Why is kotlin timeout not working as it should be - kotlin

I have been trying to create a decorator for a lambda function in Kotlin. The requirements for the decorator are following:
The decorator must be able to REPEAT the process passed in the form of lambda function
The decorator must be able to TIMEOUT after a certain time which will be passed along in the decorator.
This is what I have been able to come up so far:
inline fun <T, R> testDecorator(input: T,
timesToRepeat: Int,
timeout: Long,
crossinline work: (T) -> R): R {
repeat(timesToRepeat - 1) {
try {
return runBlocking {
withTimeout(timeout) {
} catch (ex: Exception) {
// Deal with exception
return work(input)
Right now, the work function will only be making a http request but later on I plan to add some more work.
Sample work:
fun sampleWork() {
val client = HttpClient.newBuilder().build();
val request = HttpRequest.newBuilder() .uri(URI.create("some url")) .build();
val response = client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
// Parse respone
return parsedResponse;
The problem is that the timeout is not working as expected and the function only ends after all the processes in the lambda have ended. Can someone tell me what am I missing here?


Getting data from Datastore for injection

I am trying to retrieve the base url from my proto datastore to be used to initialize my ktor client instance I know how to get the data from the datastore but I don't know how to block execution until that value is received so the client can be initialized with the base url
So my ktor client service asks for a NetworkURLS class which has a method to return the base url
Here is my property to retrieve terminalDetails from my proto datastore
val getTerminalDetails: Flow<TerminalDetails> = cxt.terminalDetails.data
.catch { e ->
if (e is IOException) {
Log.d("Error", e.message.toString())
} else {
throw e
Normally when I want to get the values I would do something like this
private fun getTerminalDetailsFromStore() {
try {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
localRepository.getTerminalDetails.collect {
_terminalDetails.value = it
} catch(e: Exception) {
Log.d("AdminSettingsViewModel Error", e.message.toString()) // TODO: Handle Error Properly
but in my current case what I am looking to do is return terminalDetails.backendHost from a function and that where the issue comes in I know I need to use a coroutine scope to retrieve the value so I don't need to suspend the function but how to a prevent the function returning until the coroutine scope has finished?
I have tried using async and runBlocking but async doesn't work the way I would think it would and runBlocking hangs the entire app
fun backendURL(): String = runBlocking {
var url: String = "localhost"
val job = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).async {
repo.getTerminalDetails.collect {
Can anyone give me some assistance on getting this to work?
EDIT: Here is my temporary solution, I do not intend on keeping it this way, The issue with runBlocking{} turned out to be the Flow<T> does not finish so runBlocking{} continues to block the app.
fun backendURL(): String {
val details = MutableStateFlow<TerminalDetails>(TerminalDetails.getDefaultInstance())
val job = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
repo.getTerminalDetails.collect {
details.value = it
runBlocking {
return details.value.backendHost
EDIT 2: I fully fixed my issue. I created a method with the same name as my val (personal decision) which utilizes runBlocking{} and Flow<T>.first() to block while the value is retrieve. The reason I did not replace my val with the function is there are places where I need the information as well where I can utilize coroutines properly where I am not initializing components on my app
val getTerminalDetails: Flow<TerminalDetails> = cxt.terminalDetails.data
.catch { e ->
if (e is IOException) {
Log.d("Error", e.message.toString())
} else {
throw e
fun getTerminalDetails(): TerminalDetails = runBlocking {

How do I implement variable backoff in Mono.retry?

