Grab the latest updated file from the Amazon s3 bucket using file name as query and get the last modified or created file? [closed] -

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to grab a file from Amazon S3. There might be more than one file saved with same file name, for example:
I want to grab the file which is modified or added most recently based on the file name.
Is there a way we could do this using Query Or any other way?
I am using

Given your example filenames (file.jpg, file-1.jpg), your application would need to list the contents of the bucket and then determine which object is wishes to access. It would then access the object with the exact name (key).
Alternatively, you could use versioning, where objects with the same name are stored "on top of each other". That is, they all have the same name (key), but are assigned different versions. When you access the object, it will return the latest version by default. You can also specify a particular version you wish to access.
You can also specify different Lifecycle policies for versioned objects vs current versions.
Using versioning would likely be a much easier option than trying to maintain different filenames for different versions of a file.


How do software updates not wipe all user data & settings [closed]

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Closed 3 months ago.
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Please reference this link to see where I am coming from.
I understand how the *.exe files are overwritten in an update. but how is code setup so that users themes, file save locations, database connections, are saved & reloaded.
I wrote a simple ticketing software in VB code & WinForms a while back. (basically how google forms works write to gsheets/excel file. I now wish to deploy an update to that system with some project management tools integrated. (timeline / gantt charts). In my first software all of those settings & paths are just saved as variables & then set as defaults. If I overwrite that *.exe file how will the software know what settings to use?
Is it possible to have my new update scan and import those variables from my old file? Or am I just out of luck? If I am out of luck what do I need to do to prevent this from happening?
I have not made any attempts to update the program yet as it has too much data that I can't effectively back up (another problem in the works)
User settings, such as theme settings, configuration options, and the like, are stored in configuration files that are external to the application. These files are usually saved in either the user's roaming profile, or in a subfolder of the user's My Documents folder (or its corollary on Linux or Mac).
When the application is updated, these configuration files remain largely untouched. (New options usually have a reasonable default value.)

Unreal Engine 4 In-game Screenshot [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is there a way to take a screenshot in UE4 while in-game and save it somewhere so that I can use it again as an image or something?
There is a HighResShot solution, but that saves it somewhere outside the range of the editor (you cannot reach it programmatically), is there another way of doing it, that allows me to access it in-game?
I would recommend using HighResShot for taking the screenshots. As you mention, it saves this outside the range of the engine, in the "saved" folder. (In packaged builds, the saved content is in the user's appdata.) You can actually get this with ProjectSavedDir(), which returns this saved directory.
It's C++, but you can expose this to Blueprints fairly easily. You can get the ProjectSavedDir()/Screenshots directory and load the images in-game. For doing this, I recommend the Ramas plugin (

How to decompile a access database without starting/opening it? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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In our deployment chain we compress the access-database before sending it to the user.
As there where some troubles we want to decompile it too.
But unfortunately decompiling (as described here: How does one decompile and recompile a database application? ) seems to require to start/open the database.
As we deploy very frequently, I am searching for a way to decompile the database without opening/starting it.
Don't believe that you can de-compile without launching the application. (even from command line). The only possible approach would be to create a blank database and import everything. This I suppose could be automated, and the result would be a database that not been compiled. So, a import of all objects into a new blank database is a "possible" solution, but it would involve code to transfer objects into that new blank database. Not likely worth the effort, but is a possible. And one could also consider the save-as text to export all objects into a text file, and then re-build a new solution based on those text files (this is how source code control works with access, and thus even building from a GIT repository is possible).

Interact with my running application [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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A list-based application with an advanced user-system based on two applications:
Displays all Entrys with possible filters
Create entrys
Delete entrys
Edit entrys
Filter entrys to only see specific ones get the point
Reads specific informations out of a file and opens the same mask as the Main-Tools creation function as a separated application.
The Problem:
So I have my Creation-Tool and the Main-Tools function to create entrys as well. So each time i am changing a thing on the creation mask, i have to do it in two applications.
The Solution:
There has to be a way to call functions of my application from the outside.
The Question:
How can i get rid of the second application? The Main-Application has more informations (Logged in user for example) than the Creation-Tool, so i want to get rid of the Creation-Tool. Having a second application that calls my main application is okay.
What you want to do is to move all of your functionality into a separate library. Using inter-process communication would require both programs to be running. Whereas if you had two programs that shared the same dll, that would solve your duplicate code issue and each program can be run independently. Once you have all your functionality separated from the user interface and moved into it's own dll, then consolidating the UI of both applications into one will be much easier.

How to create a new file by Mikrotik routers' scripting [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How to create a new file by script on Mikrotik Routerboard (Router OS 6.30)?
This solutions also does not work well. It seems to be impossible to create a file and edit (/file set) it during one script call. I have no idea why, but only working solution is to run special create script two times (first creates a file and second edits it).
This easy task took me long time to solve. There is no official way, only some ugly workarounds. The main idea is create a file using some export operation (or fetch from network operation) and then flush created file.
Another problem is that multiple commands in one script file somehow cannot use created file's identifier. So instead of:
/file print file=newFile; /file set newFile contents=""
you must use:
/file print file=newFile; /file set [find name="newFile"] contents=""
Notice that first command just exports list of all files and second one flushes its content.