How to configure PAX S300 Simulator with Odoo14 POS - odoo-14

I am trying to configure PAX S300 Simulator with Odoo14 POS but no success. Can anyone help how to configure it.


Can you publish an Android app without testing it in Google Console?

Is it possible to publish an android app without doing the testing but? If yes, how can I skip it?
Many thanks.

I could not able to setup the environment for appium

I could not able to setup the environment for appium,
Is there any video or clear docs to setup and run a sample test code in appium. ASAP.
Thanks in advance

Opentok audio echo Issue

I use opentok WebRTC js api for both 2.0 and 2.2 to develop. When I follow and enable audio to test it with Mac and Nexus 7. There is an echo issue.
My test environment:
Nexus 7 with Chrome and Firefox, Android 4.4.
Mac OS with Chrome.
But if I test it on other WebRTC demo site (, there is no echo.
Does anyone know how to solve it?
I wish I could be more helpful but I cant reproduce the echo. One problem could be that your nexus 7 was too close to your mac when you are testing the restrictFrameRate. Can you reproduce this consistently? What if you tried ?

In iOS7.1, why is the itms-services protocal not available?

In iOS7.1, I want to install ipa by itms-services protocal, when i input "itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=http://..*.*/ipa_test.plist" into safari, it remind me "can't be connected to ..*.*".
But,In the same manner, I can install ipa normally in iOS 6.1.3 .
Can anyone tell me the reason?
Thank you very much.
In iOS7.1 (Beta) the plist url must be https

How to install Tizen SDK and configure Titanium environment?

please help me out. i have sent full day to get it done.
I get an error like Unable to launch due to missing configuration for SDK or keystore settings in Tizen preferences.
You can find the exact answer at
i used that. and it help me lot.