How to batch CsvDataset correctly in Tensorflow 2.0? - tensorflow2.0

I'm using to create a dataset from a .csv file. I'm also using tf.keras.layers.DenseFeatures as an input layer of my model.
I'm struggling to create a DenseFeatures layer properly so that it is compatible with my dataset in the case when batch_size parameter of make_csv_dataset is not equal to 1 (in case if batch_size=1 my setup works as expected).
I create DenseFeatures layer using a list of tf.feature_column.numeric_column elements with shape=(my_batch_size,), but it seems like in this case for some reason the input layer expects [my_batch_size,my_batch_size] shape instead of [my_batch_size,1].
With my_batch_size=19 I'm getting the following error when trying to fit the model:
ValueError: Cannot reshape a tensor with 19 elements to shape [19,19] (361 elements) for 'MyModel/Input/MyColumn1/Reshape' (op: 'Reshape') with input shapes: [19,1], [2] and with input
tensors computed as partial shapes: input[1] = [19,19].
If I don't specify shape when creating numeric_column it doesn't work either. I'm getting the following error:
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: The second input must be a scalar, but it has shape [19]
which assumes that numeric_column expects a scalar but recieves the whole batch in one Tensor.
How do I create an input layer of DenseFeatures so that it accepts the dataset produced by make_csv_dataset(batch_size=my_batch_size)?

From the tf.feature_column.numeric_column documentation:
shape: An iterable of integers specifies the shape of the Tensor. An integer can be given which means a single dimension Tensor with given width. The Tensor representing the column will have the shape of [batch_size] + shape.
This means that you must not pass the batch size to the shape argument: shape=().
Currently, with a batch size of 1, you get shape=(1,) that TF can handle thanks to broadcasting or something like that (dimensions of size 1 are easily added by TF if necessary), that's why it works.
Hope this can help. Provide more code if you want more help.


Why is "step" argument necessary when predicting using data tensors? what does this error mean?

I am trying to predict() the output for a single data point d, using my trained Keras model loaded from a file. But I get a ValueError If predicting from data tensors, you should specify the 'step' argument. What does that mean?
I tried setting step=1, but then I get a different error ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape () for Tensor u'input_1:0', which has shape '(?, 600)'.
Here is my code:
d = np.concatenate((hidden[p[i]], hidden[x[i]])).resize((1,600))
hidden[p[i]] = autoencoder.predict(d,steps=)
The model is expecting (?,600) as input. I have concatenated two numpy arrays of shape (300,) each to get (600,), which is resized to (1,600). This (1,600) is my input to predict().
In my case, the input to predict was None (because I had a bug in another part of the code).
In official doc, steps refer to the total number of steps before stopping. So steps=1 means make predictions on one batch instead of making prediction on one record (single data point).
-> Define value of steps argument,
d = np.concatenate((hidden[p[i]],
hidden[p[i]] = autoencoder.predict(d,steps=1)
If you are using a test data generator, it is good practice to define the steps, as mentioned in the documentation.
If you are predicting a single instance, no need to define the steps. Just make sure the argument (i.e. instance 'd') is not None, otherwise that error will show up. Some reshaping may also be necessary.
in my case i got the same error, i just reshaped the data to predict with numpy function reshape() to the shape of the data originally used to train the model.

How to correct shape of Keras input into a 3D array

I've a Keras model that when I fit fails with this error
> kerasInput = Input(shape=(None, 47))
> LSTM(..)(kerasInput)
>, ...)
ValueError: Error when checking input: expected input_1 to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (10842, 1)
When looking at my input I found it has a shape of (10842, 1) but for each row it's actually a list of list. I can verify with
> pd.DataFrame(realInput[0]).shape
(260, 47)
How I could correct my input shape?
When trying with keras Reshape layer, the creation of the model fails with:
Model inputs must come from `keras.layers.Input` (thus holding past layer metadata), they cannot be the output of a previous non-Input layer. Here, a tensor specified as input to your model was not an Input tensor, it was generated by layer reshape_8.
Note that input tensors are instantiated via `tensor = keras.layers.Input(shape)`.
The tensor that caused the issue was: reshape_8/Reshape:0
You can use numpy.expand_dims method to convert the shape to 3D.
import numpy as np
Reshape layer keras
Use the third parameter as 1
# Something Similar to this
X_train = np.reshape(X_train,(X_train.shape[0],X_train.shape[1],1))
Edit: Added np.reshape method
Refer this repository:
As I said before in the comments. You will need to make sure to reshape your data to match what LSTM expects to receive and also make sure the input_shape is correctly set.
I found this post quite helpful when I struggled with inputting to an LSTM layer. I hope it helps you too : Reshape input for LSTM

Tflite: Resize output tensor based on input tensor contents

I am writing a custom op that outputs a tensor whose shape depends on the values of the input tensor. The problem is that we don't have access to the tensor values in the Prepare method. We can get the tensor shapes but the values are not available. How do I implement this?
On a related note, how do I support outputting a tensor with partially specified shape? The tensor would need to be allocated during the eval function, but I don't see an API to allocate tensors at run time.

ValueError: when defining sparse input with dense layer

I want to feed a sparse tensor into a dense layer
inputs1 = tf.sparse_placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 500], name='input1')
model1 = tf.layers.dense(inputs=inputs1, units=128, name='dense1')
When I execute this I get the following error
ValueError: The last dimension of the inputs to `Dense` should be defined. Found `None`
If I change sparse_placeholder to regular place_holder I don't get this error.
I recommend you use FeatureColumn when you try to do this. First create a column representing your sparse tensor, then build an input layer. Finally, feed this input layer to your dense layer. This will help your code make your intention clear; do you want this to be a one-hot tensor? do you want embeddings? etc.

Tensorflow cannot initialize tf.Variable for dynamic batch size

I tried creating a tf.Variable with a dynamic shape. The following outlines the problem.
Doing this works.
init_bias = tf.random_uniform(shape=[self.config.hidden_layer_size, tf.shape(self.question_inputs)[0]])
However, when i try to do this:
init_bias = tf.Variable(init_bias)
It throws the error ValueError: initial_value must have a shape specified: Tensor("random_uniform:0", shape=(?, ?), dtype=float32)
Just come context (question input is a placeholder which dynamic batch ):
self.question_inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None, self.config.qmax])
It seems like putting a dynamic value into random uniform gives shape=(?,?) which gives an error with tf.Variable.
Thanks and appreciate any help!
This should work:
init_bias = tf.Variable(init_bias,validate_shape=False)
If validate_shape is False, tensorflow allows the variable to be initialized with a value of unknown shape.
However, what you're doing seems a little strange to me. In tensorflow, Variables are generally used to store weights of a neural net, whose shape remains fixed irrespective of the batch size. Variable batch size is handled by passing a variable length tensor into the graph (and multiplying/adding it with a fixed shape bias Variable).