HIVE SQL: Select rows whose values contain string in a column - sql

I want to select rows whose values contain a string in a column.
For example, I want to select all rows whose values contain a string '123' in the column 'app'.
app id
123helper xdas
323helper fafd
2123helper dsaa
3123helper fafd
md5321 asdx
md5123 dsad
app id
123helper xdas
2123helper dsaa
3123helper fafd
md5123 dsad
I am not familiar with SQL query.
Could anyone help me? .
Thanks in advances.

In a number of ways:
select * from table
where app like '%123%'
where app rlike '123'
where instr(app, '123')>0
where locate('123', app)>0
Invent your own way.
Read manual: String Functions and Operators.

Try the following using like
from yourTable
where app like '%123%'
| app | id |
| ---------- | ---- |
| 123helper | xdas |
| 2123helper | dsaa |
| 3123helper | fafd |
| md5123 | dsad |

Please use below query,
select app, id from table where app like '%123%';
Below are few additional information,
like '123%' --> Starts with 123
like '%123' --> Ends with 123
like '%123%'--> Contains 123 anywhere in the string


PostgreSQL query to select records which a specific value doesn't include in text array

I have a table like this
| id | data |
| org:abc:basic | {org,org:abc:basic} |
| org:xyz:basic | {org,basic} |
| org:efg:basic | {org} |
I need to write a query to select all the rows which doesn't have the id inside the data column.
Or at least I need to query all the records which doesn't have a text starting from org: and ending with :basic within data.
Currently for this I try to run
SELECT * FROM t_permission WHERE 'org:%:basic' NOT LIKE ANY (data)
query which returns everything even the first row.
you can use the <> operator with ALL against the array:
select *
from the_table
where id <> all(data);

How to get a value inside of a JSON that is inside a column in a table in Oracle sql?

Suppose that I have a table named agents_timesheet that having a structure like this:
ID | name | health_check_record | date | clock_in | clock_out
1 | AAA | {"mental":{"stress":"no", "depression":"no"}, | 6-Dec-2021 | 08:25:07 |
| | "physical":{"other_symptoms":"headache", "flu":"no"}} | | |
2 | BBB | {"mental":{"stress":"no", "depression":"no"}, | 6-Dec-2021 | 08:26:12 |
| | "physical":{"other_symptoms":"no", "flu":"yes"}} | | |
3 | CCC | {"mental":{"stress":"no", "depression":"severe"}, | 6-Dec-2021 | 08:27:12 |
| | "physical":{"other_symptoms":"cancer", "flu":"yes"}} | | |
Now I need to get all agents having flu at the day. As for getting the flu from a single JSON in Oracle SQL, I can already get it by this SQL statement:
'{"mental":{"stress":"no", "depression":"no"}, "physical":{"fever":"no", "flu":"yes"}}', '$'
COLUMNS (fever VARCHAR(2) PATH '$.physical.flu')
As for getting the values from the column health_check_record, I can get it by utilizing the SELECT statement.
But How to get the values of flu in the JSON in the health_check_record of that table?
Additional question
Based on the table, how can I retrieve full list of other_symptoms, then it will get me this kind of output:
ID | name | other_symptoms
1 | AAA | headache
2 | BBB | no
3 | CCC | cancer
You can use JSON_EXISTS() function.
FROM agents_timesheet
WHERE JSON_EXISTS(health_check_record, '$.physical.flu == "yes"');
There is also "plain old way" without JSON parsing only treting column like a standard VARCHAR one. This way will not work in 100% of cases, but if you have the data in the same way like you described it might be sufficient.
FROM agents_timesheet
WHERE health_check_record LIKE '%"flu":"yes"%';
How to get the values of flu in the JSON in the health_check_record of that table?
From Oracle 12, to get the values you can use JSON_TABLE with a correlated CROSS JOIN to the table:
FROM agents_timesheet a
mental_stress VARCHAR2(3) PATH '$.mental.stress',
mental_depression VARCHAR2(3) PATH '$.mental.depression',
physical_fever VARCHAR2(3) PATH '$.physical.fever',
physical_flu VARCHAR2(3) PATH '$.physical.flu'
) j
WHERE physical_flu = 'yes';
db<>fiddle here
You can use "dot notation" to access data from a JSON column. Like this:
select "DATE", id, name
from agents_timesheet t
where t.health_check_record.physical.flu = 'yes'
----------- --- ----
06-DEC-2021 2 BBB
Note that this approach requires that you use an alias for the table name (so you can use it in accessing the JSON data).
For testing I used the data posted by MT0 on dbfiddle. I am not a big fan of double-quoted column names; use something else for "DATE", such as dt or date_.

