Blur effect is not working properly in kde neon 13.3 - kde-plasma

I enabled the blur effect according to how_to_enable_kde_513_blur , and it works.
But when I right clicked on desktop icon, it looks like below:
The second level menu's blur effect looks right. Any ideas ?
Compositor: OpenGL 3.1
Intel hd 520, modesetting driver
openSUSE Tumbleweed 20180613
Color theme: Breeze dark
Thanks to trmdi.

Bug 395262 says a fix was committed for the (future) Plasma 5.14 release.


Light problems nwjs and threejs

I'm having problems with the lighting in my proyect, I'm just using normal direct light.
light = new THREE.PointLight( 0xfefffe);
But the problem is that with the 0.12.3 version of nwjs the objects in the scene are black (like if there was no lights) and sometimes the start flickering in red, black and green.
If I change the original libEGL.dll and libGLESv2.dll with the ones in the 0.13.0 version of nwjs it works fine but only in some hardware... I don't know whtas going on, what can I do to make everything work just fine?
So, this is what hardware limitation it seems. I used PowerVr device driver *.dll ( EGL and opengles ) for solution. Curious to know this problem happen on ubuntu/linux devices?
Since you are creating material which take light vector as input check on the basic material and see the result.
Plus try to make the custom material shader which has (ambient,specular, (diffused optional) ) and then see result on machine.
Since the dll contains the implemenation of gles stuff onto window machine I believe you see this issue on window itself.
Black only comes when it require light vec into fragment shader and it is not been passed so texture2D result with light of undefined give you blackish output

Loosing vertical scrollbar in netbeans nimbus LAF

I'm using Netbeans 8.0.2 and the Nimbus Look And Feel.
At a certain point, when the vertical scroll slider becomes small, it disappears.
Has anyone the same behavior or any fix for that problem?
This happens only in Nimbus and Dark Nimbus LAF
There is a bug filed here. Assuming this is your problem, after setting your look and feel to Nimbus, try adding:
LookAndFeel lookAndFeel = UIManager.getLookAndFeel();
UIDefaults defaults = lookAndFeel.getDefaults();
defaults.put("ScrollBar.minimumThumbSize", new Dimension(30, 30));

chrome, cy.js 2.1.0: nodes disappear with mouse motion

macos 10.7.5
chrome Version 32.0.1700.107
Version 32.0.1700.107
and the simple "single.html" helpfully provided by gcpdev:
live code examples: cytoscape.js initialization -- incomplete?
Any movement by the mouse in the canvas makes the nodes disappear. zooming and and out (with middle mouse roller button, for instance) makes them visible.
This problem is only on Chrome. Firefox and Safari work fine.
Any suggestions?
Paul Shannon
I can't reproduce this on Mac OS 10.9 with Chrome 32, which probably indicates this is a problem with Chrome rendering canvas on that version of Mac OS.
I notice that the linked demo is using v2.0.2. Have you tried an updated v2.0.x release or v2.1.0?
Try using pinch-zoom to set the zoom level for the webpage (not for the Cytoscape canvas element, which has its own separate zooming operated by scrolling with two fingers on the trackpad) to 100%. This fixed it for me, based on this question and this github issue, both about an almost identical issue in Firefox.

Green screen kinect

The green screen kinect sample which is available in SDK 1.5 is not showing the head part fully, whereas the hair part is coming with some blur effect.
I'm unable to see the hair portion in the sample. Is there any improved version of kinect green screen that is available?
That is not problem of the sample. See this:
The Kinect project a IR grid to detect the depth, but some "rays" pass through the space amoung the hair so can not detect that part.
It's possible "fill" that missing part, but you have to implement by yourself.

How to create an animated ripple effect on the desktop in OSX

I'm trying to create an animated ripple effect on the desktop of OSX. Not just the desktop, actually, but image of the desktop plus any windows on it.
As if the screen was a pond and a stone fell on a given point of it.
Can anyone give me some pointers on how to achieve this? Any sample source code woud be gratlt appreciated.
There is a small code fragment on this page, that describes how the author implemented a water ripple effect on iOS. Contains some development information and a video:
Core Image provides a CIRippleTransition ( - AFAIK this was used by Dashboard < 10.7)
This example uses the CI Transition in combination with Core Animation:
If you combine that with a simple screenshot you get an image of your desktop & the desired ripple effect.