How to get all JIRA notifications? - notifications

We use JIRA 7.0.4.
I'm trying to work out the best way to get notified of any comments/changes/anything on a JIRA ticket. Do I need to be a Watcher? A Participant? The Assignee? Or is it reliant on whether or not the comment is #Budfudder?
I'm having a hard time finding any definitive statements on this in the JIRA documentation.

Strange question. Notification that you receive depends on you permission browse issue and notification scheme in project settings. If you want recieve all notifications one of best practices this is create role named like Notificator and add all event to this role in notification scheme/browse permission in permission scheme.


How to change Telegram Bot settings knowing only the token

Someone set up Matterbridge to transfer the contents of a Telegram channel into a Mattermost channel. To do this, they created a Telegram bot.
Unfortunately, the person has disappeared (Covid?), and we don't have full details of the account used to set up the bot.
We do have the Bot Token (from the Matterbridge config file).
Is there any way we can find out more about the bot, change its settings, join it to other channels, etc?
A bot's token allows you to do anything the Bot API is capable of doing. You can check a list of available methods here
"Is there any way we can find out more about the bot"
Some limited info, yes. Try calling and /getWebhookInfo.
You might be able to get a webhook url - in case it was set up to use one.
"... change its settings"
Rather not. You'd need access to wherever the bot is hosted. It's not possible to tell exactly without knowing how the bot works. But anything specific found within the bot's processing script/program will not be accessible to you.
"...join it to other channels"
Yes. As answered here. Though it may not be useful to do. Depends on how the bot is set up to work.

AspNet core 2.1 SignalR Angular 7

I want to add a comment to a specific user and, if that user at the moment online,then that user to show a notification regarding to that comment.
And later I want to add messaging system too.
I followed many articles, they are using #aspnet/signalr-client package in angular app.But I can't install it and occurs this error
This package has been deprecated. Use '#aspnet/signalr' instead.
I wasted much time for this problem.
Can you please give me an article or any other code related to this problem.
What I want to know is,
How to connect user with server and connected users between communication.then
When user log into system after that user's friends to indicate
current user in their friends list.
If that user logout / disconnect then also that users friends to
indicate it.
If a specific user to add comment then that user online at that
moment,that user to see is it as a notification
3rd one is very important.If someone can give a piece of code for this,very helpful to me
You need to use #aspnet/signalr package which is stated in GitHub Repository of AspNetCore
Here is Samples which you can take a look.
For basic tutorial (simply how to start): Reference

Strava API - changing API Authorisation Callback Domain

This question is specific to the Strava API:
I've been working on an app concept app for a while, and have a few hundred users registered with an application that pulls their activity data from the Strava API, however due to reasons beyond my control I'm probably going to have to migrate the app to a new domain.
As a result, I'll need to change the Authorisation Callback Domain setting for my application in Strava, and I'm concerned that this may affect the authorisations which I have linked to the current domain - but I dont see anything regarding this in the API docs.
Is anyone aware of whether this would affect existing authorisations?
For anyone else with this question, I can confirm that existing authorisations are retained.
Thanks go to the helpful team on the Strava developers forum:!topic/strava-api/XyNWmRK1A4Q

How to get current user permissions using JIRA SOAP API?

I'm developing a JIRA Client using the SOAP API and I want to check in advance what features the user will have available.
For example I don't want to show a button to comment on an issue if the user doesn't have Add Comments RemotePermission.
I tried with getAllPermissions method, but it seems it gets all permissions int the application, not the ones that the user has.
Not easy. There is a method for checking comment permission in 4.4 but not for all permissions in general, IIRC., com.atlassian.jira.rpc.soap.beans.RemoteComment)
Better to go with REST if you can.

Using generic open graph objects and actions, and the publish_actions permission?

I'm trying to use the beta open graph API to publish about a user playing songs in my app. Besides the "normal" Open Graph docs, I found these:
Unfortunately I am not able to add generic actions like 'music.listens' or generic objects like '' to my app in the dev app. In order to get the publish_actions permission, however, I seem to be obliged to add at least an action, an object and a preview aggregation. If I don't, the auth dialog won't ask for the publish_actions permission.
When I do all this, I am able to get the publish_actions permission, but still I cannot publish a user listening to a song.
I get a 500 error 'OAuth "Facebook Platform" "unknown_error" "An unknown error has occurred."' when I try to publish by POSTing a request to this url:[...]
Is the publish_action permission bound to actions and objects that I have created within the namespace of my app? If so, how should I go about when I want to perform generic actions on generic objects? Or could this just be that I cannot use the spotify song for testing?
Hope someone can help.
The built in music actions and objects are currently only available to the music launch partners.
In the meantime, please create your own custom song objects and listen actions.
publish_actions is the permissions used for all publishing of actions, custom and built-in.