kotlinx.serialization: inject local parameter - kotlin

I need to inject a local value to a class constructor during deserialization. For example, look at the following class.
class SomeClass(val local: Context, val serialized: String)
I want the field local to be skipped during serialization and substituted with some predefined local value during deserialization.
The reason behind is that I'm going to transfer models through network, but operations on these models rely on a local context which I want to inject.
Because I haven't find any standard ways to achieve it, I've decided to make use of contextual serialization. So I have written the serializer:
class ContextualInjectorSerializer<T>(private val localValue: T) : KSerializer<T> {
override val descriptor = SerialDescriptor("ValueInjection", StructureKind.OBJECT)
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): T {
return localValue
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: T) {
And used it this way:
// Context is marked with #Serializable(with = ContextSerializer::class)
val json = Json(JsonConfiguration.Stable, SerializersModule {
contextual(Context::class, ContextualInjectorSerializer(context))
// serialize/deserialize
Surprisingly, it works pretty fine on JVM. However, when I compiled it to JS and tested, I got TypeError: Cannot read property 'siteId' of undefined. Here siteId is a field of Context which I try to access.
Is there a standard way to inject local parameters? What's wrong with my trick?


Kotlinx serialisation, common interface or type class

I am working on a plugin type system where 3rd parties will register classes that will expose data. I don't know exactly what the data will look like but I will enumerate these plugin instances collect the data and I would like to serialise it. A simplified version.
interface DataProvider {
fun getDataThatIsSerializable() : ???
What can i set the return type to so that I know that I will be able to serialise it with kotlinx serialisation. I cannot see any common interface that is injected into the class and given thet kotlin doesn't support type classes its not clear how to achieve what I am trying to do?
I considered something like this:
interface DataProvider {
fun getDataThatIsSerializable() : Pair<Any,KSerializer<*>>
but i could not pass this into the Json.encodeAsString functions, the types do not match
Are there any other options I can consider?
kotlinx.serialization doesn't like serializing things unless you can tell it exactly what you're working with.
Would it make sense for the DataProvider to be responsible for serializing its own data? Something like:
interface DataProvider {
fun getDataThatIsSerializable() : Any
fun encodeAsJsonString(data: Any) : String
data class Foo(val value: Int)
class FooDataProvider : DataProvider {
override fun getDataThatIsSerializable() : Any {
return Foo(7)
override fun encodeAsJsonString(data: Any): String {
return Json.encodeToString(Foo.serializer(), data as Foo)

How to set serializer to an internal class extending a public interface?

I'm trying to create a serializer using kotlinx.serialization for Compose Desktop classes, I have this :
#Serializer(forClass = MutableState::class)
class MutableStateSerializer<T>(private val dataSerializer: KSerializer<T>) : KSerializer<MutableState<T>> {
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder) = mutableStateOf(decoder.decodeSerializableValue(dataSerializer))
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = dataSerializer.descriptor
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: MutableState<T>) = encoder.encodeSerializableValue(dataSerializer, value.value)
That should be used for instances of MutableState class (as the #Serializer annotation says), but I have to put an explicit serializer for each properties otherwise I get this error :
xception in thread "main" kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException: Class 'SnapshotMutableStateImpl' is not registered for polymorphic serialization in the scope of 'MutableState'.
Mark the base class as 'sealed' or register the serializer explicitly
Code used :
class Test {
var number = mutableStateOf(0)
fun main() {
val json = Json { prettyPrint = true }
val serialized = json.encodeToString(Test())
I have to put this annotation on my property :
#Serializable(with = MutableStateSerializer::class)
Isn't there a way to automatically link my serializer to the MutableState interface ? As the SnapshotMutableStateImpl is internal I can't set it to this class.
What you want is currently not possible. Other people seem to have requested a feature similar to what you need on GitHub: Global Custom Serializers.
Currently, for 3rd party classes, you need to specify the serializer in one of three ways:
Pass the custom serializer to the encode/decode method in case you are serializing it as the root object.
Specify the serializer on the property using #Serializable, as you do now.
Specify the serializer to be used by a full file using #file:UseSerializers.
Note that due to type inference, number will be attempted to be serialized as the return type of mutableStateOf. If you specify the type as an interface instead (does it have a supertype?), using polymorphic serialization, you could try to register the concrete type and pass your custom serializer there for the concrete type. Not really what this feature is designed for, but I believe it may work if you don't want to specify your serializer in multiple places. However, the serialized form will then include a type discriminator everywhere.

