whats a good cross platform developer tools to use - cross-platform

currently looking to make my own web app with mobile stuff , but i am currently in a pickle , i am in a dilemma as to what stack to use for my app ,what are the other options to choose from in making a cross platform app , other than what visual studio is offering , because in my head i should just do a basic ruby rails for backend and have a nice android studio java for the application. but it will eat a bit of time to make .
so i am currently leaning on a nice cross-platform dev tool that i can use to make my whole app , do you guys have any other recommendations other than what i said , or for me to just man up and git gud to make it all happen?

You can use any from these mentioned once. I have wrote them in order.
These are the best tools available, anyway you can find more.
Hope this helps :-)


Distributing TideSDK application

I recently finished an application based on Titanium, Javascript, HTML, CSS. I have only been a web designer to date so I have little experience in distributing applications. I was accustomed to the TiDev Community deploying app, which prepared the app for download and made it available for download at a given link.
But tidev community is no longer supported, so I use TideSDK Developer to package the app, which doesnt do all the hard work the other one did so nicely.
I am obviously a complete rookie to this.
Could anyone outline the steps I would need to take to go from the bundled application folder I have now (put together by TideSDK Developer), to a link that will allow customers to download and install the app or online? I know there is an issue with packaoging the app for platforms other than your own, and that appcelerator is working on a solution to this I think. I also realise I would probably have to pay to host the download online. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
You must use the tidebuilder.py script. to compile a installation package. To compile a binary for a Mac, you must run the script on a Mac, to compile a binary for windows, you must be on a windows box etc.
There is some documentation on how to use it here per platform. The command is very simple and works.
Once you have your application file (DMG for OSX or a MSI for Windows) then just distribute it however you see fit, email, putting it on your web server, whatever works for you.

how to install and getting start with webrtc on windows server

Hi could anyone to tell me how to install depot tools.I went through documentation and trying to install the webrtc in windows,I installed visual studio 2010 and some related stuff given in documentation still i am in confusion and many questions like why visual studio is required? are we have write code in visual studio?It acts like IDE for webrtc?
If not please tell me where we have to place our project in local file system and how to implement my first demo application..I found a video published by google demonstrating about webrtc in that they wrote code in a html file so is html file itself enough to develop.?
Though i have done a sample application in a html file still i am getting blank page and in console i am getting as UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION near navigator.webkitGetUserMedia() please help me out to know more about webrtc.
I suggest you start by watching the excellent videos about WebRTC from Justin Uberti and Cullen Jennings, and then (shameless self promotion) get to grips with the code and examples in Getting Started With WebRTC on HTML5 Rocks.
webrtc.org is the home of the WebRTC project -- lots of resources and demos there.
Just last month we released an open source project aimed to get developers into WebRTC fast and easy.
It includes a cross-platform server kit which will run in Windows. Working demos are included.
I just built the webrtc solution using VS2010 by following this web pages instructions and NOT using cygwin. I had but one issue which to resolve required the manual copying of two files into the correct folder, you will know which two files should you see the names of these files and read the error, you will then know the expected location when the build fails.
Ultimately you will get a peerconnection_server.exe and a peerconnection_client.exe by way of sample. I was able to modify them easily.
Hope this helps. Be sure to install the prerequisites and follow the instructions to the letter.
As a clarification, the webrtc C++ library is one implementation you can use for the protocol. Another is using the webrtc implementation in a (very) modern web browser, such as Firefox or Chrome. Then, you'll just need HTML + JS, as per the articles in HTML5 Rocks.

How do you manage PhoneGap and webapp Code?

As far as I see every time I make a change, for example the value of a configuration variable, I have to
Make a copy of the change in each project (webapp, Android, IPhone, etc.)
Build each project
Distribute each project (besides the webapp)
I have found PhoneGap build which seems to be a great solution for the mobile part. But it's still beta and it doesn't solve everything. I still have webapp's code, which is not exactly the same.
Do you know techniques, tools or tricks, which help to improve this process?
Thanks in advance.
We are currently developing a web/Android app using PhoneGap and Sencha Touch (iOS is coming soon). So far our approach is as follows:
We have one project per platform plus several additional toolkit projects.
One platform is "primary", web in our case. This is what developers mainly use to develop and test the app. We're using jsTestDriver for testing.
During the build, the app is packaged for web in the first step. We're producing several artifacts here (.war file, tests in a .jar file).
"Secondary" platform projects do not include the source code. It gets unpackaged and copied to the right places when projects are built. This also includes tests from the primary platform.
Platform projects contain some additional code - normally only testing code, app code itself is currently cross-platform (not sure if it will stay this way).
So we're doing it mainly through advanced build scripts. We're using Maven for web and Android. iOS is coming soon (into our work, I mean), so we'll be looking for some sensible build tool there too.
We're building our projects using Hudson continuous integration.
What I have to admit is that this whole environment (multi-project Maven builds, JSTD, multi-node Hudson) is a hell of a setup, took quite an effort to figure it out.

