, but I also notice that your script scroll too much one time, some js have no time too render and is skipped, so I do some little change as follow:
function main(splash)
local num_scrolls = 10
local scroll_delay = 1
local scroll_to = splash:jsfunc("window.scrollTo")
local get_body_height = splash:jsfunc(
"function() {return document.body.scrollHeight;}"
for _ = 1, num_scrolls do
local height = get_body_height()
for i = 1, 10 do
scroll_to(0, height * i/10)
return splash:html()
I do not think that setting the number of scrolls hard coded is a good idea for infinite scroll pages, so I modified the above-mentioned code like this:
function main(splash, args)
current_scroll = 0
scroll_to = splash:jsfunc("window.scrollTo")
get_body_height = splash:jsfunc(
"function() {return document.body.scrollHeight;}"
height = get_body_height()
while current_scroll < height do
scroll_to(0, get_body_height())
current_scroll = height
height = get_body_height()
return splash:html()

display certain code based on variable passed in url using php

Goal: display 1 of 4 Wistia videos based on url variable passed to php page.
Example url:
showvid.php?vid=1 or
showvid.php?vid=2 or
showvid.php?vid=3 or
In showvid.php:
some if/then statement where
if vid=1 then show wistia embed code 1
if vid=2 then show wistia embed code 2
if vid=3 then show wistia embed code 3
if vid=4 then show wistia embed code 4
Pretty straight forward. I apologize if this is answered elsewhere, I looked fairly extensively and couldn't find an answer that would work (plus I'm fairly new and my head is spinning after digging for a while).
Thanks in advance for your help.
EDIT: pulled code from comment
URL: pagename.php?bucket=1
$bucket = $_GET["bucket"]
if ($bucket == 1) {
$bucketdesc = 'Memory Vapor';
if ($bucket == 2) {
$bucketdesc = 'Brain Trauma Syndrome';
else {
goto "/pagetwo.php"
Thanks for the help. The resulting code that worked was...
if ($bucket == 1) {
$bucketdesc = 'desc1';
$bucketvid = 'embed code';}
elseif ($bucket == 2) {
$bucketdesc = 'desc2';
$bucketvid = 'embed code2';}
elseif ($bucket == 3) {
$bucketdesc = 'desc3';
$bucketvid = 'embed code3';}
elseif ($bucket == 4) {
$bucketdesc = 'desc4';
$bucketvid = 'embed code4';}
I had forgotten the ; at then end of each statement! doh...