how to use sql where condition on comma separated value

| id | name | numbers |
| 1 | arjun | 62,45,68,95,50 |
| 2 | yuvaraj | 45,65,85,68 |
| 3 | sahadev | 45,65,85,68 |
| 4 | yogi | 45,65,85,68 |
| 5 | krishna | 45,65,85,68 |
I want id data where number is 45
I tried
select *
from table
where number=45
but it doesn't work.
With like:
select * from table where concat(',', numbers, ',') like concat('%,', '45',',%')
because you need to transform the column's value to something like this:
and then apply like to the pattern '%,45,%'.
You can try using like operator
select * from table where number like '%45%'
or you can use find_in_set() for mysql database
select * from table where find_in_set(45,number)>0
using like operator with pattern as '%45%':
select * from table where numbers like '%45%'
For Postgres you can use:
select *
from the_table
where '45' = any(string_to_array(numbers, ','));
If you use like operator it will get all the records having 45 (like 345 or 12245 or 65445). if you want records having values exactly "45" You can try the below code if you are using SQL Server 2016 or higher versions.
select * from (
SELECT * FROM tablename
cross apply
STRING_SPLIT('numbers',',') )a where value='45'

Search an SQL table that already contains wildcards?

I have a table that contains patters for phone numbers, where x can match any digit.
| ID | phone_number | phone_number_type_id |
| 1 | 1234x000x | 1 |
| 2 | 87654311100x | 4 |
| 3 | x111x222x | 6 |
Now, I might have 511132228 which will match with row 3 and it should return its type. So, it's kind of like SQL wilcards, but the other way around and I'm confused on how to achieve this.
Give this a go:
select * from my_table
where '511132228' like replace(phone_number, 'x', '_')
select *
from yourtable
where '511132228' like (replace(phone_number, 'x','_'))
Try below query:
SELECT ID,phone_number,phone_number_type_id
FROM TableName
WHERE '511132228' LIKE REPLACE(phone_number,'x','_');
Query with test data:
With TableName as
SELECT 3 ID, 'x111x222x' phone_number, 6 phone_number_type_id from dual
SELECT 'true' value_available
FROM TableName
WHERE '511132228' LIKE REPLACE(phone_number,'x','_');
The above query will return data if pattern match is available and will not return any row if no match is available.

SQLite, selecting values having same criteria (throughout all table)

I have an sqlite database table similar to the one given below
Name | Surname | AddrType | Age | Phone
John | Kruger | Home | 23 | 12345
Sarah | Kats | Home | 33 | 12345
Bill | Kruger | Work | 15 | 12345
Lars | Kats | Home | 54 | 12345
Javier | Roux | Work | 45 | 12345
Ryne | Hutt | Home | 36 | 12345
I would like to select Name values matching same "Surname" value for each of the rows in the table.
For example, for the first line the query would be "select Name from myTable where Surname='Kruger'" whereas for the second line the query would be "select Name from myTable where Surname='Kats' and so an....
Is it possible to traverse through the whole table and select all values like that?
PS : I will use these method in a C++ application, the alternative method is to use sqlite3_exec() and process each row one by one. I just want to know if there is any other possible way for the same approach.
I'd do:
sqlite> SELECT group_concat(Name, '|') Names FROM People GROUP BY Surname;
Then split each value of "Names" in C++ using the "|" separator (or any other you choose in group_concat function.
Basically you just want to exclude any records that don't have a buddy.
Something simple like joining the table against itself should work:
FROM tab AS a
JOIN tab AS b
ON a.Surname = b.Surname;
Just returning the full sorted table and doing the duplicate check yourself may be faster if incidence is high (and will always be high for all sets of data). That would be a pretty strong assumption though.
FROM tab
SORT BY Surname;