Does MXNet read training data from S3 in a streaming fashion? - mxnet

This page talks about reading training data from S3 bucket directly. Does anybody know if the data is read in a streaming fashion or if the entire training data is copied to a local cache before training begins?

The data is actually read in a streaming fashion. If you want to cache the entire file locally, you need to do that manually or by using a script before the training begins.
Note that some iterators might read the entire .rec file (to get some metadata) before training begins if .lst file is not provided. It is a good idea to provide both the .rec and .lst files while creating the iterator.
itr = mxnet.image.ImageDetIter(batch_size=32, data_shape=(3,300,300),


File structure of Apache Beam DynamicDestinations write to BigQuery

I am using DynamicDestinations (from BigQueryIO) to export data from one Cassandra table to multiple Google BigQuery tables. The process consists of several steps including writing prepared data to Google Cloud Storage (as files in JSON format) and then loading the files to BQ via load jobs.
The problem is that export process has ended with out of memory error at the last step (loading files from Google Storage to BQ). But there are prepared files with all of the data in GCS remaining. There are 3 directories in BigQueryWriteTemp location:
And there a lot of files with not obvious names:
The question is what is the storage structure of the files? How can I match the files with tables (table names) they prepared for? How can I use the files to continue export process from load jobs step? Can I use some piece of Beam code for that?
These files, if you're using Beam 2.3.0 or earlier, contain JSON data to be imported into BigQuery using its load job API. However:
This is an implementation detail that you can not rely on, in general. It is very likely to change in future versions of Beam (JSON is horribly inefficient).
It is not possible to match these files with the tables they are intended for - that was stored in the internal state of the pipeline that has failed.
There is also no way to know how much data was written to these files and how much wasn't. The files may contain only partial data: maybe your pipeline failed before creating some of the files, or after some of them were already loaded into BigQuery and deleted.
Basically, you'll need to rerun the pipeline and fix the OOM issue so that it succeeds.
For debugging OOM issues, I suggest using a heap dump. Dataflow can write heap dumps to GCS using --dumpHeapOnOOM --saveHeapDumpsToGcsPath=gs://my_bucket/. You can examine these dumps using any Java memory profiler, such as Eclipse MAT or YourKit. You can also post your code as a separate SO question and ask for advice reducing its memory usage.

Event Hub, Stream Analytics and Data Lake pipe questions

After reading this article I decided to take a shot on building a pipe of data ingestion. Everything works well. I was able to send data to Event Hub, that is ingested by Stream Analytics and sent to Data Lake. But, I have a few questions regarding some things that seem odd to me. I would appreciate if someone more experienced than me is able to answer.
Here is the SQL inside my Stream Analytics
Now, for the questions:
Should I store 100% of my data in a single file, try to split it in multiple files, or try to achieve one-file-per-object? Stream Analytics is storing all the data inside a single file, as a huge JSON array. I tried setting {date} and {time} as variables, but it is still a huge single file everyday.
Is there a way to enforce Stream Analytics to write every entry from Event Hub on its own file? Or maybe limit the size of the file?
Is there a way to set the name of the file from Stream Analytics? If so, is there a way to override a file if a name already exists?
I also noticed the file is available as soon as it is created, and it is written in real time, in a way I can see data truncation inside it when I download/display the file. Also, before it finishes, it is not a valid JSON. What happens if I query a Data Lake file (through U-SQL) while it is being written? Is it smart enough to ignore the last entry, or understand it as an array of objects that is incomplete?
Is it better to store the JSON data as an array or each object in a new line?
Maybe I am taking a bad approach on my issue, but I have a huge dataset in Google Datastore (NoSQL solution from Google). I only have access to the Datastore, with an account with limited permissions. I need to store this data on a Data Lake. So I made an application that streams the data from Datastore to Event Hub, that is ingested by Stream Analytics, who writes down the files inside the Data Lake. It is my first time using the three technologies, but seems to be the best solution. It is my go-to alternative to ETL chaos.
I am sorry for making so much questions. I hope someone helps me out.
Thanks in advance.
I am only going to answer the file aspect:
It is normally better to produce larger files for later processing than many very small files. Given you are using JSON, I would suggest to limit the files to a size that your JSON extractor will be able to manage without running out of memory (if you decide to use a DOM based parser).
I will leave that to an ASA expert.
The answer depends here on how ASA writes the JSON. Clients can append to files and U-SQL should only see the data in a file that has been added in sealed extents. So if ASA makes sure that extents align with the end of a JSON document, you should be only seeing a valid JSON document. If it does not, then you may fail.
That depends on how you plan on processing the data. Note that if you write it as part of an array, you will have to wait until the array is "closed", or your JSON parser will most likely fail. For parallelization and be more "flexible", I would probably get one JSON document per line.

