Pick Query Distinct Rows - pick

How do you select distinct rows from PICK database.
Here's my query.
I get lots of duplicate rows.
Is there any online documentation for Pick Queries?

Documentation here: https://www3.rocketsoftware.com/rocketd3/support/documentation/index.jsp
Look for the WHEN clause and see if that helps.


Get count and result from SQL query in Go

I'm running a pretty straightforward query using the database/sql and lib/pq (postgres) packages and I want to toss the results of some of the fields into a slice, but I need to know how big to make the slice.
The only solution I can find is to do another query that is just SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tableName;.
Is there a way to both get the result of the query AND the count of returned rows in one query?
Conceptually, the problem is that the database cursor may not be enumerated to the end so the database does not really know how many records you will get before you actually read all of them. The only way to count (in general case) is to go through all the records in the resultset.
But practically, you can enforce it to do so by using subqueries like
select *, (select count(*) from table) from table
and just ignore the second column for records other than first. But it is very rude and I do not recommend doing so.
Not sure if this is what you are asking for but you can call the ##Rowcount function to return the count of the previous select statement that has been executed.
SELECT mytable.mycol FROM mytable WHERE mytable.foo = 'bar'
SELECT ##Rowcount
If you want the row count included in your result set you can use the the OVER clause (MSDN)
SELECT mytable.mycol, count(*) OVER(PARTITION BY mytable.foo) AS 'Count' FROM mytable WHERE mytable.foo = 'bar'
You could also perhaps just separate two SQL statements with the a ; . This would return a result set of both statements executed.
You would used count(*)
SELECT count(distinct last)
WHERE date(FROM_UNIXTIME(time)) >= '2013-10-28' AND
id = 90 ;

How to use distinct all column of table in SQL Server

I want to get unique value form table. But all values should be unique.
So suggest how to get.
, id,SubCat
FROM product
WHERE ProCode='FZ10003-EBA';
(one day I may be able to post comments!)
SQLFiddle to show normal, distinct and returning a single row
SELECT DISTINCT works fine but it doesn't work the way you want it to work. From the data you posted in the comment under Klas' answer, it's clear you're expecting a single result when there are data differences somewhere in the columns. For example
is completely DISTINCT from
What you appear to be looking for cannot work with DISTINCT nor can it work with GROUP BY. Basically the only way two (or three, or ten, or 100) rows will become ONE row is if the data in ALL SEVEN COLUMNS in your SELECT are IDENTICAL.
Take a step back and think about what it is, exactly, you're trying to achieve here.
Are you saying that you want one record only? This is called aggregation. In case there are more records then one (three in your example), you would have to decide for each column, which value to show.
Which SubCat, which SmlImgPath, etc. do you want to see in your result line? The maximum value? The minimum? Or the string 'various'? An example:
, CASE WHEN MIN(id) <> MAX(id) THEN 'various' ELSE MIN(id) END
, MIN(SubCat)
, MAX(SmlImgPath)
, AVG(RupPrice)
, AVG(ActualPrice)
, MAX(ProName)
FROM product
WHERE ProCode='FZ10003-EBA'
DISTINCT refers to all selected columns, so the answer is that your SELECT already does that.
It seems your problem isn't related to DISTINCT. What you want is to get a single row when your search returns multiple rows.
If you don't care which row you get then you can use:
MS SQL Server syntax:
, id,SubCat
FROM product
WHERE ProCode='FZ10003-EBA';
MYSQL syntax:
, id,SubCat
FROM product
WHERE ProCode='FZ10003-EBA'
Oracle syntax:
, id,SubCat
FROM product
WHERE ProCode='FZ10003-EBA'
AND rownum <= 1;

counting rows in select clause with DB2

I would like to query a DB2 table and get all the results of a query in addition to all of the rows returned by the select statement in a separate column.
E.g., if the table contains columns 'id' and 'user_id', assuming 100 rows, the result of the query would appear in this format: (id) | (user_id) | 100.
I do not wish to use a 'group by' clause in the query. (Just in case you are confused about what i am asking) Also, I could not find an example here: http://mysite.verizon.net/Graeme_Birchall/cookbook/DB2V97CK.PDF.
Also, if there is a more efficient way of getting both these results (values + count), I would welcome any ideas. My environment uses zend framework 1.x, which does not have an ODBC adapter for DB2. (See issue http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-905.)
If I understand what you are asking for, then the answer should be
select t.*, g.tally
from mytable t,
(select count(*) as tally
from mytable
) as g;
If this is not what you want, then please give an actual example of desired output, supposing there are 3 to 5 records, so that we can see exactly what you want.
You would use window/analytic functions for this:
select t.*, count(*) over() as NumRows
from table t;
This will work for whatever kind of query you have.

question about SQL query

Given a relation R with n columns. Use sql to returns the tuples having the maximum number of occurrences of the values. I have no idea how to do query horizontally?
SELECT MAX(t.*) FROM mytable t
SELECT DISTINCT a, b, c FROM mytable
it depends on which SQL implementation you are referring to, and generally more information about the query. but the above examples should get you started so you can google some terms.
I'm not sure what you mean by querying horizontally. Is it one relation with multiple key columns linking the two tables? Sounds like you might just need to group by those columns and order by count(*) descending...

Separate Query for Count

I am trying to get my query to grab multiple rows while returning the maximum count of that query.
My query:
SELECT *, COUNT(*) as Max FROM tableA LIMIT 0 , 30
However, it is only outputting 1 record.
I would like to return multiple record as it was the following query:
SELECT * FROM tableA LIMIT 0 , 30
Do I have to use separate queries?
Use separate queries.
It's two separate pieces of information with different structures. One is a row set, the other is a single value. Trying to return both these pieces of information in one query, while possible, is not a good idea.
Well, you can use a single query with the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS function in it, with the use of LIMIT as well. So, while you run the first query through mysql_query(), you can then also run another query as:
mysql_query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()");
which will return you the number of total rows found through that query (no matter you use the LIMIT or not, SELECT FOUND_ROWS() will give you the result count without the LIMIT mentioned in your query).
Following is a sample query: