Is this possible to use Crunch to generate different numbers range? - passwords

I was trying to create a wordlist to match an AP, I got a wordlist generator tools called Crunch, but the problem is I have no clue about how to generate a specific wordlist like this
here is the possibility of the password:
[01-31] [01-12] [2000-2022]
Is that possible to generate a wordlist like this with Crunch?


How to use Intelijj Idea replace tool without changing middle text

I want to be able to replace some specific strings without changing the middle text.
For example I have code like these in my projects:
after using replace function i want to have this:
since i want to replace all of them at once i can't use replace two times.
I want something like <div>{PreserveHereWhateverItIs}</div> => PreserveHereWhateverItIs
.It will be very useful to replace them at once. Because there are other code i don't want to replace. I am using intelijj idea replace tool. This is not a programming language question. Is there a way to achieve this?

How do you generate random token

I want to be able to generate a string that contains letters and numbers in Raku. I can't find a module that works.
I want to be able to generate something like this:
say ("a".."z","A".."Z",0..9).flat.roll(8).join; # M9lldSFC
("a".."z","A".."Z",0..9) specifies the list of characters that you want to occur in your random string.
.flat makes sure the ranges will be flattened to their elements
.roll(8) selects a random element from the list 8 times.
.join concatenates the selected elements from the list into a single string

Parsing multiple values with Google Refine

I've a CSV column with content like this (just an example):
[{"qual"=>"05-Admmin "name"=>"CLARK C COHO"}, {"qual"=>"20-Soc Con", "name"=>"ALPHA S A"}, {"qual"=>"20-Soc Con", "name"=>"JACK SA"}
I would like to extract automatically the values from "name" field and separate it by comma, resulting in something like this: CLARCK C COHO, ALPHA S A, JACK SA and so on.
I know that I can get a specific value with this code:
I've been reading the documentation but i'm not figuring out how to loop this between all fields.
Any tips?
Here is another example of the column. The content really look like this:
[{"qual"=>"49-SocAdm", "name"=>"ALVARO R L"}, {"qual"=>"49-SocAdm", "name"=>"GABRIEL G L"}]
The data in your CSV is not in JSON format. I do not know what it is. A kind of key-value format, but I do not know which one. In addition, it sometimes lacks a comma or a bracket. We could try to transform it into a valid JSOn, but it will be easier to extract information using regular expressions. Here is an example with Python / Jython.
import re
pattern = re.compile(r'"name"=>"(.+?)"', re.M)
return ", ".join(pattern.findall(value))

In Lucene 4.5, how can I make sure any special characters like /,*,^ should not get ignored while generating tokens

I have a simple string 7/f and the standard tokenizer ignores / and generates term vectors as 7 and f. I wish to have 7/f as one keyword, I want to build upon the StandardTokenizer but trying to modify that code is more complex.

Find a suitable vocabulary database to build a C structure

Let's begin with the question final purpose: my aim is to build a word-based neural network which should take a basic sentence and select for each individual word the meaning it is supposed to yield in the sentence itself. It is then going to learn something about the language (for example the possible correlation between two given words, what is the probability to find both in a single sentence and so on) and at the final stage (after the learning phase) try to build some very simple sentences of its own according to some input.
In order to do this I need some kind of database representing a vocabulary of a given language from which I could extract some information such as word list, definitions, synonyms et cetera. The database should be structured in a way such that I can build C data structures containing the needed information such as
typedef struct _dictEntry DictionaryEntry;
typedef struct _dict Dictionary;
struct _dictEntry {
const char *word; // Word string
const char **definitions; // Array of definition strings
DictionaryEntry **synonyms; // Array of pointers to synonym words
Dictionary *dictionary; // Pointer to parent dictionary
struct _dict {
const char *language; // Language identification string
int count; // Number of elements in the dictionary
float **correlations; // Correlation matrix between i-th and j-th entries
DictionaryEntry *entries; // Array of dictionary entries
or equivalent Obj-C objects.
I know (from Searching the Mac OSX system dictionaries?) that apple provided dictionaries are licensed so I cannot use them to create my data structures.
Basically what I want to do is the following: given an arbitrary word A I want to fetch all the dictionary entries which have a definition containing A and select such definition only. I will then implement some kind of intersection procedure to select the most appropriate definition and synonyms based on the rest of the sentence and build a correlation matrix.
Let me give a little example: let us suppose I type a sentence containing "play"; I want to fetch all the entries (such as "game", "instrument", "actor", etc.) the word "play" can be correlated to and for each of them select the corresponding definition (I don't want for example to extract the "instrument" definition which corresponds to the "tool" meaning since you cannot "play a tool"). I will then select the most appropriate of these definitions looking at the rest of the sentence: if it contains also the word "actor" then I will assign to "play" the meaning "drama" or another suitable definition.
The most basic way to do this is scanning every definition in the dictionary searching for the word "play" so I will need to access all definitions without restrictions and as I understand this cannot be done using the dictionaries located under /Library/Dictionaries. Sadly this work MUST be done offline.
Is there any available resource I can download which allows me to get my hands on all the definitions and fetch my info? Currently I'm not interested in any particular file format (could be a database or an xml or anything else) but it must be something I can decompose and put in a data structure. I tried to google it but, whatever the keywords I use, if I include the word "vocabulary" or "dictionary" I (pretty obviously) only get pages about the other words definitions on some online dictionary site! I guess this is not the best thing to search for...
I hope the question is clear... If it is not I'll try to explain it in a different way! Anyway, thanks in advance to all of you for any helpful information.
Probably an ontology which is free, like would help you. In the university sector there are severals available.