I feel like I'm missing some simple fundamental nuance but for some reason Mono.delay() is not working for me. I have Mono that makes http request that could be throttled. I need to wait provided time to retry. Here is how it looks now
internal fun <T> Mono<T>.retryAfter(maxRetries: Int, uri: URI): Mono<T> {
// `this` is instance of Mono<T>
return this.retryWhen(Retry.from {
it.map { rs ->
val ex = rs.failure()
if (ex is RetryAfterException && rs.totalRetries() < maxRetries) {
println("*** API throttling on call to $uri. Will wait for ${ex.delay}. Retry count: ${rs.totalRetries()}. ms ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
Mono.delay(ex.delay.plusMillis(500), Schedulers.parallel()).then(Mono.defer({
println(" Waited. ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
} else
you are using map, which results in a Flux<Mono<?>> being returned to the operator for retry control. from the operator's perspective (Flux<?>), any onNext means "you should retry". whether it is onNext("example") or onNext(Mono.error(err)) doesn't matter.
instead of using map, use concatMap. The Mono that you produce in your function will correctly result in a Flux<?> in which the "delay" branch of the if produces (delayed) onNext while the other branch produces onError.
You can use built in retry builders
I suggest you to use Retry.fixedDelay() which allow you to define a max retry and a delay between each try. When max retry is reached you'll get a Mono.error()
internal fun <T> Mono<T>.retryAfter(maxRetries: Long, uri: URI): Mono<T> {
// `this` is instance of Mono<T>
return this.retryWhen(Retry.fixedDelay(maxRetries, Duration.ofMillis(500))
.doBeforeRetry { rs: Retry.RetrySignal? -> println("Will retry " + rs?.totalRetries()) }
.doAfterRetry{ rs: Retry.RetrySignal? -> println("Has retried " + rs?.totalRetries()) }
.onRetryExhaustedThrow { _, rs -> rs.failure()})

Implement backoff strategy in flow

I'm trying to implement a backoff strategy just using kotlin flow.
I need to fetch data from timeA to timeB
result = dataBetween(timeA - timeB)
if the result is empty then I want to increase the end time window using exponential backoff
result = dataBetween(timeA - timeB + exponentialBackOffInDays)
I was following this article which is explaining how to approach this in rxjava2.
But got stuck at a point where flow does not have takeUntil operator yet.
You can see my implementation below.
fun main() {
runBlocking {
.flatMapConcat { input ->
// To simulate a data source which fetches data based on a time-window start-date to end-date
// available with in that time frame.
flow {
println("Input: $input")
if (input < 5) {
} else { // After emitting this once the flow should complete
}.retryWhenThrow(DummyException(), predicate = {
}.collect {
class DummyException : Exception("Collected size is empty")
private inline fun <T> Flow<T>.retryWhenThrow(
throwable: Throwable,
crossinline predicate: suspend (T) -> Boolean
): Flow<T> {
return flow {
collect { value ->
if (!predicate(value)) {
throw throwable // informing the upstream to keep emitting since the condition is met
println("Value: $value")
}.catch { e ->
if (e::class != throwable::class) throw e
It's working fine except even after the flow has a successful value the flow continue to collect till 8 from the upstream flow but ideally, it should have stopped when it reaches 5 itself.
Any help on how I should approach this would be helpful.
Maybe this does not match your exact setup but instead of calling collect, you might as well just use first{...} or firstOrNull{...}
This will automatically stop the upstream flows after an element has been found.
For example:
.flatMapConcat {
println("creating list with $it elements")
flow {
val listWithElementCount = MutableList(it){ "" } // just a list of n empty strings
}.first { it.isNotEmpty() }
On a side note, your problem sounds like a regular suspend function would be a better fit.
Something like
suspend fun getFirstNonEmptyList(initialFrom: Long, initialTo: Long): List<Any> {
var from = initialFrom
var to = initialTo
while (coroutineContext.isActive) {
val elements = getElementsInRange(from, to) // your "dataBetween"
if (elements.isNotEmpty()) return elements
val (newFrom, newTo) = nextBackoff(from, to)
from = newFrom
to = newTo
throw CancellationException()

How to build a proxy for HTTP requests with Fuel

I was using restTemplate and this was my method:
fun fetchAvailableCars(): Aggregations? {
val availableCarsUrl = UriComponentsBuilder
return restTemplate.getForEntity(availableCarsUrl, Aggregations::class.java).body
I'm trying to use Fuel to do basically the same thing (but handling errors), but I couldn't find a simple way to do that.
This is what I have so far:
fun fetchAvailableCarsWithFuel() {
val availableCarsUrl = UriComponentsBuilder
.responseObject<Aggregations> { _, _, result ->
when (result) {
is Success -> {
is Failure -> {
// log.error
but there's no easy way to return the body from inside the lambda. What are the common ways to do that?
P.S.: I'm using fuel-jackson to deserialize the response

