Deep linking using react navigation and exponent - react-native

I've been searching over the internet on using deep linking using react navigation and exponent (react native). My scenario is when I click a link in the email my react native app will be open and navigate to a specific scene/route.


how to intergrate ckeditor in react native app

I want to use ckeditor in my react native app as text editor. Is there any proper documentation available which give any information about how to integrate ckeditor into react native app?

Can we download react native and react navigation

I want to know if it is possible and authorized(legal) to download react-native and react navigation documentations on my device.

how to check hooks on React Native Debugger

When using react for web, the state of the hooks can be checked on the browser using the React dev Tools
now, on react native, I have some hooks, but can't find how to check their state on the React Native Debugger on chrome.
How to check the hooks for a react native project?
It is under the Components tab
Click on the component that contains hooks on the left side

Navigation from native components to React Native components

I am using react-navigation for routing within the react components in the project. But I want to implement like this:
React Native -> Android Java -> React Native Component
For the first part of navigation, I am implemented an ActivityStarterModule like this example
Can someone suggest how I navigate from Java activity to specific React Component?
It has some helpers for integration between native screens and react native screens.

Wix React Native Navigation change root singleScreenApp

For Wix's React Native Navigation. If I am to create a hamburger side menu based app using singleScreenApp, how am I suppose to change screens? Do I use the resetTo screen API? It seems that that API works like a push so I'm not sure if that's correct.
TLDR: How do you change the root screen of a singleScreenApp using Wix React Native Navigation.