How to auto lookup & fill record if checkbox is checked in MS Access - sql

I have 3 tables:
Customers Table
Transactions Table
Delivery Table
In the customers tables every customer has a delivery rate (based on their location).
What I am trying to accomplish is when I add an order to the transactions table, if the checkbox is checked it should automatically add new a record in the Delivery Table filling out the customerID, & Date, based on current transaction name & date & DeliveryCharge based on the delivery rate this customer has.
How do I accomplish that? Please Help!
NOTE: I am not sure if by making a separate Delivery Table like I did is the way to go in general. If you have a different/better way to add optional shipping charge with query, etc. Please let me know.

First, a discussion about your table structure. Your Transactions table is using CustomerName instead of CustomerID. That will give you problems. In this case, it doesn't appear there is much difference between the Transactions and Delivery tables. Therefore I would recommend combining them. The only reason I would not is if you intend to split transactions into multiple deliveries. Finally, your Transactions table should not include the total price. Make another table like TransactionDetails that tracks the price of each product purchased and associates it with a single transaction number.
As for the rest of your question, you have a pretty broad approach question so I will give you a broad answer. One way you can do this is to use a form. VBA is absolutely capable of running the SQL queries you need, storing the values in variables, and then reusing them in an INSERT query.
I would recommend implementing it with a form that gets your user input and has a button to click that runs the required queries. Without more specific coding, I'm afraid you're not going to get much more feedback.


Opinions on planning and avoiding data redundancy

I am currently going to be designing an app in to work with an access back-end database. I have been trying to think of ways to reduce down data redundancy
and I have an example scenario below:
Lets imagine, for an example purpose, I have a customers table and need to highlight all customers in WI and send them a letter. The customers table would
contain all the customers and properties associated with customers (Name, Address, Etc) so we would query for where the state is "WI" in the table. Then we would
take the results of that data, and append it into a table with a "completion" indicator (So from 'CUSTOMERS' to say 'WI_LETTERS' table).
Lets assume some processing needs to be done so when its completed, mark a field in that table as 'complete', then allow the letters to be printed with
That item is now completed and done. But lets say, that every odd year (2013) we also send a notice to everyone in the table with a state of "WI". We now query the
customers table when the year is odd and the customer's state is "WI". Then append that data into a table called 'notices' with a completion indicator
and it is marked complete.
This seems to keep the data "task-based" as the data is based solely around the task at hand. However, isn't this considered redundant data? This setup means there
can be one transaction type to many accounts (even multiple times to the same account year after year), but shouldn't it be one account to many transactions?
How is the design of this made better?
You certainly don't want to start creating new tables for each individual task you perform. You may want to create several different tables for different types of tasks if the information you need to track (and hence the columns in those tables) will be quite different between the different types of tasks, but those tables should be used for all tasks of that particular type. You can maintain a field in those tables to identify the individual task to which each record applies (e.g., [campaign_id] for Marketing campaign mailouts, or [mail_batch_id], or similar).
You definitely don't want to start creating new tables like [WI_letters] that are segregated by State (or any client attribute). You already have the customers' State in the [Customers] table so the only customer-related attribute you need in your [Letters] table is the [CustomerID]. If you frequently want to see a list of Letters for Customers in Wisconsin then you can always create a saved Query (often called a View in other database systems) named [WI_Letters] that looks like
SELECT * FROM Letters INNER JOIN Customers ON Customers.CustomerID=Letters.CustomerID
WHERE Customers.State="WI"

SQL Server Business Logic: Deleting Referenced Data

I'm curious on how some other people have handled this.
Imagine a system that simply has Products, Purchase Orders, and Purchase Order Lines. Purchase Orders are the parent in a parent-child relationship to Purchase Order Lines. Purchase Order Lines, reference a single Product.
This works happily until you delete a Product that is referenced by a Purchase Order Line. Suddenly, the Line knows its selling 30 of something...but it doesn't know what.
What's a good way to anticipate the deletion of a referenced piece of data like this? I suppose you could just disallow a product to be deleted if any Purchase Order Lines reference it but that sounds...clunky. I imagine its likely that you would keep the Purchase Order in the database for years, essentially welding the product you want to delete into your database.
The parent entity should NEVER be deleted or the dependent rows cease to make sense, unless you delete them too. While it is "clunky" to display old records to users as valid selections, it is not clunky to have your database continue to make sense.
To address the clunkiness in the UI, some people create an Inactive column that is set to True when an item is no longer active, so that it can be kept out of dropdown lists in the user interface.
If the value is used in a display field (e.g. a readonly field) the inactive value can be styled in a different way (e.g. strike-through) to reflect its no-longer-active status.
I have StartDate and ExpiryDate columns in all entity tables where the entity can become inactive or where the entity will become active at some point in the future (e.g. a promotional discount).
Enforce referential integrity. This basically means creating foreign keys between the tables and making sure that nothing "disappears"
You can also use this to cause referenced items to be deleted when the parent is deleted (cascading deletes).
For example you can create a SQL Server table in such a way that if a PurchaseOrder is deleted it's child PurchaseOrderLines are also deleted.
Here is a good article that goes into that.
It doesn't seem clunky to keep this data (to me at least). If you remove it then your purchase order no longer has the meaning that it did when you created it, which is a bad thing. If you are worried about having old data in there you can always create an archive or warehouse database that contains stuff over a year old or something...
For data like this where parts of it have to be kept for an unknown amount of time while other parts will not, you need to take a different approach.
Your Purchase Order Lines (POL) table needs to have all of the columns that the product table has. When a line item is added to the purchase order, copy all of product data into the POL. This includes the name, price, etc. If the product has options, then you'll have to create a corresponding PurchaseOrderLineOptions table.
This is the only real way of insuring that you can recreate the purchase order on demand at any point. It also means that someone can change the pricing, name, description, and other information about the product at anytime without impacting previous orders.
Yes, you end up with a LOT of duplicate information in your line item table..; but that's okay.
For kicks, you might keep the product id in the POL table for referencing back, but you cannot depend on the product table to have any bearing on the paid for product...

