I'd like to remove space after name and accomplish final HTML to this effect using HAML:
John, CEO
= truncate about.name,length:100
, #{truncate about.position,length:100}
You can add an < in order to remove the whitespace:
= truncate about.name,length:100
, #{truncate about.position,length:100}
See Whitespace Removal: > and <
Also, remember that HAML is supposed to help with structure, not content. Having a helper method or having that content inline might be a better solution.
How would you represent this in HAML?:
<a>Link</a> | <a>Link</a>
Note that I want to retain the spaces on either side of the bar.
I would write exactly what you've written, which is perfectly valid HAML. You may embed regular HTML into HAML:
<a>Link</a> | <a>Link</a>
Sometimes whitespace bites you when you're marking things up with HAML, and there is no pretty way of making your tags come out correctly. That is why HAML gives you the option of falling back to HTML.
Note that, if you're ok with one or more spaces between your links and the |, you can just write regular old HAML:
%a link
%a link
The new lines will be preserved, and render as a space in the browser, where any amount of any kind of whitespace will always be treated like a single space.
Put '|' on next line, new line will be preserved, and render as a white space.
%a link
%a link
meagar's answer is how I would do it, you could also use haml filters to write exactly the HTML you need.
This might sound dirty, but filters use is encouraged, see this article : http://chriseppstein.github.io/blog/2010/02/08/haml-sucks-for-content/
today I'm implementing my page in nanoc (haml templates) and I wanted to write some posts in markdown, but when it goes to multiline code blocks something weird is happening - second line in code block has additional tabs. I've tried multiple markdown syntaxes, such as:
//double tab wrapping
line 1 is fine
line 2 is wrapping (don't know why!)
//tilde code wrapping
line 1 is fine
line 2 is wrapping
And both solutions gives me the result something like this:
line 1 is fine
line 2 is wrapping
Inspecting elements through browser shows that there is no additional padding - this whitespace is made with tabs for sure.
Can someone help me with this? Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
When you use = in Haml to include the results of a script, Haml will re-indent the inserted text so that it matches the indentation of where it is included. For example, if you have Haml that looks something like this:
= insert_something
and insert_something returns some HTML like this:
This is possily generated from Markdown.
then the resulting HTML will look like this:
<div class='foo'>
This is possily generated from Markdown.
Note how the p element is indented to match its position in the document.
Normally this doesn’t matter, because of the way whitespace in HTML is collapsed. However there are HTML elements where the whitespace is important, in particular pre.
What it looks like is happening here is that your Markdown is generating something like
<pre><code>line 1 is fine
line 2 is wrapping
and when it is included in your Haml file (I’m guessing you’re using Haml layouts with = yield to include the Markdown) it is being indented and the whitespace is showing up when you view the page. Note how the first line is immediately after the opening tags so there is no extra whitespace.
There are a couple of ways to fix this. If you set the :ugly option then Haml won’t re-indent blocks like this (sorry I don’t know how you set Haml options in Nanoc).
You could also use the find_and_preserve helper method. This replaces all newlines in whitespace sensitive tags with HTML entity
, so that they won’t be affected by the extra whitespace when indented:
= find_and_preserve(yield)
Haml provides an easy way to use find_and_preserve; ~ works the same as =, except that it runs find_and_preserve on the result, so you can do:
~ yield
Here is my problem:
I am trying to filter out html tags from an NSString object.
Most fixes for this simply remove everything falling between a < and a >, as well as those characters themselves. I am trying to figure out a way to remove the "< . . . >" substring ONLY if it does not contain white space or newline characters.
The way i was thikning about doing it looks something like this
while ([source rangeOfString#"someRegEx" options:NSRegularExpressionSearch].location != NSNotFound) {
//find the range of the substring
//check for newlines/whitespace characters
//replace occurrences of the string with "" if it doesn't have them
Firstly, does this seem like a good approach? Secondly, I'm having a lot of problems with figuring out what that regex would look like... does anyone have any ideas what it might look like?
This seems like a fine approach, provided the tags you're looking for really never contain whitespace, as m.buettner points out. The regex would look something like this:
The [^\s] is a negated character class which matches anything but whitespace characters. The ? makes the * lazy instead of greedy. So this regex in English means "Match a '<', then the smallest possible number of non-whitespace characters, then a '>'."
This is a helpful page.
Maybe you should consider employing an NSXMLParser, described here.
You get quite a rich set of delegate methods to extract whatever you like from the string.
So I have a field that's basically storing an entire XML file per row, complete with line breaks, and I need to remove some text from close to three hundred rows. The replace() function doesn't find the offending text no matter what I do, and all I can find by searching is a bunchy of people trying to remove the line breaks themselves. I don't see any reason that replace() just wouldn't work, so I must just be formatting it wrong somehow. Help?
Edit: Here's an example of what I mean in broad terms:
<script>...</script><dependencies>...</dependencies><bunch of other stuff></bunch of other stuff><labels><label description="Field2" languagecode="1033" /></labels><events><event name="onchange" application="false" active="true"><script><![field2.DataValue = (some equation);
</script><dependencies /></event></events><a bunch more stuff></a bunch more stuff>
I need to just remove everything between the events tags. So my sql code is this:
replace(fieldname, '<events><event name="onchange" application="false" active="true"><script><![field2.DataValue = (some equation);
</script><dependencies /></event></events>', '')
I've tried it like that, and I've tried it all on one line, and I've tried using char(10) where the line breaks are supposed to be, and nothing.
Nathan's answer was close. Since this question is the first thing that came up from a search I wanted to add a solution for my problem.
select replace(field,CHAR(13)+CHAR(10),' ')
I replaced the line break with a space incase there was no break. It may be that you want to always replace it with nothing in which case '' should be used instead of ' '.
Hope this helps someone else and they don't have to click the second link in the results from the search engine.
Worked for me on SQL2012-
UPDATE YourTable
SET YourCol = REPLACE(YourCol, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), '')
If your column is an xml typed column, you can use the delete method on the column to remove the events nodes. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190254(v=SQL.90).aspx for more info.
try two simple tests.
try the replace on an xml string that has no double quotes (or single quotes) but does have CRLFs. Does it work? If yes, you need to escape the quote marks.
try the replace on an xml string that has no CRLFs. Does it work? Great. If yes use two nested replace() one for the CRLFs only, then a second outter replace for the string in question.
A lot of people do not remember that line breaks are two characters
(Char 10 \n, and Char 13 \r)
replace both, and you should be good.
REPLACE(field , CHR(10)+CHR(13), '' )
FROM Blah..
Im doing some screen scraping and im getting back a string that appears to end with whitespace but neither string.strip or strip.gsub(/\s/u, '') removes the character.
Im guessing it's a character encoding issue. Any suggestions?
I think, there are a lot of "space characters".
You can use something like this:
my_string.gsub("\302\240", ' ').strip
You can try this: my_string.gsub(/\A[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+\z/, '')
This should remove all space characters from the beginning and the end of string, including all possible unicode space variations.
Figure out the character code of the last character (str[-1].ord) and explicitly search and destroy it. Rinse/repeat if there exist more unwanted characters after that. After doing this, report back here what the invisible character was. (Perhaps it's only invisible because the font you are using does not have that glyph?)