I am new to vim and IdeaVim. Is there a way to move to the next word in camel case word?
[c]amelCaseWord -> w -> camel[C]aseWord -> w -> camelCase[W]ord
IdeaVim supports camel case motions: ]w, [w, ]b, [b
It is also possible to remap default motions to the camel case ones in your ideavimrc/vimrc:
map w [w
map e ]w
map b [b
If prefer not to override default "b" and "w". I use with <leader> key for camel/snake motion. Hence, I map this;
map <leader>w [w
map <leader>b [b
After navigating using "<leader>w", to change the camel/snake word,
"c<leader>w" works without extra mapping.
But for the case, "J" down from live above and land in the middle of the camel/snake word and want to change, like in camel motion plugin, I map this to get "ci" (change inside);
map ci<leader>w [bv]ws
My "<leader>" key is space.
let mapleader = " "
According to the documentation, I can use options such as ssplit.isOneSentence for parsing my document into sentences. How exactly do I do this though, given a StanfordCoreNLP object?
Here's my code -
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("annotators", "tokenize, ssplit, pos, lemma, ner, depparse");
Annotation document = new Annotation(doc);
List<CoreMap> sentences = document.get(SentencesAnnotation.class);
At what point do I add this option and where?
Something like this?
pipeline.ssplit.boundaryTokenRegex = '"'
I'd also like to know how to use it for the specific option boundaryTokenRegex
I think this seems more appropriate -
props.put("ssplit.boundaryTokenRegex", "/"");
But I still have to verify.
The way to do it for tokenizing sentences to end at any instance of a ' " ' is this -
props.setProperty("ssplit.boundaryMultiTokenRegex", "/\'\'/");
props.setProperty("ssplit.boundaryMultiTokenRegex", "/\"/");
depending on how it is stored. (CoreNLP normalizes it as the former)
And if you want both starting and ending quotes -
Im using custom filtering for my datatable using the method:
$.fn.dataTableExt.afnFiltering.push("custom filter function");
This function adds a filter to my datatable.
The problem is that when I use ajax to create an other datatable object, this filter persists and is applied to this other table that should have nothing to do with this filter. How do I clear the filter or bind it to the first datatable only?
if you make a push on $.fn.dataTableExt.afnFiltering, it means it's an array. So when you receive your data, you can remove the filter reference in this array by using :
delete $.fn.dataTableExt.afnFiltering[index or key];
this method will set the element to undefined
or by using the splice method in javascript.
this method will remove the element from the array.
var index = $.fn.dataTableExt.afnFiltering.indexOf("custom filter function");
should resolve your problem
(you can have precision here Javascript - remove an array item by value as indexOf is not supported by IE<9)
If you are going to use the 1.10+ version of the datatable in the future, the use of the search plug-in document is shown below:
Search plug-in development
To reset the filter for version 1.10+, simply add any of the following;
$.fn.dataTable.ext.search = [];
after this blocks you can add;
credit to #DrewT
As mentioned from #kthorngren, there is no build in way of tracking, if or how much custom searches are active.
If you are sure, that there is only one custom search is active a
will work - there is big BUT:
$.fn.dataTable.ext.search is an array which contains the search settings for custom search and for searchPanes.
An erasing of this array with $.fn.dataTable.ext.search = []; or two pop()'s, allthough there is only one custom search is active --> will brake searchPanes.
e.g. if you have three panes active, this would mean:
$.fn.dataTable.ext.search[0] -> SearchPane Col1
$.fn.dataTable.ext.search[1] -> SearchPane Col2
$.fn.dataTable.ext.search[2] -> SearchPane Col3
$.fn.dataTable.ext.search[3] -> Custom Search -> safe to delete
$.fn.dataTable.ext.search[4] -> Custom Search -> safe to delete
Following code does the job in my case:
let lenOfSearchPanes = dt.settings()[0]._searchPanes.c.columns.length;
let lenOfSearchArr = $.fn.dataTable.ext.search.length;
let diff = lenOfSearchArr - lenOfSearchPanes
if (diff > 0) {
$.fn.dataTable.ext.search = $.fn.dataTable.ext.search.slice(0, -diff);
I'm trying to write the equivalent of:
$( "#draggable" ).draggable({ axis: "y" });
in Amber smalltalk.
My guess was: '#draggable' asJQuery draggable: {'axis' -> 'y'} but that's not it.
Not working on vanilla 0.9.1, but working on master at least last two months ago is:
'#draggable' asJQuery draggable: #{'axis' -> 'y'}
and afaict this is the recommended way.