GSON Deserialization of subtypes in Kotlin

I'm not sure if this is a limitation, a bug or just bad use of GSON. I need to have a hierarchy of Kotlin objects (parent with various subtypes) and I need to deserialize them with GSON. The deserialized object has correct subtype but its field enumField is actually null.
First I thought this is because the field is passed to the "super" constructor but then I found out that "super" works well for string, just enum is broken.
See this example:
import com.google.gson.Gson
import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder
import com.google.gson.typeadapters.RuntimeTypeAdapterFactory
open class Parent(val stringField: String,
val enumField: EnumField) {
enum class EnumField {
class Subtype1() : Parent("s1", EnumField.SUBTYPE1)
class Subtype2(stringField: String) : Parent(stringField, EnumField.SUBTYPE2)
class Subtype3(stringField: String, type: EnumField) : Parent(stringField, type)
val subtypeRAF = RuntimeTypeAdapterFactory.of(Parent::class.java, "enumField")
.registerSubtype(Subtype1::class.java, Parent.EnumField.SUBTYPE1.name)
.registerSubtype(Subtype2::class.java, Parent.EnumField.SUBTYPE2.name)
.registerSubtype(Subtype3::class.java, Parent.EnumField.SUBTYPE3.name)
fun main() {
val gson = GsonBuilder()
serializeAndDeserialize(gson, Subtype1()) // this works (but not suitable)
serializeAndDeserialize(gson, Subtype2("s2")) // broken
serializeAndDeserialize(gson, Subtype3("s3", Parent.EnumField.SUBTYPE3)) // broken
private fun serializeAndDeserialize(gson: Gson, obj: Parent) {
val json = gson.toJson(obj)
val obj = gson.fromJson(json, Parent::class.java)
println("stringField=${obj.stringField}, enumField=${obj.enumField}")
Any ideas how to achieve to deserialization of enumField?
(deps: com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.5, org.danilopianini:gson-extras:0.2.1)
P.S.: Note that I have to use RuntimeAdapterFactory because I have subtypes with different set of fields (I did not do it in the example so it is easier to understand).
Gson requires constructors without arguments to work properly (see deep-dive into Gson code below). Gson constructs raw objects and then use reflection to populate fields with values.
So if you just add some argument-less dummy constructors to your classes that miss them, like this:
class Subtype1() : Parent("s1", EnumField.SUBTYPE1)
class Subtype2(stringField: String) : Parent(stringField, EnumField.SUBTYPE2) {
constructor() : this("")
class Subtype3(stringField: String, type: EnumField) : Parent(stringField, type) {
constructor() : this("", EnumField.SUBTYPE3)
you will get the expected output:
stringField=s1, enumField=SUBTYPE1
stringField=s2, enumField=SUBTYPE2
stringField=s3, enumField=SUBTYPE3
Gson deep-dive
If you want to investigate the internals of Gson, a tip is to add an init { } block to Subtype1 since it works and then set a breakpoint there. After it is hit you can move up the call stack, step through code, set more breakpoints etc, to reveal the details of how Gson constructs objects.
By using this method, you can find the Gson internal class com.google.gson.internal.ConstructorConstructor and its method newDefaultConstructor(Class<? super T>) that has code like this (I have simplified for brevity):
final Constructor<? super T> constructor = rawType.getDeclaredConstructor(); // rawType is e.g. 'class Subtype3'
Object[] args = null;
return (T) constructor.newInstance(args);
i.e. it tries to construct an object via a constructor without arguments. In your case for Subtype2 and Subtype3, the code will result in a caught exception:
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Subtype3.<init>()
return null; // set breakpoint here to see
i.e. your original code fails since Gson can't find constructors without arguments for Subtype2 and Subtype3.
In simple cases, the problem with missing argument-less constructors is worked around with the newUnsafeAllocator(Type, final Class<? super T>)-method in ConstructorConstructor, but with RuntimeTypeAdapterFactory that does not work correctly.
I may be missing something in what you're trying to achieve, but is it necessary to use the RuntimeTypeAdapterFactory? If we take out the line where we register that in the Gson builder, so that it reads
val gson = GsonBuilder()
Then the output returns the enum we would expect, which looks to be serialising / deserialising correctly. I.e. the output is:
stringField=s1, enumField=SUBTYPE1
stringField=s2, enumField=SUBTYPE2
stringField=s3, enumField=SUBTYPE3
It also may be an idea to implement Serializable in Parent. i.e.
open class Parent(val stringField: String, val enumField: EnumField) : Serializable {
enum class EnumField {
Try adding #SerializedName annotation to each enum.
enum class EnumField {

How to inject dependency using koin in top level function

I have top-level function like
fun sendNotification(context:Context, data:Data) {
...//a lot of code here
That function creates notifications, sometimes notification can contain image, so I have to download it. I`m using Glide which is wrapped over interface ImageManager, so I have to inject it. I use Koin for DI and the problem is that I cannot write
val imageManager: ImageManager by inject()
somewhere in my code, because there is no something that implements KoinComponent interface.
The most obvious solution is to pass already injected somewhere else imageManager as parameter of function but I dont want to do it, because in most cases I dont need imageManager: it depends on type of Data parameter.
Easiest way is to create KoinComponent object as wrapper and then to get variable from it:
val imageManager = object:KoinComponent {val im: ImageManager by inject()}.im
Btw its better to wrap it by some function, for example I use
inline fun <reified T> getKoinInstance(): T {
return object : KoinComponent {
val value: T by inject()
So if I need instance I just write
val imageManager:ImageManager = getKoinInstance()
val imageManager = getKoinInstance<ImageManager>()
I did it in this way
fun Route.general() {
val repo: OperationRepo by lazy { GlobalContext.get().koin.get() }

Can Delegates.observable() be serializable?

Given a class
class Pizza(name: String?) : Serializable {
var name: String? by Delegates.observable(name, {_,_,_ -> })
Why is this not serializable? It crashes with
Caused by: java.io.NotSerializableException: com.xxx.xxx.Pizza$$special$$inlined$observable$1
The reason behind your issue is the delegates are stored as an array in a synthetic backing field which is neither marked as transient nor serialziable, so it prevents the serialization. However just marking the property with #Transient will probably ruin your serialized form. And may not work at all
Before JetBrains decide to make a final resolution to this issue, you should use writeReplace and readResolve to override the default serializing mechanism. I've provided a sample solution below:
class Pizza(name: String?) : Serializable {
#Transient var name: String? by Delegates.observable(name)
private fun writeReplace(stream: ObjectOutputStream): Object = SerialProxy(name)
private class SerialProxy(var name: String): Serializable {
private fun readResolve(): Object = Pizza(name)
readObject()/writeObject() doesn't work because you have no way to set the delegate after constructor is invoked without using reflection.