Should I denormalize Loans, Purchases and Sales tables into one table?

Based on the information I have provided below, can you give me your opinion on whether its a good idea to denormalize separate tables into one table which holds different types of contracts?.. What are the pro's/con's?.. Has anyone attempted this before?.. Banking systems use a CIF (Customer Information File) [master] where customers may have different types of accounts, CD's, mortgages, etc. and use transaction codes[types] but do they store them in one table?
I have separate tables for Loans, Purchases & Sales transactions. Rows from each of these tables are joined to their corresponding customer in the following manner:
customer.pk_id SERIAL = loan.fk_id INTEGER;
= purchase.fk_id INTEGER;
= sale.fk_id INTEGER;
Since there are so many common properties among these tables, which revolves around the same merchandise being: pawned, bought and sold, I experimented by consolidating them into one table called "Contracts" and added the following column:
Contracts.Type char(1) {L=Loan, P=Purchase, S=Sale}
A customer initially pawns merchandise, makes a couple of interest payments, then decides he wants to sell the merchandise to the pawnshop, who then places merchandise in Inventory and eventually sells it to another customer.
I designed a generic table where for example:
Contracts.Capital DECIMAL(7,2)
in a loan contract it holds the pawn principal amount, in a purchase holds the purchase price, in a sale holds sale price.
Is this design a good idea or should I keep them separate?
Your table second design is better, and, is "normalised".
You first design was the denormalised one!
You are basiclly following a database design/modelling pattern known as "subtype/supertype"
for dealing with things like transactions where there is a lot of common data and some data specific to each tranasaction type.
There are two accepted ways to model this. If the the variable data is minimal you hold everthing in a single table with the transaction type specfic attributes held in "nullable" columns. (Which is essentially your case and you have done the correct thing!).
The other case is where the "uncommon" data varies wildly depending on transaction type in which case you have a table which holds all the "common" attributes, and a table for each type which holds the "uncommon" attributes for that "type".
However while "LOAN", "PURCHASE" and "SALE" are valid as transactions. I think Inventory is a different entity and should have a table on its own. Essentially "LOAN" wll add to inventory transaction, "PURCHASE" wll change of inventory status to Saleable and "SALE" wll remove the item from inventory (or change status to sold). Once an item is added to inventory only its status should change (its still a widget, violin or whatever).
I would argue that it's not denormalized. I see no repeating groups; all attributes depending on a unique primary key. Sounds like a good design to me.
Is there a question here? Are you just looking for confirmation that it's acceptable?
Hypothetically, what would you do if the overwhelming consensus was that you should revert back to separate tables for each type? Would you ignore the evidence from your own experience (better performance, simpler programming) and follow the advice of

