Azure data Factory save CSV from URL - azure-data-factory-2

I need to download a CSV file from a URL using Azure Data Factory v2.
The URL is:
Do you know how to do this. I was thinking about downloading it to Blob storage but am unsure what connection to use?

This is easy thanks to the HTTP connector, here is a tutorial:
The tutorial guides you in creating a linked service, a dataset for that linked service and finally do a copy activity using that dataset!!
Should be fairly easy to follow, but if you have any questions be sure to reply me and ask away!
Hope this helped!


Which information do I need to extract data from OneDrive via Microsoft's Graph API?

I want to connect to the Microsofts Graph API to extract some data from OneDrive.
My question is: What information do I need to do so?
I definitely need an API key, but which permissions, etc.?
Thank you already in advance for your help!
Here is sample query to get user`s oneDrive data:
Requred permission are Files.Read.All(reading), Files.ReadWrite.All(read/write)
You need to register endpoint in AzureAD, see howto:

How to get list of all API's and its meta data from Anypoint Cloud

we have a need to pull the details of all the API's deployed in anypoint cloud, along with their meta data. Is there a way to pull this info dynamically so that we can schedule it like a job for a daily/weekly basis and load into some kind of DB
Thanks !
Mulesoft has an Anypoint Runtime Manager (ARM) API that you could make use of. There is some documentation available here: In addition, you can take a look at the API Portal which has more in-depth information about all of the endpoints available in the API. Right of the bat, the /applications:GET method seems like something you might be able to leverage for your need.
Hope that helps!

Connecting Google Adwords with QlikView 11 without using the QVSource Connector

I'm working on a project to connect Google Adwords with QlikView 11, i want to know if there's another way to do that without using the QVSource Connector which is not free.
I did some research and i found Adwords API, but i don't know how to use it.
If you have an idea please help me.
Thank you,
You need OAuth2 to authenticate against Adwords. Qlikview support only very simple authentication method (against web sites). Also QV doesn't support data in JSON format.
For this reasons you are unable to connect to Adwords directly from QV. You will need some tool/service that connect and extract the data in format the QV can load.
QVSource is working on this principle. Taking the authentication, extraction and transformation (if needed) of the data to csv format.
So you need to go with QVSource or write an app that will "link" QV with Adwords.

bigquery backend error - no more details available

Job No: swift-sphinx-624:job_Ja1iYkl8OdF83J9xU5CIQJFlomM
Is failing, tried making the dataset public to no avail. Any info more descriptive than 'backend error' would be greatly appreciated.
Really sorry but I just dont have anything more to give, error message is so undescriptive.
You should not upload a file that big to BigQuery. The proper way is to upload that file to google storage and then import from there. This process is much more reliable.
google's services fail. we have to account for that.
Load from Cloud Storage
Resumable uploads to Cloud Storage
I hope this helps!

Handling Images - WCF

Here so much about this site so I'll try my luck if you could help me enlighten in my problem.
What would be the best options to handle images in .Net 3.5 framework and SQL Server for a WINAPP that is incorporated with WCF? I need use this images for transactions inside the system.
The most efficient way to send images over WCF is to use streaming. (Google for WCF Streaming).
For storing images in SQL Server there are several options, data type varbinary(max) has worked well for us.
what i meant is there are process in th system that requires an image data. For now, I store the image in the database by converting it to a base64string and saving it. When wcf is implemented the retrieval of data with images is slow.
I just mentioned the below text in another answer, but it's relevant to you as well, so I'll copy paste what I wrote there.
Have you considered using WCF's raw programming model? This blog post details how to use the programming model on the service side, and this follow-up blog post details how to use it on the client side. I've seen it used quite a bit for file upload and image transfer scenarios, so it might help your situation as well!