Concatenate files in S3 using AWS Lambda

Is there a way to use Lambda for S3 file concatenation?
I have Firehose streaming data into S3 with the longest possible interval (15 minutes or 128mb) and therefore I have 96 data files daily, but I want to aggregate all the data to a single daily data file for the fastest performance when reading the data later in Spark (EMR).
I created a solution where Lambda function gets invoked when Firehose streams a new file into S3. Then the function reads (s3.GetObject) the new file from source bucket and the concatenated daily data file (if it already exists with previous daily data, otherwise creates a new one) from the destination bucket, decode both response bodies to string and then just add them together and write to the destination bucket with s3.PutObject (which overwrites the previous aggregated file).
The problem is that when the aggregated file reaches 150+ MB, the Lambda function reaches its ~1500mb memory limit when reading the two files and then fails.
Currently I have a minimal amount of data, with a few hundred MB-s per day, but this amount will be growing exponentially in the future. It is weird for me that Lambda has such low limits and that they are already reached with so small files.
Or what are the alternatives of concatenating S3 data, ideally invoked by S3 object created event or somehow a scheduled job, for example scheduled daily?
I would reconsider whether you actually want to do this:
The S3 costs will go up.
The pipeline complexity will go up.
The latency from Firehose input to Spark input will go up.
If a single file injection into Spark fails (this will happen in a distributed system) you have to shuffle around a huge file, maybe slice it if injection is not atomic, upload it again, all of which could take very long for lots of data. At this point you may find that the time to recover is so long that you'll have to postpone the next injection…
Instead, unless it's impossible in the situation, if you make the Firehose files as small as possible and send them to Spark immediately:
You can archive S3 objects almost immediately, lowering costs.
Data is available in Spark as soon as possible.
If a single file injection into Spark fails there's less data to shuffle around, and if you have automated recovery this shouldn't even be noticeable unless some system is running full tilt at all times (at which point bulk injections would be even worse).
There's a tiny amount of latency increase from establishing TCP connections and authentication.
I'm not familiar with Spark specifically, but in general such a "piped" solution would involve:
A periodic trigger or (even better) an event listener on the Firehose output bucket to process input ASAP.
An injector/transformer to move data efficiently from S3 to Spark. It sounds like Parquet could help with this.
A live Spark/EMR/underlying data service instance ready to receive the data.
In case of an underlying data service, some way of creating a new Spark cluster to query the data on demand.
Of course, if it is not possible to keep Spark data ready (but not queriable ("queryable"? I don't know)) for a reasonable amount of money, this may not be an option. It may also be possible that it's extremely time consuming to inject small chunks of data, but that seems unlikely for a production-ready system.
If you really need to chunk the data into daily dumps you can use multipart uploads. As a comparison, we're doing light processing of several files per minute (many GB per day) from Firehose with no appreciable overhead.
You may create a Lambda function that will be invoked only once a day using Scheduled Events and in your Lambda function you should use Upload Part - Copy that does not need to download your files on the Lambda function. There is already an example of this in this thread

Spark to process many tar.gz files from s3

I have many files in the format log-.tar.gz in s3. I would like to process them, process them (extract a field from each line) and store it in a new file.
There are many ways we can do this. One simple and convenient method is to access the files using textFile method.
//Read file from s3
rdd = sc.textFile("s3://bucket/project_name/date_folder/logfile1.*.gz")
I am concerned about the memory limit of the cluster. This way, the master node will be overloaded. Is there any rough estimate for the size of the files that can be processed by the type of clusters?
I am wondering if there is a way to parallelize the process of getting the *.gz files from s3 as they are already grouped by date.
With an exception of parallelize / makeRDD all methods creating RDDs / DataFrames require data to be accessible from all workers and are executed in parallel without loading on a driver.

Writing single Hadoop map reduce output into multiple S3 objects

I am implementing a Hadoop Map reduce job that needs to create output in multiple S3 objects.
Hadoop itself creates only a single output file (an S3 object) but I need to partition the output into multiple files.
How do I achieve this?
I did this by just writing the output directly from my reducer method to S3, using an S3 toolkit. Since I was running on EC2, this was quick and free.
In general, you want Hadoop to handle your input and output as much as possible, for cleaner mappers and reducers; and, of course, you want to write to S3 at the very end of your pipeline, to let Hadoop's code moving do it's job over HDFS.
In any case, I recommend doing all of your data partitioning, and writing entire output sets to S3 in a final reduce task, one set per S3 file. This puts as little writer logic in your code as possible. This paid off for me because I ended up with a minimal Hadoop S3 toolkit which I used for several task flows.
I needed to write to S3 in my reducer code because the S3/S3n filesystems weren't mature; they might work better now.
Do you also know the MultipleOutputFormat?
It's not related to S3, but in general it allows to write output to multiple files, implementing a given logic.