a couple questions about the titanium platform

I have recently been browsing frameworks such as JavaScriptMVC, qooxdoo, Sproutcore and others alike which are using javascript to create desktop-like apps in the browser with minimal, or none css/html (depending on the framework).
What I know of titanium is that it uses html/css for the views, and language of choice (javascript, ruby,python,php) for everything else. Then it gets compiled(?) into a native app.
What are the quirks? if any?
Is it necessary for the user to install some sort of a runtime to execute the compiled app?
I suppose javascript is the prefered language, but how are the other ones handled?
For example, which Ruby interpreter would be included, would I be albe to use the ruby stdlib or external libraries? Would it affect the speed of the app? I.e JS > Ruby in terms of speed.
Since the views are CSS/HTML, would it still be necessary to style the elements, add them effects via JS librarier to achieve a widget-like feeling? Or does it come with some pre-made settings/classes for that?
I am not sure if it applies to the desktop package, but is there some syncing with the appcelerator's server required? What would it be necessary for?
I am sorry if the questions sound stupid, but I didn't even realise there are than many tools until recent. I am ultimately looking for something which is easy to use, has an option to work with a back-end server for data exchange, looks preferably good 'out of the box' or doesnt require that much work to get it themed nicely and works on mobile as well as desktop devices.
With Titanium you build your app out using javascript. Titanium ultimately generates its own XCode project for you that is compiled and deployed to a device.
The user does not require any runtime be installed prior to installing your app.
Unless your building custom modules to hook up your own controls you stick with javascript.
Your javascript calls end up as native controls, early versions required css like styling due to reliance on webkit but this is no longer the case.
There is no IDE but it does come with an app to create Titanium projects, test in emulator, deploy etc. It also talks back to HQ for updates.
In answer to (2), Titanium Mobile is Javascript only, but Desktop also supports Python, Perl and PHP.

BlackBerry development using IntelliJ IDEA 7.0?

I know RIM has their own IDE (BlackBerry JDE) for building BlackBerry apps, but does anyone know how to configure IntelliJ IDEA to build/debug BlackBerry apps?
RE: Chris' question about what is different... Blackberry applications can be standard MIDP apps or CLDC apps that make use of the Blackberry specific APIs. Most developers tend to take the latter approach, and then using Blackberry's tools is required - especially if you are using some of their secured APIs and have to sign your deployment files for them to run on the devices.
A potential answer to the original question would be to use the Blackberry ANT tools to create an ANT script for building the application and reference that from IntelliJ IDEA. Of course, that's only half the battle and to run/debug the application you'll need to connect the debugger to IDEA as noted by Alexander above. Alternatively, you could code in IDEA and run/debug in the JDE, but that seems less than ideal, to say the least.
I use Eclipse with the Blackberry plugin. Also not ideal, since you are forced to use an old (and buggy) version of Eclipse, but at least I'm in one IDE and can step through code running in a simulator.
Blackberry JDE integration would be a great IntelliJ plugin project.
RIM's compiler (the one that builds the COD files) can be easily run from the command line. All you need to do is create a corresponding build step in IDEA.
Also, to make your life easier when editing the code, you may want to add the net_rim_api.jar (the one that comes with RIM JDE) to the JAR files used by your IDEA project.
As for the debugger, RIM's debugger was supposed to support the standard Java debugger interface. I don't remember what the minimum version of JDE is required for that.
Not really an answer, but more asking for clarification what is different for Blackberry dev versus other J2ME devices...
I see its a MIDP J2ME device, and so the standard Intellij J2ME support would seem to give most of what is needed.
I guess the emulator side of things might be different... but maybe you can call the jde emulator from IDEA...
I've been using IntelliJ to develop Blackberry apps...sort of. IntelliJ is really good at indexing code, you just need to point it in the right direction. It's editing abilities are way beyond the JDE and in my opinion it is much more flexible and user friendly than Eclipse (even though RIM has an Eclipse plug-in).
I say sort of though as I just code in IntelliJ and currently still compile and debug through the JDE. Hoping for better integration on that front with IntelliJ down the line, but it is an acceptable working environment for now.
Not sure if this will help but here are instructions for setting up Eclipse for blackberry development.
Maybe you can use that information to figure out what changes to need to make in IDEA.
Its very easy to integrate IntelliJ with Blackberry development given the above suggestion (using the bb ant tasks), but I've yet to successfully debug the simulator through IntelliJ. It should work, but it doesn't.
Thus, the 'integration' is incomplete.