struts check if a form is present - struts

In a jsp file, to check if an attribute is present or not we can use
<nested:present property="myAttribute">
//implement logic
But how if we wanna check if a form is present or not?
Is there a way to do that?

This can do the work:
<nested:present name="myForm">
//implement logic


Aurelia validation on dynamically created form

I was able to get Aurelia-validation working on a dynamically created form when using the compose element, but I've switched to custom elements for better encapsulation and reuse of the custom controls. However, now my validation seems to be half-broken.
Issue 1: The ValidateBindingBehavior is not doing anything. I suspect it's not finding the controller or matching the rules since the property name is not easily visible in the binding (due to dynamic controls).
Issue 2: For some reason validate() on submit actually only shows the first error instead of all of them. That indicates a problem but I don't know what.
Can anyone get the attached GistRun to work properly?

How to get the text from disabled textbox using selenium Webdriver?

Provided that particular element doesn't have any attributes to make use of.
The value attribute stores the content of a tag, does not matter whether it is disabled or not. So, you can do it like this:
This will return you the value of the element and then you can proceed with the rest. Hope it helps..

change cell styling in KendoGrid

Just discovered the KendoGrid and was trying to change the style of an individual column(cell) after changing another cellvalue. For example I have a grid with a shipname and shipcity column. Suppose I have a business rule that says :
'Make shipcity cell value disabled when the shipname on the same row has the same value'
I found this sample which uses the blur event which I probably use, what would be a good way of implementing this rule?
Also nice to know your opinion in relation to mvc integration.
jsfiddle link:
Updated the link:
You can try the updated fiddle example here
Basically conditional editor templates are not supported out of the box. You have two options.
Either use the edit event of the Grid find the editor inside e.containder and disable it the way it needs to be (if using Kendo widget use the enable(false) method, or add the readonly attribute if regular input).
The other options is to define custom editor like demonstrated in this JsBin example.

How to use CMultiFileUpload in Form builder?

Is it possible to use CMultiFileUpload in Form builder?
According to, the form builder uses CFormInputElement to define the elements of the form.
Look at
It tells you that type can be a class name of a widget that has a model attribute and an attributes attribute. Happily CMultiFileUpload meets this criteria. So I suspect 'type'=>'CMultiFileUpload' should work for you.

JavaFX 2 define onChange listener in FXML

I am busy teaching myself FXML.
I'm doing this by following this example.
It's a simple text editor.
However, in the tutorial everything is Java code.
I myself am using FXML to seperate the view of the logic.
I currently face the following challenge:
I have defined an TextArea in my FXML like so:
<TextArea id="taTextArea" fx:id="taContent" wrapText="true" />
Usually you add action listeners using onAction="#actionName"
What I want to know is, how can I do something similar for text changes. So I can detect wether a save is needed, modify the status bar label etc.
I want to avoid having to attach the TextArea to a change listener in the init method of the controller(implementing Initializable).
Also.. when I complete this application, I will write a blog about it.
With the lacking FXML documentation, I think itll be helpfull to other newbies.
So I want my code to be as clean as possible.
No progress yet. I need to know if theres a thing such as code completion in FXML
So I can check what kind of properties I can use in FXMl. There should be a textLength property. In the provided link the author uses lengthProperty.addListener. I need an FXML equivilant
You could use the onKeyPressed property:
which calls the textChanged method in the specified controller.
For the second question: The best reference for FXML currently is the javadoc of JavaFX, since all properties are listed there.