Adding a file to Libreoffice-writer as OLE and converting the Writer to PDF - pdf

I have created a Libre-office Writer and attached Spreadsheet as OLE object using Insert-Object-OLE-object.
Now I converted my Writer file to a PDF file for distribution to general recipients. But when I did this, the attached Spreadsheet is not longer available to open upon Click.
Is there any way to keep that attached file clickable, so that when user click on that Icon in the PDF file, the Spreadsheet will open directly?
Any pointer will be really appreciated.


Couldn’t open PDF. Something’s keeping this PDF from opening. With VB.NET PrintForm

I am trying to print Form using PrintForm in VB.Net
This Form has few labels and a chart control.
I have used this very simple code
Dim pf As New PrintForm
pf.Form = Me
pf.PrintAction = PrintAction.PrintToFile
pf.PrintFileName = "../../generated_pdf.pdf"
It generated "generated_pdf.pdf" file. When I am trying to open this file it gives me an error
Couldn’t open PDF
Something’s keeping this PDF from opening.
Any ideas on how to resolve this error and successfully generate a working pdf that can be opened and viewed with it's right contents?
The form that should be converted to pdf looks like this
PrintForm does not know how to handle PDF files, which is why its not working.
It only knows how to do .eps, .ps & .ai.
If you want PDF, you'll need something that knows how to turn one of the above formats into a PDF.
Ghostscript & Ghostscript.Net do this nicely and are free & open source. There are others, but I've actually used these and know they work.

Extract an Outlook attachment from the clipboard

I'm trying to access Outlook attachments from clipboard using VBA to further process the file.
The user copies an attachment to the clipboard (Right click -> Copy), opens PowerPoint, clicks a buttons and gets the presentation inserted a the end of the document.
The key part seems to access the PowerPoint file in the clipboard an save it on the file system.
Can someone help and provide a sample code for this using VBA in PowerPoint?
Many thanks!
I've found a way achieve it.
Getting filenames: Solution has been posted here:
Getting the content
file size in clipboard can be obtained by GlobalSize(handle)
pointer the by GlobalLock(handle)
content using CopyMemory(destination, source, length)
Look at the clipboard contents with an app like ClipSpy. Since there is no physical file to be copied, the full file path is not included (no CF_HDROP format). But FileGroupDescriptor and FileContents formats are there.

Filling out a pdf file twice with different fdf files/data

In my client app, I'm creating an fdf file and having Reader display read and process the fdf file, thus displaying the pdf (specified in the fdf) with the data in the fdf file. This is working fine.
Problem is when I need to display the same pdf twice with different data on each. Running the second fdf, which references the same pdf filename, Reader then only displays the second set of fdf data, the first file display is closed by Reader (or is simply replaced by the second).
How can I have Reader display the same pdf file twice, with different data filled in on each copy? Is there any options or commands that can be placed in the fdf file (or somewhere else) to override this replacement behavior by Reader?
At runtime, I could create a copy of the pdf file and reference each 'new' pdf file from the respective fdf file, but that is quite a very undesirable approach.
You'd need to save the filled version to a new file if the PDF resides on the end users drive. In that case, FDF is capable of running a JavaScript either before the data is imported, after the data is imported, or both. After your /Fields array, add the line below to cause Reader to save the filled form to a new file, leaving the original in place.
/JavaScript <</After (app.execMenuItem('SaveAs');)>>

Saving Excel Worksheet as a Read Only PDF File?

I have a report that is built off of an excel macro that is triggered when the file is opened. I use a Windows Scheduled Task to open the file which triggers the macro and then closes the file.
As part of the process within this marco one of the worksheets is saved as PDF file to our network. This file is then linked to through our sharepoint site. It appears that if someone is viewing this pdf and the macro is triggered it doesn't update the PDF File since it is opened. I am handling this error by saving a backup file to a different folder with a different name.
I'm trying to find a good way to work around this. Is there a way to export and save the PDF as read only through the excel vba? Is there a setting in Sharepoint that would make the file open as Read Only?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

How do I hyperlink from a PDF file to a specific page in a PPT file

I have a PowerPoint 2010 file saved as a PowerPoint Macro-enabled show (.ppsm) file. I have a hyperlink on a particular page of the PPSM and I've linked it to a PDF file. Great, it all works.
Now I need to put a hyperlink in the PDF file that will jump me back to the specific page in the PPSM, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it. The information in another thread says to add "#15" (the page number) to the filename, but the link seems to put the entire file path. I also get an error that this is not a valid file name. I want to be able to just store the files together in the same directory and have them find each other with the file name, not the whole path.
All assistance gratefully accepted.
If you're running the slide show and link to a PDF file, the show is still running and sitting on the slide you linked from.
All you need to add to the PDF is a link that closes the PDF or possibly quits Acrobat/Reader altogether.
Open the PDF in Acrobat, add a link, choose Custom Link, click Next.
In Link Properties dialog box, go to the Actions tab
Select Action: Execute a menu item.
Click Add to get a list of available menu items, choose File, Close
or File, Exit.
If you need to return to some other page than the one you started on in PPT, it gets a bit trickier.