P.S.: #{ 'key' -> val. 'key2' -> val } is the syntax for inline creation of HashedCollection, which is implemented (from the aforementioned two-month ago fix) so that only public (aka enumerable) properties are the HashedCollection keys. Before the fix also all the methods were enumerable, which prevented to use it naturally in place of JavaScript objects.
herby's excellent answer points out the recommended way to do it. Appearently, there is now Dictionary-literal support (see his comment below). Didn't know that :-)
Old / Alternate way of doing it
For historical reasons, or for users not using the latest master version, this is an alternative way to do it:
options := <{}>.
options at: #axis put: 'y'.
'#draggable' asJQuery draggable: options.
The first line constructs an empty JavaScript object (it's really an JSObjectProxy).
The second line puts the string "y" in the slot "axis". It has the same effect as:
options.axis = "y"; // JavaScript
Lastly, it is invoked, and passed as a parameter.
Array-literals vs Dictionaries
What you were doing didn't work because in modern Smalltalk (Pharo/Squeak/Amber) the curly-brackets are used for array-literals, not as an object-literal as they are used in JavaScript.
If you evaluate (print-it) this in a Workspace:
{ #elelemt1. #element2. #element3 }.
You get:
a Array (#elelemt1 #element2 #element3)
As a result, if you have something that looks like a JavaScript object-literal in reality it is an Array of Association(s). To illustrate I give you this snippet, with the results of print-it on the right:
arrayLookingLikeObject := { #key1 -> #value1. #key2 -> #value2. #key3 -> #value3}.
arrayLookingLikeObject class. "==> Array"
arrayLookingLikeObject first class. "==> Association"
arrayLookingLikeObject "==> a Array (a Association a Association a Association)"
I wrote about it here:
Can anybody tell me how to use a custom dash sequence in a dictionary. I cannot get that running and the only thing I cannot work with (not a programmer) is the documentation =-(
def lineCycler(): #must be invoked for every plot again to get the same results in every plot
_styles = [{'color':'#b21a6a', 'ls':'-'},
{'color':'#65a4cb', 'ls':'[5,2,10,5]'},# this shoul be some custom dash sequnece
{'color':'#22b27c', 'ls':'-.'},
{'color':'k', 'ls':'--'}
return _linecycler
Use dashes keyword for that (and you need a list, instead of a string):
def lineCycler():
_styles = [{'color':'#b21a6a', 'ls':'-'},
{'color':'#65a4cb', 'dashes':[5,2,10,5]},
{'color':'#22b27c', 'ls':'-.'},
{'color':'k', 'ls':'--'}
return _linecycler
I'm currently learning to code Erlang. I have a web application on top of Chicago Boss.
I have a model called Todo, and I would like to offer CRUD operations on it as a REST API.
In my PUT method I have this code:
index('PUT', [Id]) ->
Todo = boss_db:find(Id),
Body = element(2, mochijson:decode(Req:request_body())),
%% Set the new values
NewTodo = Todo:attributes([
{subject, proplists:get_value("subject", Body)},
{done, proplists:get_value("done", Body)}
{json, [{todo, element(2, NewTodo:save())}]}.
How can I optimize this code fragment? Or is this already the best possible?
Is there some "smarter" way to change the keys of a proplist to atom keys? Like this:
[{"subject", "Foo"}] -> [{subject, "Foo"}].
I also find it kind of tedious to assign a Todo variable and then have a NewTodo. Sadly I can't find some good example Erlang Chicago Boss apps on github that I can check out.
You always can do something like this:
t([{"subject", V}|T]) -> [{subject, V}|t(T)];
t([{"done" , V}|T]) -> [{done, V}|t(T)];
t([_ |T]) -> t(T) ; % optional garbage ignoring clause
t([]) -> [].
But I doubt, it will be significant speed improvement in your case.
May be you will be able squeeze last bit from this:
-compile({inline, [t/1]}).
t(L) -> t(L, []).
t([{"subject", V}|T], A) -> t(T, [{subject, V}|A]);
t([{"done" , V}|T], A) -> t(T, [{done, V}|A]);
t([_ |T], A) -> t(T, A); % optional garbage ignoring clause
t([], A) -> A.
Which is worth only for benchmark code competitions ;-) (Note there is not lists:reverse/1 call in last clause. It would be ruining improvement form previous version.)
P.S.: If you think I'm micro-optimization freak, you are right, so I would replace lists:reverse/1 call with lists:reverse/2 to use BIF directly and save some more time ;-)
Unfortunately I cannot comment on Hynek's answer, but as Erlang newbie, my first guess would have been to go for something along the lines of:
lists:map(fun({A, B}) -> {list_to_atom(A), B} end, [X || {Y, Z}=X <- List, is_list(Y)]).
You cannot really avoid the NewTodo assignment
How about
index('PUT', [Id]) ->
Body = element(2, mochijson:decode(Req:request_body())),
OldTodo = boss_db:find(Id),
NewTodo = OldTodo:attributes([ {list_to_atom(A),B} || {A,B}<-Body ]),
{json, [{todo, element(2, NewTodo:save())}]}.