How to execute a program with Kotlin and Arrow

I'm trying to learn a bit of Functional Programming using Kotlin and Arrow and in this way I've already read some blogposts like the following one: https://jorgecastillo.dev/kotlin-fp-1-monad-stack, which is good, I've understand the main idea, but when creating a program, I can't figure out how to run it.
Let me be more explicit:
I have the following piece of code:
typealias EitherIO<A, B> = EitherT<ForIO, A, B>
sealed class UserError(
val message: String,
val status: Int
) {
object AuthenticationError : UserError(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.reasonPhrase, HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value())
object UserNotFound : UserError(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.reasonPhrase, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value())
object InternalServerError : UserError(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.reasonPhrase, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.value())
class UserAdapter(
private val myAccountClient: MyAccountClient
) {
lateinit var subscriberRepository: SubscriberRepository
fun getDomainUser(ssoId: Long): EitherIO<UserError, User?> {
val io = IO.fx {
val userResource = getUserResourcesBySsoId(ssoId, myAccountClient).bind()
{ error -> Either.Left(error) },
{ success ->
Either.right(composeDomainUserWithSubscribers(success, getSubscribersForUserResource(success, subscriberRepository).bind()))
return EitherIO(io)
fun composeDomainUserWithSubscribers(userResource: UserResource, subscribers: Option<Subscribers>): User? {
return subscribers.map { userResource.toDomainUser(it) }.orNull()
private fun getSubscribersForUserResource(userResource: UserResource, subscriberRepository: SubscriberRepository): IO<Option<Subscribers>> {
return IO {
val msisdnList = userResource.getMsisdnList()
private fun getUserResourcesBySsoId(ssoId: Long, myAccountClient: MyAccountClient): IO<Either<UserError, UserResource>> {
return IO {
val response = myAccountClient.getUserBySsoId(ssoId)
if (response.isSuccessful) {
val userResource = JacksonUtils.fromJsonToObject(response.body()?.string()!!, UserResource::class.java)
} else {
when (response.code()) {
401 -> Either.Left(UserError.AuthenticationError)
404 -> Either.Left(UserError.UserNotFound)
else -> Either.Left(UserError.InternalServerError)
}.handleError { Either.Left(UserError.InternalServerError) }
which, as you can see is accumulating some results into an IO monad. I should run this program using unsafeRunSync() from arrow, but on javadoc it's stated the following: **NOTE** this function is intended for testing, it should never appear in your mainline production code!.
I should mention that I know about unsafeRunAsync, but in my case I want to be synchronous.
Instead of running unsafeRunSync, you should favor unsafeRunAsync.
If you have myFun(): IO<A> and want to run this, then you call myFun().unsafeRunAsync(cb) where cb: (Either<Throwable, A>) -> Unit.
For instance, if your function returns IO<List<Int>> then you can call
myFun().unsafeRunAsync { /* it (Either<Throwable, List<Int>>) -> */
{ Log.e("Foo", "Error! $it") },
{ println(it) })
This will run the program contained in the IO asynchronously and pass the result safely to the callback, which will log an error if the IO threw, and otherwise it will print the list of integers.
You should avoid unsafeRunSync for a number of reasons, discussed here. It's blocking, it can cause crashes, it can cause deadlocks, and it can halt your application.
If you really want to run your IO as a blocking computation, then you can precede this with attempt() to have your IO<A> become an IO<Either<Throwable, A>> similar to the unsafeRunAsync callback parameter. At least then you won't crash.
But unsafeRunAsync is preferred. Also, make sure your callback passed to unsafeRunAsync won't throw any errors, at it's assumed it won't. Docs.