Doubt regarding a database design

I have a doubt regarding a database design, suppose a finance/stock software
in the software, the user will be able to create orders,
those orders may contain company products or third-party products
typical product table:
KEY INT productcatId
KEY INT supplierId
VARCHAR(20) name
TEXT description
but i also need some more details in the company products like:
INT instock
DATETIME laststockupdate
The question is, how should i store the data?
I'm thinking in 2 options:
1 -
Have both company and third-party, products in a single table,
some columns will not be used by third-party products
identify the company products are identified by a supplier id
2 -
Have the company products and third-party in separated tables
3 - [new, thanks RibaldEddie]
Have a single product table,
company products have additional info in a separated table
Thanks in advance!
You didn't mention anything about needing to store separate bits of Vendor information, just that a type of product has extra information. So, you could have one products table and an InHouseProductDetails table that has a productId foreign key back to the products table that stores the company specific information. Then when you run your queries you can join the products table to the details table.
The benefit is that you don't have to have NULLable columns in the products table, so your data is safer from corruption and you don't have to store the products themselves in two separate tables.
Oooo go with 3! 3 is the best!
To be honest, I think the choice of #1 or #2 are completely dependent upon some other factors (I can only thing of 2 at the moment):
How much data is expected (affecting speed of queries)
Is scalability going to be a concern anywhere in the near future (I'd guess within 5 years)
If you did go with a single table for all inventory, then later decided to split them, you can. You suggested a supplier identifier of some sort. List suppliers in a table (your company included) with keys to your inventory. Then it really won't matter.
As far as UNION goes, it's been a while since I've written raw Sql - so I'm not sure if UNION is the correct syntax. However, I do know that you can pull data from multiple tables. Actually just found this: Retrieving Data from Multiple Tables with Sql Joins
I agree with RibaldEddie. Just one thing to add: put a unique constraint on that foreign key in your InHouseProductDetails table. That'll enforce that it's a one-to-one relationship between the two tables, so you don't accidently end up with two InHouseProductDetails records for one product (maybe from some dataload gone awry or something)
Constraints are like defensive driving; they help prevent the unexpected...
I would advice on using point #1. What happens when another supplier comes along? It's also more easy to extend on one product table/produst class.
Take into account the testing of your application also. Having all data in one table raises the possible requirement of testing both the 3rd Party & Company elements of your app for any change to either.
If you're happy that your Unit test would cover this off its not so much of a worry... if you're relying on a human tester then it becomes more of an issue when sizing the impact of changes.
Personally I'd go for the one products table with common details and separate tables for the 3rd party & Company specifics.
one table for products with a foreign key to the Vendor table; include your own company in the Vendor table
the Stock table can then be used to store information about stock levels for any product, not just yours
Note that you need the Stock table anyway, this just make the DB model more company-agnostic - so if you ever need to store stock level information about third-party products, there's no DB change required

SQL/MySQL structure (Denormalize or keep relational)

I have a question about best practices related to de-normalization or table hierarchy relationships.
For a simple example, let's say I have an app that allows a user to make a payment for an order. I save the order information in the orders table, and I have another table for the payment called payments. Payments has a foreign key to the orders table.
Let's assume that I can pay with a credit card, check, or paypal, and I want to save the information about the payment.
My question is what is the best way to handle this relationship between the different payment data and the payment table. The types of payment all have different data associated with them. So do I denormalize the payments table, putting credit card, check, and paypal information fields in there and then just use the fields as necessary. Alternately I could specify a payment type, and store the information in their own tables, but then I would have to use logic on an application level to get the data out of the correct credit card, check or paypal information tables...
I would choose to keep the database normalized.
but then I would have to use logic on an application level to get the data out of the correct credit card, check or paypal information tables...
You have to use logic (or at least mapping) in either case. Whether its what table to pull the data from or what fields in the table to access.
What about keeping it denormalized and then making a view to put the data back together again. You get the best of both worlds. IIRC, MySQL introduced views in version 5.
So do I denormalize the payments
table, putting credit card, check, and
paypal information fields in there and
then just use the fields as necessary.
yes. but this is not "denormalizing". if you stored order information in the client table, that would be denormalizing. adding nullable columns to accurately describe a payment in the payments table is not.
You can use the idea of table per subclass as the ORM tools do. This would require a join for each query against the payment table but...
Create tables for each payment type so you will have a creditcardpayment and a checkpayment table. The common fields go in the payment table, the specific fields go in the sub tables. The sub tables primary keys are foreign keys to the payment table's id.
To add a new payment you have to first insert the common fields into the payment table, get the id generated, then insert the specific fields into the specific sub table.
To query you have to join the subtables with the payment table. You could use a view to make that easier.
This way the database is still normalized and you have no null columns.
It partially depends on the framework (if any) that you are using. For instance: the Ruby on Rails way would generally be to store the type of the payment in the payments table and then have different, separate tables for each payment type (PayPal, Credit Card, etc).
Alternatively, if you notice that you are repeating the same data in many of the tables, Rails has a way to store all of the data in the same table, using only the fields you need, but still allowing you to have separate objects. For instance, you would have an AbstractPayment object with an abstract_payments table, but you would also have PayPalPayment and CreditCardPayment objects that both inherit from AbstractPayment and use the abstract_payments table. All you need to determine the payment type is a column in abstract_payments that tells you which type it is (probably a string, but could be an integer if you so choose). This is called STI.
No matter what framework/language you use, the same ideas can definitely apply and I think the right solution will depend on how many different types of payments you have, compared with how simple you want your database to be.
Keep it as normalized as possible. Only de-normalize when the performance of a fully normalized schema requires denormalization to improve response time, and do that only on a case by case basis to deal with specific performance issues associated with individual querys within your application.
These are complex problems. Database Normalization requires intimate domain knowledge, and a skilled analysis of how that domain model will be manipulated and utilized within your application. Denormalizing for performance requires that you understand your application's usage patterns well enough to predict performance issues before they occur (waiting till they actually occur in production is too late - by then making fundemental schema changes in the database is very expensive) and know what denormalization techniques to use to address them.
You need to weight the following factors:
How much space will you waste if you put all data into a single table
How complex the SQL queries will become in either case.
If you use different tables, you'll have to use joins. If you put everything into a single table, you'll need to find some magic to "ignore" the rows which don't matter (say when you want to find all credit card payments: Your query must then ignore everything that's something else).
The latter part gets more easy when you move the special data into special tables at the cost of more complex joins.